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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. But he had his nasty hands on them! Who knows what all he has been juggling??
  2. The only way a juggler would be useful is if I had a few extra bowling pins or chainsaws that absolutely could not touch the ground (and in the case of chainsaws, they must be running). And now that I think about it, it was probably the juggler's fault the building was on fire - if he was juggling torches.
  3. Frankly, the schools started screwing up decades ago when they did away with corporal punishment. It has went downhill from there.
  4. Stradial, you know you have no right to be outraged over anything - you are white, and you are straight, and you are a man. You can sit down and shut up . . .
  5. Hey! It's just that odd things come to mind when I don't have anything to do. And jugglers . . . ha, don't get me started on jugglers. If there was a building on fire, and in it was a juggler and a mime . . . and I could only save one of them . . . I would go get ice cream.
  6. I wanted to add that the 'Q' in the topic title looks really good. Look at it, you'll see what I mean. ETA - Ok . . . this one does too.
  7. I was wondering . . . I know that the deal with mimes is that they don't talk, and basically portray a world of silence (and idiocy). Having said that, do mimes like listening to the radio? And, when watching TV, do they use the closed caption option and mute the TV? I like to think that hard core mimes do.
  8. Isn't that the story of most school boards?
  9. What goes on in the black community is turrible . . . just turrible.
  10. Political correctness in all its glory.
  11. mei lan likes this You like those words? You know . . . there are way better words out there.
  12. I meant a verifiable screen capture of the Pcommer in the tree.
  13. Oh yeah . . . Nooooooooo!!!! Wasn't the pointless video proof enough?? It's him! Eddie lives. Don't mention c-h-a-r-t-s
  14. I really don't have a problem with East Paulding. My parents live off Due West in New Hope. We used to live over that way and my two oldest graduated from East Paulding.
  15. Okay . . . I raise the stake: $2.00!!!!
  16. I will pay a P.com member a whole $1.37 if they will climb up that tree and get someone to do a (verifiable) screen capture of them up there. $1.37! Who wants it?
  17. I had a cat that would just disappear and stay gone for days at a time. It always worked out that he came back and would leave dead things at the door. Of course, the last time he just disappeared . . . he never came back. Sometimes, just to mess with the family, I will leave a dead something-or-another at the door. I guess my point is: while we are glad eddie is back, that doesn't mean we want a bunch of dead shiiit at our door!!
  18. East Paulding. If I hadn't already moved from there, I would certainly move from there.
  19. The only things that were true in my last post was 'the', 'with', 'of', 'were', 'and' and 'to'.
  20. The non-stop sex parties, riddled with every type of drug you can imagine, were killing me and I had to just sloooow down.
  21. Glad to know you are ok. Not glad about the video . . . but it beats the alternatives.
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