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Everything posted by enjones

  1. I buy the frozen stuff. NOT the breaded kind, though. All I do is put it in corn meal and then fry the hell out of it. Then I put it in a cast iron skillet and keep it in the oven on 350 til the rest is done. I drain it before that though. A great friend of mine didn't like fried okra til she had mine. Oh, and if you like a lot of breading- you won't like this either.
  2. I let mine drive around the subdivision from the time she was maybe 13. Yeah, scream all you want at me for being a bad Mom... she is an excellent driver and has never been the cause of an accident nor does she get tickets.
  3. When we married, I wanted HD (or Lowes) gift cards as we had just purchased a home. You could get them a nice picture frame and tape the gc to the glass where the photo goes. That way- you get them something "personal" and they can buy other things they need for their home.
  4. Well, I hope you need to put a permanent halt to it. ONLY, because that would mean you found full time work. :yahoo:
  5. You should be asking yourself that about a lot of things, silly red haired girl!
  6. I've watched 2. On the fence still. These women seem so much meaner and they don't even pretend to like each other.
  7. It was also my Daddy's 70th Birthday! It was great meeting you! Hope you come back next week!!!
  8. Sorry, but that sounds a bit flippant. I have this girl and her family in my thoughts and am so sorry such an awful thing happened to her!
  9. For all new Pcommers... there are no tunnels. This is just some silly thing started by real OLD timers....
  10. 62 views... somebody has to know something? Is it a "Super Secret Golf Club"????
  11. I am talking about the one off Dabbs Bridge so that may be it.
  12. Yeah, but what is that place on Pumpkinvine? I'll definitely try Allatoona Dam Rd. Thanks!
  13. We finally took a drive down Pumpkin Vine today. I was actually looking to a place to take the dogs ... there seemed to be a golf course type of place down towards the end of the road. What is it and can we regular folk have a picnic- puppy splash in the creek kind of thing there?
  14. I don't know. I kind of agree with the OP. So, if something ever happens to me or mine, let it be known that I'd rather not have our names splashed all over Pcom or any other board. I am very sorry for the family's loss and cannot imagine losing my child. My heart goes out to all of them.
  15. Picadilly at Cumberland Mall. Actually tried broccoli for the fist time there, too. Love it still. Yes, my brain retains crap. If you knew what state of mind I was in, you'd understand the broccoli memory...
  16. I think I can get messages now. Box was full...
  17. I respected my elders too much to talk to them like that. Mama would have knocked every tooth out of my mouth if I ever spoke to ANYONE like that. And yes, if I were there- I'd be typing this from jail....
  18. Seriously?!?! It must be a really slow day at the news desk to do a "breaking story... discrimination at the bus stop". When I was in Elementary AND Middle school, I walked like 6 houses down, turned left and another 5 or 6 house to the bus stop. No clue how I survived all those years.
  19. Just another day. I was born Friday, Nov. 13. and yeah, that's what's wrong with me.... and no- I've NEVER heard that before.
  20. My thought exactly. Just like statutory rape.....
  21. I'm still gonna take it. I really want to quit and this stuff ROCKS!!!
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