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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. People keep saying "vote them out" and that's fine until the next batch. My concern is we vote out the bad, vote in the good . . . who then still screw us, so we vote them out too, vote others in . . . . when does it stop? Politicians are always going to be politicians. Voting them out after the damage is done will never get us anywhere. What can we do to get the message across to these politicians and future politicians that they will be held accountable - and consequences will come as soon as possible, not months away at an election.
  2. I ran out of likes, so . . . cmorg likes this
  3. I'm looking for ideas and opinions . . . Why would it be a mistake?
  4. For better or worse means just that. From the little I know about the two of you . . . and the countless wonderful things I have heard about the two of you, I bet she doesn't think you failed her. I feel that she believes you have been fighting for her all of this time. I hate this has happened, but wait and see what good things come along now. ps - sorry about the political crap in your thread.
  5. The ballot box - the place where dreams die. Again, the problem is certainly the current politicians, but will most likely be the future ones as well. That's why we have to make them understand they will be held accountable . . . but how?
  6. cmorg


    "Ours" or "hours"? Or both.
  7. I don't know if that was what was meant, but I do not advocate that and would not do something like that. So I said "no."
  8. I don't expect anything from anyone. You might be right: people will calm down, it will be politics as usual. However, if just a few people can be persuaded to put the usual politics aside, maybe something can be done. It won't be overnight, but persistence can pay off. No.
  9. I heard that some African countries are restricting travel to and from the ebola zone. Funny that they know what needs to be done, but we are too stupid to do it.
  10. You make a good point in the last part of the last sentence. Divided and weak - if they can keep us that way, they have it made. That's why we really need to forget about democrats and republicans - as much as possible - and try to formulate a plan. Someone mentioned what it takes to have a third party - I hope they post that again (I am too lazy to look)(but I might).
  11. I doubt that a boycott would last long enough to cause a business to start firing employees. But then who knows? As for Google reviews (or any other), that might be fast and effective, but I would not make anything up to serve our purpose - otherwise we are no better than the idiots in charge. Me too. I was trying to describe her to my wife and used those exact words.
  12. The Chamber of Commerce . . . don't get me started on them - not yet, anyway. I think what you suggest is a good idea. But we need to get people - lots of people - on board. Pubby points out that innocents might get hurt in a boycott . . . The way I see it, if the county doesn't want to pay attention, and this is what needs to be done to get their attention - the blame is on them (and we can make sure everyone who will listen will know). It may be impossible to completely cut out doing business in the county, but cutting out everything possible is a start. Again - we n
  13. I really don't think you can fathom how much I hate it when I agree with you.
  14. I suppose to a certain extent, what you say is true. But I would point out that some wounds continue to hurt and take a very long time to heel. I saw Melissa - the hurt and anger. I think this isn't over quite yet.
  15. The county needs businesses to be successful and happy. If some businesses become unhappy, they will make some noise. We need to make as much noise as possible.
  16. Other than a way - some way - we can enforce accountability, I don't know what the answer is . . . But I don't know how having two groups of liars (trying to fool us into voting for them so they can screw us all over) is going to help.
  17. You know how many people you just gave a heart event because this just popped up??????
  18. I agree with you, but I believe we have reached the point . . . no, that isn't right . . . I have reached the point where my concern transcends political affiliation. Politicians are like bratty, rotten, spoiled little kids: they believe they can do what they want, take what they want, say whatever it takes to get out of trouble and fool us into believing they understand - only to keep stealing the candy then acting as though they know nothing about it. We cannot take any politician at his or her word anymore. There absolutely needs to be a way to hold and keep them accountable
  19. My comment was rude, and I apologize. Just because your comment seemed like a smartass remark is no excuse for me to point that out by being rude.
  20. I don't know who you are referring to, but I am conservative, Republican by lack of choices (democrat isn't an option). And, for the record - I am fed up with the politicians of this county.
  21. And that's what worries me. Too many people get mad/upset and talk . . . and then do nothing. We need to find a common message, build a base - and win people to our cause. A march on the county offices isn't a bad idea, but to make any point we need at least 100 adults. Our first message to them should be something along the lines of: We are watching you. Let them know we are here - and more importantly, that we are not going away.
  22. Those are some of the things we need to research and discuss. For example: businesses that the politicians have some sort of relationship with and/or those they are known to frequent. Maybe businesses that the county does business with. Like I said, we need to do some research, be we need a plan.
  23. I was going to respond to the first two quotes where people had no clue what they were talking about . . . But then I found the last two quotes that took care of that. So . . .
  24. Nobody wants to discuss the good and bad aspects of a possible boycott? Is it too much trouble? Too inconvenient? Will it not work? If businesses start hearing whispers of a boycott, they'll start calling the county representatives. If businesses start seeing people and signs, they'll start demanding something be done. When other people - those who are oblivious or indifferent - start finding out what's going on and why, pressure will be applied. Once it really gets out there, politicians won't be able to ignore it. The ballot box only serves to put more people
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