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Everything posted by pwilhelm

  1. Okay....I just did a search....... as well as read every post in this thread....and the only use of "ultra right wing rats" momof3 is when you said it and I quoted you. Who used that phrase? I'm confused.
  2. That's exactly what I thought when someone threw out the "libturd" moniker..........
  3. Awesome!!!! We haven't had a car payment for over 20 years....best feeling in the world!
  4. The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy Had he and I but met By some old ancient inn, We should have set us down to wet Right many a nipperkin! But ranged as infantry, And staring face to face, I shot at him as he at me, And killed him in his place. I shot him dead because— Because he was my foe, Just so: my foe of course he was; That's clear enough; although He thought he'd 'list, perhaps, Off-hand like—just as I— Was out of work—had sold his traps— No other reason why. Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoo
  5. It is a disgusting act perpetrated by troubled men. I wonder if they would be proud if their children saw them do that....their wives, their mothers? The day in and day out dirtiness of war makes people do horrible things. It does not excuse them but gives them the excuse to perform these acts. The most honorable men and women are able to rise above these temptations and walk away from the war with a clear conscience. Those that sink to the level of depravity and engage in these kind of activities will have to deal with the consequences of being caught. The fact that many
  6. I saw this movie for the first time on Sunday.... good movie. I love Robert Duvall! I was wondering where it was filmed....looked kind of familiar. Thanks.
  7. PianYO = Piano Pummy = Tummy Cocklick = Chocolate (this was great in the stores... "I want Cocklick, Daddy!" Comput-i-aire = Computer I can't think of any more....but we've had a bunch of words like this....lots of fun!
  8. I sent you a belated Chrimmus present.... enjoy. Did you get the snow I sent?
  9. Bosch! We put one in our GA house...LOVED IT! We have one in this house...older model....but still Love it!!
  10. No, I'm right there with you. I understand the culling of animals....but not a fan of the traps. To each their own. Up here...along with the Coyotes, we also have wolves, cougars, and bears. They're all hunted (or will be)...I don't have too much of a problem with that. Healthy numbers need to be maintained for the ecosystem. I guess I'm not a fan of the graphic-ness of nature....nope, not even on tv. I'm a wienie, what can I say?
  11. I don't know anyone that works a 9 to 5 job. I never did...in retail. My husband, as a mechanic, has never worked a 9 to 5 job. His hours are more like 7 to 6.
  12. pwilhelm


    In Granny's Footsteps
  13. I would have to agree....and I'm overweight. I worked at a garden nursery on the far side of Lawrenceville.....I thought I was doing well with my hourly wage, until a fellow who was hired the same time as me told me what he was making. I confronted the bosses...and they finally said that the discrepancy was that they figured I wouldn't work as hard as the fella. I asked them if that is how it had actually played out.... they hung their heads and admitted that I was a much harder worker then the guy was...much more knowledgeable....much more experienced with the customers, etc. So did th
  14. No big deal...no special place....no ring. He asked while we sat in his apartment....I said yes....then we fooled around.
  15. Awwww! Thanks you all. Yup...NG said it, I yam what I yam. What you see is what you get.
  16. How can I be pissed? The company laid my husband off...not convenient, but necessary at the time. That company is still in business and employing thousands...some of them our good friends. The company needed to do what it did to stay solvent. There was no long burning anger on our parts. To each their own, I guess. The government owes me nothing but to keep themselves reasonably solvent. Keep my land safe and my rights intact. I will take care of me and my family. Perhaps others should look at personal responsibility a little closer. There will always be people who will need
  17. The culture didn't force me to move 1600 miles away... It is the right thing to do! It is the responsible thing to do...sometimes. Sometimes life happens like that...every culture has been a moving culture....Native Americans, Africans, Europeans, etc....every culture has been nomadic at some point or another. Moving isn't a horribly terrible thing.....sometimes you learn, open your thoughts to new ideas, cultivate compassion for new ideas, etc. That CEO's get wage increases of 27% .... maybe they deserve it. Not all...of course, but most of them. I wouldn't want to work at tha
  18. 3 years ago we lived in Paulding County....with a very modest home that we made improvements on without incurring debt to do so. My husband's wages in GA were the same as they are in MN. We moved up here because he lost his job of 10 years and couldn't find a job in GA....We moved .... away from family and friends to an area neither of us knew anything about....becuase that is what you do sometimes when you have to find a job. You change...you adapt....you keep making intelligent choices to stay off the dole. We're in Minnesota....last time I checked...it is in the North.
  19. My husband makes $18/hour.....and takes care of a family of 5. We have a great house on about an acre of land. We, presently, only have one car....and I stay home and homeschool. We have a small amount going into our 401K...and only have one credit card with a modest amount due. I bake my own bread, cook all our meals, garden in the month or two of summer up here, and we aren't extravagant. $21.64 won't support a family of four???? That's hysterical! If you are frugal and not materialistic, it can be done. If you work hard and don't have to have the latest fashions, nails, coffee-
  20. I hate Walmart as much as the next person.....and I hated those 15 years of working in retail that I endured. But my sister showed me this...she has worked at Kroger for over 23 years....and it kind of puts a different spin on some companies. The 10 Most Charitable Companies Also note that Kroger was #1. My sister is constantly working in her store to help with various charities.... I don't know...but it seems to me that with more regulations come more costs and less opportunity for some of these companies to contribute to charities.
  21. Hush! 32*F here, which is pretty warm. No snow yet, either. bummer.
  22. I don't understand.... so you are suggesting that a photographer risk his life to take pictures of a polar bear mama with cubs in her den? As stated in the article, she is likely to kill the cubs or kill the photographer....and you are okay with that? The behavior is basically the same whether in captivity or in the wild.... wildlife biologists have witnessed these behaviors, whether by crawling in there themselves or by using remote cameras. You would rather risk someone's life for your personal sense of what is right? Wow.
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