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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. How in heavens name did they come up with the idea that unemployment tax will double? I'm pretty sure that DOUBLE the current federal rate would be an additional $42 per employee, not $21 per employee. This from the US Department of Labor: The net FUTA tax rate for taxable wages paid after June 30, 2011 is generally 0.6% (6.0% - 5.4%), for a maximum FUTA tax of $42.00 per employee, per year (.006 X $7,000. = $42.00).
  2. We have total replacement cost coverage along with a couple of extra riders. We do live around the corner from a fire station and that make help lower our premium. Have I mentioned that I our insurance company? They paid for repairs to our foyer which turned into a major repair. Plus, as soon as we get the pictures showing the repair over to the adjuster, we should get an additional amount.
  3. My mom was deadset against my husband. Could not stand him. He was divorced. He had a beard. She felt he was too old for me (he's 3 1/2 years older). Just didn't see what I liked about him. Fast forward 25 years or so to where she was in the hospital, knowing she would never get to go home, and he took care of her so that my sister and I could work as much as possible. I know her opinion of him changed and not just when he took care of her. She realized within a year or so after we got married that he was a wonderful person underneath all that hair. He is, too.
  4. GOOD GOSH!! I thought our homeowners was high. It was $510 in 2011. We paid slightly over $800 TOTAL for homeowners and fire insurance (for our rental). I can't imagine paying $2400 a year for homeowners.
  5. Ours renews in March. We had a claim about six weeks ago, so I dread seeing the new premium. But we're not with "good hands" nor do we have a good "neighbor". In the past, we've had great premiums. Great service.
  6. Unfortunately, if physical attraction is all the relationship has going for it, it is doomed to fail. You HAVE to have something else to keep it going. I went out with a very nice looking guy a couple of years after high school. I knew him in high school but never knew him well. On our ONE date, there was certainly one person who was attracted to him and it wasn't me. It might sound like I'm an old hippie but his soul was not attractive. I couldn't get past that. He wasn't the only really gorgeous guy I went out with either. About all they had going for them was their looks.
  7. Hubby and I have been together for 34 years. I was not attracted to him in any way when we met. He's a nice looking guy, too. Not a "pretty" guy but nice looking. What attracted me to him back in 1977 was his heart and soul. What keeps us together is his heart and soul. Am I physically attracted to him? Oh, yeah baby. But if he had an ugly soul, it wouldn't matter to me what he looked like on the outside. I have always believed that it's inside that counts. Beauty may only be skin deep but ugly goes clear to the core.
  8. Trust me on this, if you had an infection in the knee there would be no thinking "maybe" about it. It would hurt like an SOB, throb, be HOT to the touch and be too painful to wear jeans or even pjs on it. And there would likely not be a scab. It would be oozing, too. It just takes awhile to heal, especially if you're past....well, let's go with 25.
  9. It can take a LONG time to heal. Six months to a year would be about right. The scab might be there because of some contact with something--your pants for instance. A scab is much better than a weepy wound. The red is most likely new skin forming. I'd continue with the same doctor. You're just at four months post surgery and he said it could take six to get back to normal. Now, if you were having pain, redness and warmth in the area of the incision, I'd have it checked out. My foot actually got infected after surgery because of something, apparently a stitch or a string of
  10. since neither phone has a data plan right now, that shouldn't be an issue. I do plan to add a data plan when I start using the Nexxus. Glad we left AT&T. Love their landline and DSL but hate their cell phone service.
  11. That's what I was thinking. I know when he got the phone, all I had to do to get it to work was put the SIM card in it. I called it within a minute or two and it rang. I don't really like the Nexxus phone but I text a whole lot more than I talk and it will be considerably easier to do on that phone. He NEVER uses it. The last time he made a call was in early October. To me. He wants to keep one but mine will do for what he needs--a phone he can take with him on bike rides. Thanks!!
  12. Hubby never, ever uses his phone. I use mine quite a bit to text. Mine is just a plain, dumb phone. His is a Google Nexxus phone. We're wanting to swap phones--keep our numbers but swap the phones themselves. Is this something we could do ourselves or is this something better left to the pros at the phone store? We are BOTH on T-Mobile pre-pay so we wouldn't be switching services or anything. Don't even plan to add data just yet to the Nexxus but may later on. TIA
  13. so far I've sent three but have about 15 or so more to go. Had to wait for my nephew's new address that I looked high and low in my house for since I knew I had it earlier. Finally gave up trying to find it and asked my sister for it again. We have received two if you count the one from the car dealer. Hubby and I were talking about Christmas cards today. I used to send out considerably more than I do know. But in 2010 alone we dropped four of the recipients due to their death. We used to send to one of his aunts one but she passed away a few years ago. She was really the only
  14. All my current glasses are from Zenni. Love them!! Especially the price I paid.
  15. Hugs and prayers to you and the Mrs.
  16. YAY!! I'm not sure I'll make it but I certainly hope to.
  17. Not necessarily so. Wellstar numbers show up on Caller ID so they are not "anonymous".
  18. Not unless he touches her inappropriately. And they may not be "dating" in the sense that they are having sex. I sure as he** wouldn't let my eighth grader "date" a guy that much older.
  19. I have NO pictures of me on my FB page. NONE. However, if you know what I absolutely adore, you will know me when you find me.
  20. For those of you who would be interested, there is going to be a blood drive at Powder Springs First Baptist Church on Tuesday December 13 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. If you go, be sure to drink an extra 8 oz of water before you go as it makes the needle stick so much easier.
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