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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. They're a little late to the rodeo, aren't they? Georgia has always had a lot of tornado activity.
  2. It's not a done deal yet in Florida as is apparent from this article from Forbes: There’s been a lot of coverage—including here—of the recent spate of Republican governors who have endorsed Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid in their states. But, as Josh Archambault has noted, the media is missing a big part of the story: that no Medicaid expansion can take place without the explicit authorization of the state legislature. And in Florida, where Gov. Rick Scott (R.) made national news last week by reversing his opposition to the expansion, the Republican-controlled legislature remains very s
  3. There is one particular place in Texas where my husband has said they will need a full Brinks truck sitting outside the gate before he will set foot in there again to work. I liked what I saw of Texas but then again, I didn't see that much of it. Always liked the thought of how they do things out there.
  4. I don't care for Middle Eastern or Asian decor. Ick! I'm more of a laid-back, tropical gal myself. Minimal decor for me. Of course, if I could afford the house, I could afford a full time staff to clean it. I just look at things and think of how often and how they have to be cleaned. You're right. It is a beautiful home but it does not impress me in the least. I'm neither easily amused nor easily impressed. Yes, I have seen Gaudi's work. That stuff I do like, particularly the windows and mosaics. Well, as we all know I have been house hunting for 3 years so I just
  5. Honestly, it does not impress me. Like someone else said, it's gaudy. It is just for show. The main thing it shows is that the owner has more money than sense and is trying to impress others with what they have. I was more wow'd by my friends brand 4 bedroom house they had built after one of the hurricanes washed away their old house than I am this one.
  6. Be sure to check state registration and inspection reports. http://dch.georgia.gov/find-facilityfile-complaint You can search for facility and view reports.
  7. You can thank the city council for that. It's legal but they don't want it. Might attract the whole kind of element. Seems though neither he nor his wife ever applied. At least they hadn't when I was still working in downtown Dallas. Dallas is so "liquor friendly". NOT. It's probably considered Hiram by the Hiram City Council since it is within the city limits of Hiram.
  8. If Paulding were dry there would be no liquor stores and no alcohol sales in bars or restaurants. Paulding hasn't been dry in many, many years. Hiram was built on liquor sales. Same thing applies to Dallas. There would be no liquor sales in the city (think Bypass Liquor which has been there for years and Banditos, La Cocina, Ruby Tuesday, etc).
  9. I guarantee you, I could go to look at it and there would be multiple offers on it and it would be under contract within 24 hours, regardless of how long it's been on the market. We've heard "we have multiple offers on this house" so many times that we now make offers like this: "we know there are multiple offers on this house, but this is OUR offer. Take it or leave it". We have also heard "it went under contract just last night" so many times we no longer expect to hear "would you like to make an offer". Man, I'd love to have the commission on that sale!
  10. Yep, gonna have to Skype. My sister in law uses Voxxer to keep in touch with her son stationed in Japan. Might check into that, too.
  11. A friend of mine has a sign in her kitchen (or did have it in her old kitchen) that said "I only have a kitchen because it came with the house". I want a sign like that!! Who needs 7 kitchens and 11 bathrooms???
  12. I hope you'll come over to see one of your friends once you move. After all, it's a fairly little town.
  13. That's going to be the hardest thing for me. Leaving my grandbabies (and the grown grandchildren) here. We fully expect our youngest daughter, her husband and their two little ones to follow us to Florida in a year or so.
  14. For me, it's the light fixture over the pool table. It needs to be a Tiffany. And the cloth on the pool table needs to be green. I'm not sure I could play on one that is red. And that room with all the dark honeycomb looking stuff on the ceiling. Ick!! And no way in heck am I cleaning 11 bathrooms!! I don't even want to clean the three I've got! If they really want to sell it, I'll be over to take a look at it tomorrow. It's sure to go under contract before the close of business on Monday. It's happened that way more times than I can count.
  15. My husband would say I don't need one kitchen, much less 7 of them.
  16. Yes, the Pcom family puts "fun" in the dysfunctional.
  17. My join date is 21-July 04. My, my, my how things have changed since that!! I was employed by one of the finest men I have ever had the opportunity to meet and worked with someone who was a pleasure to work with. My husband was working full time, and then some, in our own business. Our youngest daughter was still reeling from the loss of her twins in 2001, as we were also learning to deal with this new reality. We were happily living in our home of 26 years with no immediate plans to move as we had just recently sold land on which we had planned to build a house. We had 5 grandchil
  18. I've found there are quite a few jobs in the area we're looking. It just depends on what you can do. I've actually found about a dozen jobs I'm qualified for but can't apply for them yet. Not until I get there. I rarely find a dozen jobs HERE that I remotely want to apply for. In fact, one I found there I'm still tempted to apply for even now. It is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. EXACTLY! The "panhandle" isn't just the beaches, contrary to what a lot of people seem to believe, my next door neighbor included. Where we plan to move, we will be a half hour from the beach. We'll
  19. Yes, they do. I had forgotten about them doing that.
  20. The panhandle has more jobs than you would think. At least I hope so. When we get moved, Georgia Dawg and I will be about 50 miles apart and Tide Girl and I will be about 25-30 miles apart. Maybe the three of us can do a meet up in Pensacola Beach or Navarre Beach one day.
  21. Florida. Like Georgia Dawg said, warmer weather, less crime, less traffic and having everything we want including the Gulf of Mexico within a few minutes of a one level house. Gonna happen. Soon.
  22. I can sympathize with the bedrest for the mom-to-be. My daughter was that way from 4 months with Starr and then considered high risk and low activity level with Dru. Yes, you read that right. She was on bedrest from 4 months with Starr. Two of those months was complete and total bedrest. She could only get up to go to the bathroom and the doctor. You're so going to enjoy that grandson. I love mine!! Not that any of them are babies now.
  23. I lost my job of almost 15 years when my youngest daughter was 7 months pregnant. She was high risk, so she had a LOT of doctor's appointments. I was able to spend more time with her and more time with her then 18 month old because I wasn't working. It was the best thing that ever happened to me, and the timing was perfect! Maybe this will be the best thing to ever happen to you, too. I sure hope so. Enjoy those grandbabies. They don't stay babies very long.
  24. A patient (customer, client, whatever) should have complete say-so in who they deal with. If they don't want someone with warts, they should not be forced to deal with someone with warts. PERIOD. Let them be narrow-minded. It is their right and if you're talking about health care, the one who has the most say-so is the patient. It's their life at stake. Let the nurse put on their big girl panties and get over it. I am a firm believer in the patient having a say in who they deal with in regard to their healthcare. If they don't want someone taking care of them because of a conditio
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