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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. My oldest sister developed an allergy to onions while in her late 30s or early 40s. She would have asthma-like symptoms and itch when she got around them. She wouldn't even have to eat them. She could just handle them and start itching or smell them and it would trigger the asthma attack. I don't recall if she got headaches from them or not. That's been quite a few years ago.
  2. Having married my husband after only a six month relationship, I can't comment on the shortness of your niece's relationship. I've been married for almost 32 years, so obviously ours was meant to be. However, like Barbed Wire said, the financial manipulation that your sister has managed is a big red flag for me. My guess is something will happen before June and they won't get married. Maybe he will grow a pair.
  3. Yep. Had that, too. Freaked me out. Do you have new desktop icons? You'll know what I'm talking about if you do. Otherwise, you won't have a clue. They are...shall we say, an eyeopener.
  4. I understand this completely,. That happened with me. I was NOT online and was not playing any music or using any other program that should have sound when I, too, heard strange sounds (voices maybe) coming from my speakers. I've never been able to heard a radio station or cell phone calls on my computer. Just because these things haven't happened to YOU, don't discount them. Living and Loving It described what happened to me when I got THE virus. I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not click on an e-mail that appeared to be from Facebook. I was ON Facebook when
  5. While it may be true that the virus does not come from Facebook, I can say without hesitation that I did not get the virus from clicking on a link in a e-mail, nor being taken to a site that looked like Facebook. I screen my e-mail like an Olympic athlete. I don't open e-mails from unknown senders, I don't click links unless they are from a select few people who send me e-mails. Even when I do click a link from someone, I verify with them that they actually sent it. I can also say without hesitation that I was ON Facebook when the virus attacked my computer. Had been for over an hour
  6. Finally the little rascal cooperated with the ultrasound tech so they could determine what she is. Since the earliest ultrasound the word had always been "we THINK it's a girl". Now, we know for certain. Thanks everyone. I'll let you know when she gets here. I'm thinking it won't be in February but more like January 30 (full moon and a Saturday). Mama Carol Grandmama Carol Starr's Nana Starr & Dru's Nana
  7. Since the new grandbaby was officially determined to be a girl last Wednesday, and since she already has a name, I decided to change my display name as well. In honor of my two granddaughters--Starr and Drucilla--I am now Starr & Dru's Nana. Dru (which is what her parents plan to call her) is due February 8. Starr will be 20 months old on January 31.
  8. It is a little tricky to find but it is there. Also, each application has settings you can change. And now, status update has custom settings just like everything else. you can go to "settings" "privacy settings" and change who can see your profile information. You can also change your "contact" settings. And don't forget--to change settings for each application, you have go to the edit screen for that. That is under "application settings" under the main heading of "settings". You can see how a friend sees your profile by clicking on "preview my profile" under privacy settings. J
  9. Not funny but very true. I wish her the best with it and hope your nephew can fix it for her. It's a bear to find.
  10. Remember this: the actual virus she has is NOT likely the rootkit.win32.agent.pp. Mine wasn't. I'd be willing to bet that every time it comes up with the "warning" screen, it lists one of about a dozen viruses that the computer is supposedly infected with. Those will not be found if you do a search on the computer for those files. I tried. Believe me, I tried. All of the viruses mentioned ARE viruses but they aren't the one that she has. The viruses mentioned in the "security warning" pop up are pretty much harmless. The actual virus IS NOT harmless. Also, it will imbed itself d
  11. I'm active on FB. Very active. In fact, I was on there on a specific application when the virus got me. Three of the other four I know who got it are active on there. The one who isn't very active on there has a neighbor who uses the same computer and spends a lot of time on FB. That was certainly an eye opener to see those little porn site icons come up.
  12. I just went through this, so I know the frustration. First of all, tell her to shut down the computer and LEAVE IT. This spreads each and every time it is rebooted. I learned that the hard way. It is not actually that virus, either. Second of all, yes, take the computer to a repair place. Mike, the Friendly Geek, is local so check with him. If she doesn't really have any data to save, you could wipe the hard drive clean and then reload Windows but I would suggest a pro do that even if you can do it yourself. Third, get antivirus software on there IMMEDIATELY after reloading.
  13. It always downloads and installs updates, so I probably do have it. BTW, got the virus taken care of. Lost minimal data. I will do weekly backups in the future so that if it happens again, I can wipe it clean myself and start over. Now, I run antivirus constantly. Learned my lesson.
  14. My HP doesn't have an AMD processor. It has an Intel Pentium. It should be OK, right?
  15. Glenn, A week ago yesterday my hubby and I went to Best Buy and bought me a laptop. I had gotten a horrible, nasty virus on my four year old desktop so we thought while we were waiting for it to come back from the shop we would get me a laptop. I hope to be traveling some with my hubby in the coming months and he thought it would be nice for me to have my own laptop to carry with me. Anyway, I got an Asus K60IJ. It has a true Pentium processor. It's a dual core processor. 64 bit (which apparently is the way to go right now). 4 gb RAM. Windows 7. It's a pretty big screen (I woul
  16. Not even going to do a small meal for the family. Too much stress for us. We want to go out to eat Christmas dinner. Friends of mine went out for Thanksgiving and loved it. No fuss, no mess, those that could go did, those that couldn't go didn't. That's our plan from now on. They have suggested that themselves. However, last year when they did Thanksgiving dinner it was 2 hours late getting ready. We don't want the hassle anymore. Haven't been there in years. Liked it the last time I was there. I'll keep that in mind.
  17. I know we do this every year. Anyone know of any restaurants, other than Waffle House and Huddle House, that will be open Christmas Day? Hubby and I are not doing holiday meals at our house again. Ever. So we need a place to eat out. Seems like last year Hooters opened at 4 or something like that. Even Hooters would be fine with me. Just so I don't do a holiday meal that the invited guests show up for three hours late when they live five minutes away.
  18. According to Mapquest, that is about 9 miles from the mall. That would make it about 9 miles to I-20 as well. Just about anything else you would want would be in the area between Highway 5 and Chapel Hill Road. There will be two golf courses pretty close--Chapel Hill and St. Andrews. Both would be within about 6 miles. Supposedly there will be some large grocery store at the corner of Highway 5 and Highway 166, which is about 4 or 5 miles south of where this house is located. There is a large Kroger on Chapel Hill and that wouldn't be too far from this house. Having traveled
  19. I know!! I am totally against government being in charge of our health care. Insurance companies aren't doing a good job either but still....... I finally got through to the DOL. Been on hold now for about 7 minutes... and counting. Took about 15 minutes to get someone on the line but it looks as though the problem is my claim hasn't been processed yet. The man I spoke with said to give it until Thursday and try again. I can certify for the first two weeks anytime up until Saturday.
  20. from what they told us in the "training class" at the DOL, it doesn't matter which one you go to originally but once you start with one, you have to stay with that one. Tried to certify by phone and couldn't, so now I'm dialing and redialing the number that was given to call if you have trouble certifying. The message I received said my SS number wasn't in the system. Maybe it hasn't been processed yet.
  21. No, I went to the one in Marietta, so that is the one I have to deal with. If I can't get them on the phone, I will try to certify by phone. Before I left, they asked if I got my confrmation number and I told them I did, so I went through the whole process. There were a LOT of people there that day, so maybe the system is just overwhelmed right now.
  22. I hope I don't have to go back up there to their office. I was there for almost 4 hours the day I went. Maybe a phone call tomorrow can take care of it (I hope). Glad to know I'm not the only one to have the problem, though.
  23. Anyone else have problems filing their first certificaton for unemployment when done via computer? I keep getting the message I am not authorized to certify even though I filed, got a confirmation number and everything. Anyone else have problems like this???
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