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Everything posted by pwilhelm

  1. We love Dick Proeneke around here.....even the kids (ages 10, 12, and 13) gather around to watch the videos about him! Funny, as we speak my son and my husband are taking two salvaged bicycles and fitting them together to make a homemade tandem bike. LOL My husband is a diesel mechanic...must be something about the fumes! I don't cotton to much that you post here....but, anyone who appreciates Dick Proeneke can't be all bad.
  2. Dick Proeneke was an amazing man. His life in the Alaskan Wilderness is documented in book and movie (it airs on PBS occasionally). A wonderful soul who followed his dream and built a cabin in the wilderness and has since passed on but not before entrusting his homestead to the Park Service. His life is documented in the book One Man's Wilderness. A humble man with an kind heart and amazing skill....I was amazed to watch how he constructed the hinges on his cabin door. The richness that Dick had was head and shoulders above anything money can ever buy. I think it might be t
  3. That's just rude. Is your argument so weak that you can't remain civil? I don't agree with ZC on any of this, but I would never stoop to making disparaging remarks like that. It behooves everyone if we can all remain adults.
  4. But if the government is giving exemptions to an individual based on religion....isn't that like endorsing that religion? I wonder if this may help our Church numbers?
  5. ...but then, wouldn't it be favoritism of a few religions and perhaps even government endorsed religion?
  6. Yes, I know that.....Christian Scientists and the Amish...to name a couple. But EVERYONE should have that right/privilege. It seems a little unfair that some religions are exempt but others aren't.....
  7. You don't get it. We're Christian Scientists..... the medical route is not the way I would go....
  8. Why would it be foolish? We don't go to doctors.... my kids have never been to doctors. ....or dentists, for that matter. If you care to rely on the medical community for your care...that's fine! But leave me and my family out of it. We haven't ever had a need for it. That might be rare for you... but it hasn't been for us. On those rare times when there has been a need for a doctor my family has always paid for it. Sorry, but that's just how it has been. Hell, my folks have even paid for their own cremations long before ever needing them.... LOL
  9. Why did she need the healthcare? She went to a Christian Science Nursing Facility.... paid for by herself and the Church.
  10. Like my Mother....and her Mother.... and quite a few others in the family....... until I die! My Mom died 4 months ago.... never went to a doctor except to have 8 children...she was 82 when she died.
  11. I don't know.... I'm 50 in October and I have never been to a doctor for sickness...I've had 3 kids at home with midwives. My husband is 57 and never been to a doctor. Sickness and Doctors are not unavoidable. .....and given our track record, I resent the idea of the government making me pay for something that we will not use.
  12. Animal School from Raising Small Souls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJeyNywDxPc&feature=player_embedded
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss....and happy to hear about your other BIL. You are in my prayers.
  14. Ahhhh! WEIRD! I get it! LOL Like with anything, there are unschoolers and unschoolers. At it's best it is a really neat way to teach kids....at it's worst it is neglect. Ihave often thought about unschooling, and if I had had my kids when I was younger and had more energy ....as well as a farm ...I would have done it. I think to effectively unschool you have to be completely engaged in your kids and ready to "guide" them into what they need to know while letting them discover things for themselves. It's kind of like Ninja Homeschooling. LOL Having lots of resources around for the k
  15. I wonder how many of the WEIRD kids would be weird even if they went to public school? I have one child who is .... different. She likes different things, reacts differently in public situations than most kids.... and yet she is amazing in her schoolwork. Even in math...which she has always hated (she used to hide in the closet to avoid it.... no playing hookie for homeschoolers ) she consistently scores 80% or better. ...and her Language Arts is off the charts. ...but she is awkward and "weird" in social settings....and would be no matter where she went to school. By being at home she
  16. We have the 3 kids also.... 10, 12 and 13. Hubby made 36K his first year with John Deere/RDO... and we make it, but without vacations, the latest clothes, an extra car, going out to eat, etc. I don't think a lot of folks would be willing to give those things up if they had to stay home and watch their kids do school on a computer or whatever. Yes, some would...like us...but others wouldn't.
  17. I think one of the dynamics that would have to change is the two worker household. Who is going to "babysit" their kids because both Mom and Dad have to work to pay the bills? I don't think a lot of people would be willing to give up the second income. As a homeschooler with THOSE kind of kids, I can tell you not having a second income is tough! Hubby makes less than 50K per year as a Agr. Mech., life would be so much easier if I was at least matching his income. We felt my degree would be better served in teaching our WEIRD AND FREAKY kids at home. It's a tough choice.
  18. CRACKER BARREL!!!! The closest one is down in the Twin Cities.... 4 hours away.
  19. Now, on the other hand..... if I moved away from here I would miss... 1. August temps of 75*F and below (we're at 70*F right now) 2. Real seasons....all 4 of them! 3. Lots and lots of snow! 4. -35*F in the winter....it's a trip!! LOL 5. Loons calling every evening nearby. 6. Having a Lake with a free beach for the kids to swim in within a mile or so. 7. Hubby happily employed. 8. The joy and gratitude of being able to go through year long unemployment then loss of house to foreclosure to a new beginning in a new place and buying a bigger, better house 3 months after our
  20. I'm sorry. My thoughts are with you ......
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