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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I would want to spend hours in a place like that! I have so many movies and books its crazy. I never had much luck selling either one. Books I have, for the most part, are hardbacks because I love to read so much. It would be great to have a place like that to trade books. LOL....I had to check and make sure it didnt say that.
  2. That sounds like fun! I havent been a mile or two from the house to go anywhere in a couple years. My books are my first passion and my movies are second. I am ok with selling the movies but the books would break my heart! Crazy huh?! Maybe the Thou Shalt not Steal part of the 10 commandments?? LOL
  3. Ok I posted some in Got the Goods section. Let me know what you think!!
  4. I alot of movies that I have collected over the years! Well over couple hundred.
  5. I have a ton of dvds I want to sell and dont know where to take them. I tried selling quite a few at a yard sale but no one was interested. Does anyone know where I could take them? I have a very large collection.
  6. Couldnt agree more! I have said it before that grandbabies fill up a place in your heart you didnt know was empty! CONGRATS AGAIN!!!
  7. Congrats!!! I had c-sections and didnt look this good..lol
  8. Its nice to have something to smile at for a change!! Too much fighting is making my head hurt!!
  9. Thank You! Thank You!! I almost out with two weeks to go. When I get another job I am going to help someone or give it to Mrs G. I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to someone in my position to just know people care enough to respond. Whether you know it or not. It feels like you are all alone when go through something like this. I will never forget it.
  10. Could someone take off one of the topics that posted? I dont know why it post twice.
  11. I dont remember where the food banks are here if Paulding. I know about Helping hands but I dont know where they are located. I am in real need of food. Does anyone help with medication? I have my last refill on 2 scripts but its going to cost 40 dollars. I was blessed that a friend helped out with one other refill I needed to get.
  12. OMG!! Thank you for making me laugh today!!
  13. My Granddaughter's DVD player is broken and she is only 16 months old. She has went to sleep watching Nemo (she calls it MoMo) since she was 6 months old. She is heart broken and doesnt understand why she cant watch it anymore. It was an old all in one kinda deal the size of a CD player. It had a small screen so it was stand alone. If anyone has one of these let me know. She is so upset because she wants to watch it! Thanks and HUGS
  14. Thank You! I have one more year to 50. I have been thinking about hiring one of those lawyers I see advertised, Hey Lady! I understand. Have you had an MRI done to make sure you dont have a ruptured disk? n
  15. I have no idea. I am still waiting to hear from them.
  16. Thanks! I got my denial letter for disability in the mail Friday. I am looking at every avenue I can. I am gonna try SSI next. I have been told that may be easier to get. Also applied for Medicaid.
  17. I havent had that side affect. I would think it was an allergic reaction instead.
  18. I have no choice but to try and wean myself off. I am now faced with future of no pain control and having to live with amount of pain I am going to be in. I am already experiencing side effects of not having my other meds. The uncontrollable jerking is horrible! Add insomnia to the mix and its taking a toll on me emotional as well as physically.
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