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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. I would much rather take drugs than walk on a treadmill. Sit around smoking and drinking, having a good old time. Maybe play some cards....
  2. Tender parts? Like the area between your toes?
  3. Ha! If I waited for someone to agree with me, I would never do anything!!
  4. Well, at least now you have a goal, right? Bet I can kick your ass! I could probably go 6 min. Maybe.
  5. No offense taken. However, if this was happening in your yard and you did nothing, what would that make you? She is trying to take steps to protect the children and that is great. But if she knew what was happening and did nothing she would be just as guilty because she allowed it to continue.
  6. It says that there are elements of our society that are worthless... and others who know and sit there that are equally worthless.
  7. My opinion is that if you are certain of the facts and you do not do everything you can for the well-being of those kids... you are no better than the father.. or the mother. Of course, you could just sit there and hope things get better. Like that ever works out.
  8. Tackification was not my intent. I was simply following in the progression of the previous post.
  9. If you give a dollar to a homeless guy.. and once you are gone he spends it on a drink.. does that take away from the kind act? In your mind you did a good thing.
  10. I think they are gonna need help cleaning up all that oil. Plus you get to go to the beach!
  11. Did someone say gummy bear? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLTWTKpP7g0
  12. Real Coke. Diet coke sucks. Or you could try meth, it would probably make you forget all about the diet coke.
  13. When there are fewer teachers.. and classroom numbers are higher.. and education suffers.. then they might consider using common sense.. if they have any left.
  14. So you think it's just people looking for a place to go fishing? Does the OP have a lake?
  15. Maybe it's somebody casing the house.. or the community. I suggest booby-trapping the yard.
  16. There is no manual for raising kids that should ever be trusted. You should know their personalities and what the best rewards or consequences should be. Talk to those who have been through this period before, see if some of their ideas might be something you could use. Encourage responsibility and integrity with your kids and accept nothing less... and reward or punish accordingly. Don't default to a book or an "expert".. this isn't a DVR or a new lawn mower.
  17. Grub worms certainly will kill your grass. They feed on the grass roots until they start to come out. If you think this might be the cause.. and it could be.. get something with grub worm control and get it down.. on the entire lawn. Oh, and tell your HOA to go to hell.
  18. What kind of pathetic person is drunk at 830 on a Wednesday night? Then to be under-aged, then driving... then with your baby in the car.... Is there really a name that would properly characterize this type of person? If her "social networking" site suggested that she really loves her baby, her actions certainly proved otherwise.
  19. This was in front of Russom tonight... 830. Hope everything turns out ok.
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