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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Thank You so much!!! It hurt to hear that. It was like being kicked when I am down. I am trying to focus on spending time with my grandbabies and taking it one day at a time. God bless and HUGS
  2. Praying for him as well!!!
  3. OMG now thats funny!!! :rofl:
  4. I have really been struggling to keep positive with all I have been going through and its hard to do. Someone I spoke to the other day told me about a few folks think its funny and I got what I deserved that I lost my job. How cruel people are. I spent the last few dollars I have putting a battery on my car. I have nothing. I cant even buy the basics for myself. Things like shampoo,personal products and even toilet paper. I have no health insurance so that means I cant get any treatment for anything. I am in so much pain that I cant get any sleep and when I do its from exhaustion. Even when I
  5. Thank you all!! I have learned alot! HUGS
  6. While I was in the hospital I met the Aunt of the child he saved. I cant begin to express how grateful this family was for this man saving that child. I know it will break their hearts to know he has passed. God Bless all of them!!
  7. I had to open the lid slowly for while now until the hinge was in the right spot for the screen to come up. My son checked it out and could not see anything wrong. Thank You as well!! I am sorry I didnt get back quicker but I am using my son's computer when I can. HUGS
  8. I did not know that!! You got a great life if you are active on here. Best group of people there is!! HUGS Thank You! I did and Thank you very much!!!
  9. Hi everyone!!! Well I got out the hospital to find that my laptop computer screen is shot. The thing is about three and a half years old but works pretty well. I still havent found a job since I was laid off in Feb so my computer dying couldnt come at a worst time being short on funds. I sent massages to the two computer members on here but havent heard back yet Its the weekend so they may not have checked their messages. Its a HP-G61-429WM. I even looked into trying to find a refurbished one with no luck. All out of my price range at the moment. Any help would be most appreciated!! HUGS!!!
  10. Those dang plasic tie things used to tie down toys. There are like a hundred of them and once you get it out you find out it needs batteries.
  11. Same here! they arent split all the way down like my other toes. Is that webbed feet?? I used to run our ducks in the carport and lock them in. I would chase them arounf until my Mom caught me. I stopped when I ran into a fishing pole and got a hook stuck in my arm.
  12. Same here!! I gave up on trying to fold those dang things years ago!!!
  13. I am a Kroger brand fan here and my son likes Cottonelle. I like it when its his turn to buy the TP. Yup!!
  14. The Craigs List murder will increase the female statistics.
  15. I would like the info as well!!
  16. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
  17. You are a great lady Butterfly Lady and you will find what you are looking for. As for me I dont think there us any help for me. I have loved the time I have spent on here and wish all of you the best.
  18. Thank You! Thank You!!
  19. I am sorry! Its a 1999 Ford Taurus. Thank you for sending the info! Hugs!!
  20. That sounds like a fun thing to do!!
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