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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. What the flock did you do to my dude?? It looks like a label on a crappy beer. Dos Equis Menos Uno But it has a ring to it. ∩
  2. I think you have to be on drugs to understand that. Stick figures? Let's see.... X I call this one "Headless guy doing jumping jacks". It's an action shot.
  3. ■ ← that's a full square. What's your point???
  4. Naps are for the sleepy. Accidental naps are for the buzzed. And dirt naps are for 1940s gangsters.
  5. It's probably an old pair of hot towel tongs, when you used to go for a shave and a haircut and they would put a hot towel on your face.
  6. Yeah, and? They are catchy.. happy.. and entirely unacceptable any time but Christmas. People think I am crazy... but I know better.
  7. Well I enjoy singing, humming and whistling Christmas songs all year long.
  8. The things you can google... who played in this movie, what is in Zax sauce, where do babies come from... that stuff will drive you crazy until you break down and google it. This kind of stuff?? If this is your world, I don't think I like it.
  9. For two weeks now I have been obsessed with finding a song for which I cannot remember the title,any words, how it goes, who the band is.. even where I saw the vid. I just remember that it was catchy.. I think. And now this????
  10. Crap! Somebody better figure it out.... I want to know what it is.
  11. Pomegranate juicer.
  12. I don't think so.
  13. I don't think I will post a pic of either of my dogs. I wouldn't want some other dog to start stalking them. You can never be too safe, the internet and all.
  14. I stood up a couple of times today. It is highly overrated.
  15. Just say NO to working on mowers... Give in to the draw of posting.
  16. I have been flicking a towel at the little kittens all day. They have discovered the curtains and the strings for the blinds. And they have discovered that they don't like being flicked with a towel.
  17. It might if it was a private chat or invitation only chat or something like that. Or if the participants were civilized.
  18. All of my shoes fit, otherwise I wouldn't still have them. So that was just a silly thing for you to say.
  19. Today we'll probably just have leftover cat and some odds and ends.
  20. Did you just call me a lag???
  21. A chat function? That would never work for me.. because people would see how slow a typer I am.
  22. WTH?? A person... here this late???? ?? ???? I bet this is one of those auto-responders. Fumo demasiado esta tarde en la noche!
  23. The same can be said at 230am as well.
  24. That was funny. But you are way older than I was expecting.
  25. Sorry, that won't work for me. I broke my coconut bra the other day. Well, you are partly right: I do have topics and I do have posts.
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