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Everything posted by enjones

  1. I am marinating boneless/skinless ck breasts for the grill, yellow squash and onion kabobs, tomato and cucumber salad, mashed potatoes (SIL is against 99% of the worlds veggies). YUMMO!!!!
  2. LGM- I have googled and googled and can't find this study. Did these people go to food instead of smoking? That would cause diabetes- not the pill.... Where did you read about the study?
  3. yepper! People who complain a freaking book when they call about their credit cards. Just ask the simple question cuz I don't want to hear your freaking life story!
  4. The patch nor the gum worked for me. Hubby got that shot behind his ear 6 years ago and it worked for him. Probably would have worked for me but Mama got breast cancer again and smoking was my crutch. Now, I have a beautiful granddaughter and I really want to be healthy for her. The smell, need and such are also factors in my quitting. I am just tired of pausing the tv to go out and smoke and listening to my family whine about the smell.
  5. Rockysmom is my "dear friend". She has done such an awesome job of quitting and I am over the moon proud of her! So, I will begin my adventure Saturday. I have done Chantix before but I didn't finish and cheated. I just cannot cheat. I'm looking forward to the dreams as they are FABULOUS!!! I wish you continued luck in your quest to quit!
  6. working and playing on the puter. I am going on Chantix Saturday and am determined to quit smoking. A very dear friend has quit and that will help me oh so much!!!
  7. I thought it was maybe cuz I am not a paying member anymore. Guess not....
  8. At Six Flags 1980ish, just before a Joan Jett concert... THE HAIR, THE HAIR!!!! It's a great photo but I can't upload here anymore. I've no idea why.
  9. I'll take them both! Thank you for the note about ties! It's been a long time since I had to worry about that.
  10. Well, I definitely want to buy one for her. She and Kat will love it!!!
  11. It was wonderful seeing you last week. You are still cute as a bug!!
  12. Zoo- See the beautiful baby to your left<-------------? Well, she is gonna need an adorable hat this winter. She prefers lady bug type colors as she collects them. This love of them began in the womb. She just loves them! hee! Can you make the type with the little ball and the ties that resembles a Lady Bug? Kaylee says thank you and so does her Nana!!
  13. My nephew would have said the same thing. He is such a nerd and I adore him!! and he is 16 now.
  14. But you wouldn't be able to finish it!! I'll help you look for that missing $$$......
  16. In the case of the beating... Since I don't carry around a bat and could possibly get hurt very badly... I'd stop my car and call 911. If I was walking down the road- I would let them be aware of my calling but get into a public place for my safety. Handicap... My hubby has a plate and I certainly do not take advantage of it. If someone is in their car and it doesn't have a plate or lanyard (thingy hanging on the mirror), I will say something to them. If had had been able to be a part of the filming of the teenage girls- they wouldn't have been able to air me. Too many curse words wou
  17. take it away, you silly and itty, bitty girl you!!
  18. I have nothing to add to this thread but a small hijack... I left my oil at your house...
  19. We always buy candy before going to the movies. The prices they charge is just short of highway robbery! I don't feel bad about it either. We always get a large popcorn with way too much butter on it and large drinks.
  20. DANG! I got that all messed up!! Whatever they are called- they are the best!!!
  21. Yes, and it is Harvest Moon... my bad. Blue Moon is the Bakery that's next door. It is to die for!! I highly recommend both places!!!!
  22. Blue Moon Cafe is WONDERFUL! After eating there go next door to the BEST Bakery in the world!!!!!
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