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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I also may left the impression the panic attacks I am having are from worrying about my meds running out but I have ran out of meds for panic attacks.
  2. Thats the thing the medication I was taking for pain is Tramadol. It is not a controlled substance and was used with the Gabapentin for pain control. I got off the controlled substances as soon as I could because of risk of dependency. I opted instead to go through nerve block every 3 months and trigger point injections in between. Thanks LPPT for the info!
  3. I understand about the pain Drs LPPT. They have come under alot of scrutiny. I live in pain everyday even with all of the efforts of the pain Drs. My regular Dr I only saw him once every six months or if I was sick. It was only after my and insurance lapsed that he had a problem and refused to refill my meds. He also refused any arrangements. I have no income right now and 10 bucks to my name.
  4. She does a wonderful job!!! How are you doing Mrs G? I have missed you!
  5. Because I cant afford to come in for an office visit right now. The medications I need is the same ones I have been on for years. I tried to register with them. They turned me away because I had no way to print out my taxes.
  6. my doctor refused to refill any of my meds. same with the pain doctor even though they know I don't have health insurance.
  7. Does anyone take Gabapentin or used too? I have run out of most of my medications and only have one refill left on my Gabapentin. I take it for the nerve pain in my back and restless legs. Take 900 MG per day. Do I need to worry about side effects when I completely stop taking it? I am all ready having panic attacks because I am out of the medication for this.
  8. Good Grief People!! What is up with the mud slinging that is going on lately! I may not agree with everyone but I am adult enough not to stoop to name calling and such. If you cant do that then step away from the keyboard.
  9. You know I just got that mental image out of my head after reading this yesterday and you just had to go put in back in!!! :::::shiver:::::
  10. Thank You so much sugail!! Thank You to everyone. You have lifted my spirit!!!! Thanks Postman! I love this song by the way!! HUGS
  11. He would have been a dead man in prison too.
  12. Thank You for the kind words!! I sent you a pm. HUGS
  13. Well P.com the day is slowly fading as light starts to turn dark. May your night be peaceful and dreams so sweet! May the dawning of a new day bring happiness, health and cheer!! Night All and Dream sweet!! God Bless and HUGS
  14. She graduated with my son. Interesting work!!
  15. hehehehe.....You made me smile! Thank you for the info! My ortho dr has already told me he will help as much as he can. Your prayers mean alot to me. Thank You!
  16. You trying to tell me something Lady? LOL Thank You!!!
  17. Thank You Lady!! You pointed out to me to take spending time with my grandbabies as a blessing and I have. They are both rotten...lol My daughter likes to point that out when a temper tantrum erupts. I didnt know that. Havent tried SSI because I thought I had to wait a few more years.
  18. Why on earth would I think you are being critical of me! You are a good person. I understand the point you are making. You know you think I would have a tougher hide on me but I am a marshmellow inside still. Hope you have been doing well!!
  19. Thank you all so very much!!!!! :wub: You have no idea how much you have lifted my heart today!!
  20. Double Amen!! I have a whole $4.86!! Ya'll made me smile thank you!! OK now I am in tears! Its been rough dealing with this. HUGS I have missed seeing you!!! I understand I know how full your hands are!! HUGS
  21. If it were not for my kids I would be homeless. We get on each others nerves at times all of us under one roof but at least we have a roof. For that I am thankful. I get really depressed but your right the only way to go now is up.
  22. I have degenerated bone disease and two vertebrae in my back ruptured 3 years ago. Thats keeps me from doing manual labor. I am wading through trying to get disability but in the mean time I need some kind of work to stay alive. Thank You for responding! Thank you! Stupid question....what can they do to help? HUGS
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