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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. I agree with you. I joke that I am over half way to dead - and it usually bothers people when I say that - but at 44 it is true. My views on it have changed somewhat, especially since I have heard of plenty of guys that have fell over dead in their early forties. I suppose if I died today, my only regret would be that I didn't live longer.
  2. Florida is kind of laid back, but I think they have the Internet there.
  3. Or a creek and a water wheel.
  4. If you really thought that, you would have expressed your concern like everyone else. But in your version of Rome, you felt it necessary to take shots, which was really stupid since what you consider to be a right-wing loon started this topic and another expressed his concern.
  5. Do you work at being a jackass . . . or does it just come naturally for you?
  6. I don't know who that is. Keep us posted please.
  7. He is very old . . . And it's been a week since he has posted (when usually it is no more than an hour). Anyone know how to contact him? Last Active Nov 04 2014 01:46 PM
  8. Please understand . . . I don't necessarily have an issue with death or dying, I just have musings - thoughts - about odd and/or uncommon (in terms of general conversation) things. As it turns out, one of the wife's uncles died this morning. This was followed by her and her brother being unable to reach their 67yo father. We went to his house and found him upset, but otherwise well . . . and a cell phone on silent.
  9. This is an interesting idea. I'll probably ask her if she has heard of this the next time the subject comes up. In other news, I think the dead (whether they mourn at any point in time after they are dead or not) probably pity us, the living. Not just for the sake that we are still alive and have to muddle through life . . . but because we do not take the time to appreciate everything life has to offer - especially those sweet moments that seem to vanish just as we realize what they are.
  10. The only drawback to cremation, as I see it, is someone becomes responsible for the urn . . . or urns. My mother has her brother's, mother's, and father's ashes - 3 boxes that she is worried about what will become of them when she is gone. I have suggested she spread the remainder in whatever place she feels would honor each of them, but she doesn't want to part with them completely. While she is only in her mid-sixties, there will come a time when she is gone . . . I do not want the 3 boxes . . . in addition to hers, and probably my father's. Certainly it is different for
  11. I'm all for cremation. It makes sense for many reasons and I intend to be cremated - preferably after I am dead. I can understand what this guy was talking about though, as it was in regard to an uncle or something - rather than a parent, spouse or child.
  12. A strange conversation that I had today was about traditional burial vs. cremation. The guy I was talking to said he didn't feel he had a chance to say goodbye with cremation, where he could with a casket. Thoughts?
  13. I appreciate the responses and the different perspectives. I should say that I wasn't feeling morbid or depressed . . . it was just a thought. Sometimes strange things come to mind, just most times I don't mention it.
  14. Do you remember what you felt while watching from above?
  15. I've seen peaceful passings, and I have been present for one that was not . . . But even the happiest person can have their times of sadness, so I wonder if they have one of those times after they have died and realized what has happened. Maybe everything is good and happy and peaceful . . . with no sense of loss, no sadness, no regret. Maybe it is different for people depending on how they lived their lives, their spiritual beliefs, the manner of death, whether it was natural or not, whether it was self-inflicted or an accident, etc. Maybe we are all already dead, and what we
  16. I have seen it too. In a related story, it is probable that my ass is the smartest part of my body.
  17. I appreciate your response . . . and I am sorry for your loss. In fact, I have had . . . I guess thoughts(?) at different times in which a couple of those that have passed seemed to make it known that everything was fine. I still have to wonder if there was any period during which they mourned the fact they were dead. And I really have to wonder about the one who drank himself to death and the one who shot himself in the head.
  18. It's called fonts, hello!
  19. So I was thinking about all of the people in my life that have died recently (it's eight, btw), and realized that, despite the available happy memories, the thoughts always turn to sorrow . . . sense of loss . . . sadness. Then I had an odd thought (as my warped mind often does) and started wondering if the dead mourn their loss of life - whether at the instant in which they die, or for a period of time . . . or for all eternity. And it hit me: Moonlight Sonata It is the sound of the dead mourning.
  20. The last time I used Google Voice to text, I was trying to say . . . "Yeah, no one was here until a minute ago and I was thinking it was weird" What sent (and I say after it sent) was . . . "yeah again once I'm going to holocaust no way washington just now I'm like this is weird" You just never know about these high-tech devices.
  21. This URL . . . <http://paulding.com/forum/forum/233-the-new-internet-cafe/>
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