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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. Hugs to Kent and Jennifer. I know how tough this must be. Miss you guys!
  2. Our youngest daughter uses my Plus card, so we get LOTS of points every month. I drive 9 1/2 miles to work, about two days a week and may only drive 9 miles the rest of the week. Hubby has two cars but rarely drives (more the last week or so with more appointments) but never for long distances unless we head to Florida. I've told our daughter that as long as they are using the Plus card they are more than welcome to use it to get discounts on the gas, too. I just looked at my receipt from today. We have over 1000 points expiring at the end of May and already over 400 expiring at the
  3. Gee, it would be nice if pharmacies would give incentives to people who already have their prescriptions filled there. But Kroger does give fuel points with each prescription filled. We rarely remember to give the card and have fuel points expire every month so it doesn't do us much good to get the points. It would be nice if they gave coupons for say, $5 off your next order or fill 4 prescriptions and get a free gallon of milk or your choice of any item up to $3.
  4. There may be food particles in the bottom of the tub, blocking the water from being pumped out. Some water standing in the bottom of the tub is normal so if you have more than "a little", check it out. Your owner's manual will help explain how to troubleshoot it. You might also try this: http://www.applianceaid.com/drain_wash.html Might add: been there, done that, got several t-shirts.
  5. I've never been mistaken for a prude but to me that dance routine is totally inappropriate for that age group. I'm not even sure such a routine would be OK for high school kids. No way in the world my girls would have participated in that routine at age 7. Hubby would have had a cow if anything like that was even suggested.
  6. Agree 100%. Hubby and I discussed our pasts while we were dating and although we didn't cover everything, we covered the important things. However, we both feel (and have felt the whole 32 years we've been together) that our lives started when we met. What was in the past was just that--in the past. But if you've been married fifteen years and the spouse made the movie five years before you married/met, that would mean it was TWENTY years ago. I doubt anyone would recognize the person if they saw it--either 20 years ago or now. Besides, you know how much makeup those guys and g
  7. Not only do I not play Farmville, I don't play Fish World or any of those games. My 10 year old granddaughter is one of my FB friends and she plays all those games. Some of my FB friends are on Pcom and may be reading this but I'll say this anyway. I "hid" all those games so now the only posts I see from my friends are the ones that interest me. Takes me practically no time to read updates. I do care how your real pets are doing (and get big chuckles out of cats hiding Bluetooth devices and seeing pictures of dogs and cats owned by my friends) but the virtual ones I couldn't care les
  8. What my daughter bought wasn't Fells. It was more like GoJo. It is a creamy substance, comes in a can like GoJo. But it worked like a charm. She bought it at the Maxway store in Austell. I will try to remember to ask her what it is. I will tell her about the Naptha though. Her husband is a cook and I'm sure his clothes get stained a lot. Because of a problem with the hot water side of her washing machine, she HAS to wash everything on cold.
  9. I knew I liked you for some reason!! You buy paper products and THAT is how my husband and I have made our living for the past 20 years--paper. Try Oxiclean. It will amaze you. Also if hubby has some hand cleaner like GoJo, add a little of that to the wash. I can't remember exactly what it was my daughter got to wash the baby clothes in but whatever it was made a HUGE difference in the white t-shirts that were stained. I'll ask her what it is. PS to Madea--haven't made that call yet but will soon. Thanks for that, too!
  10. Having the degree helped her get the job but other than doing her own personal tax return and that of our nephew, she has never used her degree. I can't talk, though. My training was as a medical assistant. I did medical transcription for 17 years and switched to accounting/tax prep in 1995. I'm not using MY education either.
  11. The new one at 61 and Hiram Sudie and then the new one at 92 and Brownsville are pretty close. SOMETHING has to go in around 278 and Brownsville to give Kroger some relief!
  12. I'm hoping this means that Food Lion is going to go in the old Winn Dixie at 278 and Brownsville. I would
  13. My sister's degree isn't wacky. She has a BA in Accounting. She has never used her degree. She designed office furniture layouts for a lot of years.
  14. I feel confident that had I kept up the free AVG I would never have gotten that nasty, horrible virus back in December. I had not updated it in a couple of months and had actually stopped using it because it wasn't up to date. Now, I use Kaspersky. Not free but I've got it on a laptop and a desktop and it cost $39.95 a year. It updates automatically every day.
  15. I asked my friend one day how much his daughter's school cost per year and all he would say was "you don't want to know". Fortunately, she had a lot of scholarships but it was out of state tuition. At least the past year she has lived in an apartment and not in a dorm.
  16. AVG makes a dynamite free one. I don't have the link to it on this computer but it *should* be something like free.avg.com It is NOT the one on AVG that you get a free trial for. It is completely free.
  17. never been to Food Lion so I can't say but it depends on which Kroger you go to. The one close to me is very clean but sometimes cluttered if it is the day the delivery comes in. Will NOT buy produce at WM. I am just not into buying stuff that I'm going to eat after it has been handled by snot-nosed kids who used it for basketball practice (and yes, I did witness that in the past).
  18. I have a friend whose daughter graduated on Saturday with a degree in Theatre. While Drama was #10 on the list, theatre must be #11. His daughter has a college degree now but no job prospect in that field, or any other except possibly being a cashier at Lowe's. My oldest granddaughter wants to do the same thing (theatre with emphasis on lighting design). Her dad told her that was fine but she WOULD get an MBA in something else, too. Smart man, that particular son in law of mine.
  19. About six months ago I saw an ad for some type of social worker. The job REQUIRED a Master's. The yearly pay was $25,000. That equates to $12 an hour for a 40 hour week, 52 weeks a year. For degrees that cost probably closer to $100,000 to obtain. I was stunned. To work in the social work field, you have to love what you're doing because you make peanuts.
  20. We turned the heat on!! Weatherbug says it is 60 at Cooper Middle School in Austell. It was 64 inside when I got back home from my errands a little after 1 p.m. No wonder my hubby was chilly with it being 64 in here.
  21. My brother lives in Altamonte Springs. I think that's "central" Florida, too, but I've never been there so I don't know for sure. We're looking at the panhandle, specifically Santa Rosa County (east of Pensacola). No family or friends there. Yet.
  22. good luck finding a job there. I've looked and where we want to move there aren't many jobs available at all. Houses are plentiful, though. Where are you looking to move?
  23. It used to drive me nuts when we were on vacation. My husband would get up EARLIER than usual so we could be at the beach at sunrise. No joke! I have seen the sun come up more than once while on vacation. 4:30 a.m. and he's up and ready to go to the beach to watch the sunrise. I always thought you were supposed to sleep LATER on vacation not get up earlier.
  24. I've been in Walmarts in four states and several different stores in those states. There is only ONE that I don't absolutely hate going to and it is in Florida. Even when we eventually move there, that Walmart will be too far for me to go to on any regular basis. Off topic sort of, the only chain stores that I would rather go to the Hiram location than any other are Staples, Kohl's and Target (hate their Austell stores and all the others are out of the way). Not sure if it is still true, but when my daughter worked at the Hiram Walmart, it was the busiest Walmart in the southeast
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