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Everything posted by enjones

  1. Thanks for the input. Aren't there daycares for kids with disabilities? When I was a kid there was a schhool named Rosewood that took ONLY special needs kids of all ages. We would go there in DECA and I always enjoyed being around those kids.
  2. This is what saddens me. Both types of children are harmed by this. Why doesn't anyone care?
  3. Let me preface this by saying it is not a slam against any child with any form of disability! There is a day care with 5 toddlers who are autistic and are in the same class. NONE of the teachers are trained in how to handle special needs children. The kids disrupt the class (running laps, last count 103... screaming the entire day, etc.). The owners / heads of the school don't seem to care about the needs of ANY of the children in the class. They just blow off the teachers when their concerns are voiced. Should this be called in to any particular agency? If so, which one? Yes,
  4. baked potato and or baked potato soup.
  5. I had my bottom 2 removed in the NAVY. I seriously wanted someone to kill me it hurt so much. I have a high tolerance for pain but DAYUM! Honestly, I think it was the fact that the Military prepares you for civilian Dentistry by letting you practice on us poor unfortunate military.... Now, the others were fine. I was back to work the next day.
  6. You are so worth being adored! You and your not normal family are a blessing to me and I ADORE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! :wub:
  7. I now need a long hot shower.... I feel so dirty
  8. I just hope they wear nice shoes... :sigh:
  9. Top Row 2nd pic (single white hat). Can you make a black one just like this for an adult? I can certainly wait til AFTER you have the baby and are all settled in.
  10. OMG!! I came ][ this close to posting this!!! So funny! I knew you'd probably already seen it and had a good laugh...
  11. LPPT- CONGRATS! Life is so much better with a good man! Those of us who were lucky enough to find him smile a little brighter each day.
  12. and to think I got shot for telling the world of PCOM that this place was NASTY! ppffftt...
  13. WOW!!! It is amazing that people actually do thing like this. And to think they have a RIGHT to do so is astonishing!!!
  14. CONGRATULATIONS! I just wanna know who is playing Kevin Bacon's role!!!!
  15. My 16 yr old nephew is here for a month. I swear boys are pigs! He eats everything!!!!! Oh, and he is not fat by any means. Just a 16 year old boy who is growing a foot a day!
  16. Well, I am not a fan of pizza. That said, I would certainly not ask someone to change or add to their menu if they were planning to serve it. I'd just eat before I came. Little Janey and her Mom need to learn a few manners!!!
  17. CONGRATULATIONS, SUBBY! Have a great 1st week and many, many more wonderful weeks at your new job!
  18. Where is this located?
  19. Where is this located?
  20. Just as Doctors can refuse BC pills, PRIVATE schools can refuse admittance.
  21. to go? My nephew lives in WA and says they don't have catfish there. He really wants some before he goes home. Is there a good place out there?
  22. Finally, something we disagree on!! Mine thinks she is smokin' hot!!! In fact, every time she comes on, one of us says, "Dagmar".... stupid but fun. This news is gonna make him cry.
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