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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I am telling the truth!!! God BLESS!!
  2. Thank you!! He really is blessing! He starting giggling today. He is such a wonderful baby!!
  3. I sure will!! It would her make her day!! Can she feed them? Thanks Again HUGS!!!
  4. LMDO!!! Not only to get come but also replied it was hin also admit he where in the pic.
  5. I will take a brand new one today!!
  6. Thank you! Thats sounds wonderful!! I am going to give it a try!
  7. Those blessing are more than so many people have in this world today!! You deserve all the happiness this world can bring!! You are loved here and the fact you stay so positive is a wonderful quality to have!!
  8. Thats wonderful!!! I will do it soon. She is sick right now. Has something called hand and foot disease right now. She is covered with little red bumps and has a fever poor little thing!! So the CDC will tell you when its safe to be locked in the basement....LOL
  9. What kind of stock do you use?
  10. You know it!! I think he does too.....LOL Thank you Lady!! We both have a little piece of heaven to hold in our laps!! He definitely is juicy...lol Buckets of drool to prove it!
  11. Naaa.... just telling the truth about you two!! I may take you up on that one day soon! She would have a blast!!
  12. He is such a good baby! I cant wait until I hear him say MeMe. Thats what Riley Grace decided to call me.
  13. I am glad you son is ok!! There really needs to be a sheriff on that road at all times! Way to much speeding and reckless driving that goes on there!!
  14. He and his sister have kept sunshine in my world!! I love them both more than I care express!!! :wub:
  15. Here is a pic of my grandson! He is now 4 months old and he such happy baby!!! I think he weights more than Riley Grace now and she is 17 months! He just laughs, coo's and flirts with everyone he meets!! Also buckets of drool...LOL I dont know how to resize so its pretty big. HUGS
  16. Good Morning!!! It is new beautiful day. A fresh start full of possibility and I am loving this weather too!! I am on my first cup of Earl Grey tea!!!
  17. Blondie I love how close you and Papi are! It cracks me up when you are sitting beside each other talking on P.com!!! OMG Now thats funny!!! Blondie my grandbaby Riley grace loves ducks!!! She is such a little doll!!!
  18. Subby you are one of those people that I have prayed for!! My heart has broke for you during the times when you had so much sadness in your life! Its does my heart good to see how far you have come. HUGS
  19. Thanks for sharing! A nice things to see the fine morning!! Its good to see you have as still smiling! God Bless
  20. My daughter got hers there. I think it was a full length gown for 12 buckS.
  21. I have some very difficult times in my life and I have shared that with P.com. There has been a lot of disagreement going on and I wanted to say something Good for a change. I have learned to take one day at a time and be grateful for the kindness of the members here. I know I am not the only one that feels that way. Because of this site I don't feel alone in the world. I have met some wonderful people that belong here and those I only know by screen name. Thank you! You have made a difference in this ol' girl's life. I wish God's blessing for you whether you believe in Him or not.
  22. Spunkywman

    OMG !

    :rofl: :rofl: I want some of whatever meds they put you on!!
  23. Ya'll are funny!! I lowered the price on these. I am just trying to get in last refill on 2 of my meds and gas in my car.
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