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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Girlfriend, you can be ssso sssilly sssometimesss.
  2. Y'all are a bunch of statists. ← (stay-tists)
  3. The title of this post is "does a couple need a mari.. whatever.. we all know what it is and I can't remember exactly. I would be more interested in knowing if a threesome needs a license to marry.
  4. It isn't unique, but a dagger on a girl would be cool. And maybe a little scary.
  5. ?? Is that your way of saying that was a dead joke?
  6. Please. A butterfly??? Get a badass sword or something. You cut one a-hole loose. If you're gonna get something gay, get some stupid ivy on your toe.
  7. Dagnabit! Now I can devors my wyf and git merryd to cuzin lulu.
  8. Well I think this thread turned into a real hoot! Thanks for the entertainment.
  9. I bet he's not really dead... and that he's gonna lay low for a while, then make a glorious comeback! I smell a reality show....
  10. Crap. Is there not an option to text Sonny? Something like... text "SIGN" to 91734.
  11. cmorg


    In all seriousity, I have seen them there before conducting mock stops. I say mock stops because they were stopping each other. It's kind of funny. Now I am just speculizing, but it should be considerized.
  12. cmorg


    But "Walking Thursday" sounds stupid. Opps. Who said anything about Thursday?? Not me.
  13. cmorg


    Should have known better over a speculation of a musunderstanding. Got it.
  14. Big thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread today. You got my hopes up for a resolution... and then dashed them!!!
  15. Creepy? What's creepy is an old dude standing in the doorway looking at the kids coming in the store. That's creepy.
  16. I saw blunt trauma... and I hoped he wasn't the angel of death, waiting for me to fall over one last time... Where did everyone else go.. to sleep?
  17. It isn't that I have fallen off my chair... I have simply fell over while in it. That's not right. I have fallen over.. chair and all.
  18. At this rate, I might need a helmet. One more fall and I might just stand and use the computer.
  19. Both. ♪♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♪ I ran so far away... ♪♪♪♫♪♪♫♪
  20. Crap! That sucked so bad!
  21. I would tell you how I get my music... But I won't. Who would've thought I would fall out of my chair twice in one night??
  22. LOL! I put the gummy bear song on my 16yo girls while she wasn't looking. She found out while hanging out with friends.
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