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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. God Bless and you will be dearly missed!!
  2. Thank You GG!! Thank you everyone!! Elliott finally was able to come home late yesterday afternoon! Praise the Lord!! I ended up in the ER with my foot. I had red streaks and the wound was a lot bigger because the skin around it died. I also, started to show signs of sepsis. Put me on really strong antibiotics, nausea and pain meds. I was in a lot of pain. It amazes me how with Elliott and myself we got sick so fast. But now just as quick we are both getting better and I thank you all for prayers and kind thoughts!! HUGS All!!!
  3. Thanks everyone!! The baby has to stay another night. Numbers not dropping as fast as they had hoped!
  4. Please keep Elliott in your prayers my friends. He is in Scottish Rite. Daughter and her husband took him in for his first check up yesterday and he has severe jaundice. He will be in there hopefully only 24 hours. Also, the day before yesterday I woke up and I had a small bump on my foot. I didn't think anything of it so I put a band aid on my foot and went about my day. By that afternoon it looked like a very large blister. I bandaged it up. It burst and then filled back up again this time with blood. I fell down the stairs that evening because I couldn't put any pressure on it and hurt my
  5. LMBO!!! You have a great sense of humor and this was funny!!! :rofl:
  6. Congratulations!!! I love the name as well!!!
  7. Thank You!! He is such a good baby like Riley Grace was! :wub:
  8. Thanks guys! I am so loving being a grandmother!!! :wub: What everyone has told me about how it great it would be is so true!
  9. My Granddaughter is not too happy. LOL She has clung to her Daddy. Bless her sweet little heart!
  10. Here is my beautiful grandson Elliott Quinn. He is such a tiny bundle of joy!!
  11. Thanks everyone!!! Pictures are coming up very soon!! His sister is not pleased about this at all!! :rofl:
  12. I didn't know I had a piece of my heart that was empty until I had my first grand baby and now I have another grand baby to fill it up even more!!!
  13. Thank You ALL! I like it to! God Bless!!
  14. Thanks everyone! It was rocky but they are both safe and doing well!! HUGS
  15. Thank you and yes they are both doing well!!!
  16. I am pleased to announce the arrival of my grandbaby Elliott Quinn Hope!!!! He was born weighing 8lbs 4 oz and 21 inches long!!!! WOOOHOOO :yahoo: :yahoo: I will send pictures soon!!
  17. Blondie you are a sweetie!! Whoever did it you deserve it and many more!!
  18. You are right! He will have everything he needs!!! I am going to concentrate on those things and breathe....lol You look good by the way!!
  19. Thank You again everyone! She is 34 weeks along. She has been on bed rest and still having issues. We were hoping it would go smoother this time. Her poor body is tired. I am glad I here to help with my grand daughter. I will keep you updated when I can. There has been so much gone on this week already and Wens. is just beginning. I have my last nerve block this morning before my insurance runs out. Have a Blessed day and HUGS all!!
  20. Thank You! Thank You! Thank you all very much.
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