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Everything posted by ppearce1

  1. Absurd? That's my point. You must understand that many of us would consider a federal tax on bullets more absurd than listening to rock and roll music.
  2. How about people who like to dance? How about people who listen to rock and roll music? How about people who eat country cured ham, with all that sodium? Sin taxes should be imposed upon them too? What about motion pictures, theatrical plays, works of art, and books which have violence in them? Tax those who view them? Heavier taxes for consumption of Big Macs versus "healthier" Chick-fil-A meals? Why not a sin tax on beef? Consumption of beef can be linked to obesity. Taxation with representation led to one revolution. Excessive taxation could lead to another one. The government is
  3. What do you think the results of your poll prove, if anything? Do you think it's a good indication of how the general public in Paulding County, GA feels about using taxation as a behavior modification method? Or is it a good indication of how Pcom readers feel? Or perhaps only a good indication of poll responders? Or maybe a good indication of those who are against using taxes for these purposes? Do you think a government should impose taxes in order to modify behavior, or should they, on the other hand, consider passing laws that prohibit or modify actions or perceived "bad" behaviors
  4. One time I got stopped by a Highway Patrolman for speeding (65 in a 55 zone). He wrote me a ticket. I paid it.
  5. King Henry Road, in the Kingswood Club Estates subdivision.
  6. Paulding County Courthouse. Some (most) banks won't notarize wills, POA, etc. The Courthouse always will.
  7. It's that nasty Nigerian grammar scam again. The use of a couple of commas in the corrected text would help a lot. Or perhaps a minor rewrite: "According to the postal official with whom we spoke, the worst example of someone being scammed was a lady in Canton who was cheated out of $8,500 in one swell foop." I collect really good foops in hopes of one day using them to engineer a reverse scam on those clever Nigerians. Then we'll see who has the last laugh. Onward.
  8. Don't know if that will clear up congestion (I use it on my chest for that), but it will absolutely cure fungus on toenails if you coat the nails with it. It takes up to 21 days of treatment, sometimes less, but the fungus will disappear. Good stuff, that Vicks. I've heard tell that if you use it as you outlined, overnight, it will cure a cough.
  9. It's of course an extremely sensitive subject. One of the documented things that cancer patients don't want to hear from anyone other than their professional caregivers are unsolicited detailed reports of experimental, or early, treatments that show promise. Or worse still, "my aunt's first cousin's friend had a similar cancer and . . . blah blah blah". Well intentioned, but not good. On the other hand, I think that if they want to know, they should be given the opportunity. My approach would be to tell them that you have read and researched about a new treatment that has shown some pro
  10. Is a portion of Ivy Gulledge closed? I need to go to the recycling center, and earlier this year, when I got to IG, it was closed. I had to go to East Egypt to get to the RC. Thanks.
  11. We subscribed to ours the same way, door to door salesman. 1st question: I would pin the saleslady down on how much the costs are going to be, any extra one-time fees, etc. Press. 2nd question: Call quality is excellent, equal to or better than landline. And Caller ID pops up on TV, which is a bonus. We've had ours for 4 years now, excellent customer service. Our "new" flat screen TV conked out on us on Christmas Eve 2 years ago, but I assumed it was cable service. Called Uverse Customer Service, they troubleshot over the phone for 30 or 45 minutes, could not find anything wrong. They
  12. In your book and in my opinion, OJ was guilty; however, a jury of his peers found him Not Guilty. In the eyes of the law, then, he was not guilty of the crime(s) he was charged with. I think that our jury system, while of course not perfect, is the best system that our society offers for passing legal judgment on persons accused of crimes. And it is heavily weighted in favor of the Defendant, to weaken the potential that the Government might use the Courts as a means of persecuting innocent people. With respect, I don't get the point of your second statement (concerning George Zimmerman
  13. Brave New World The Good Earth No Easy Day. Dame Care. (Herman Suderman) The Magic Animal. 1776 Kane and Abel The Sacketts (Louis L'amour) Fear of Flying The Great Gatsby The Sound and the Fury The Diary of Samuel Pepys The Barefoot Sisters Southbound The Emperor of All Maladies Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption Pick one. Oh, one more: The Help
  14. Lots of these come from England or Ireland, and came with the settlers from the north down the Appalachians. Some are strictly Americanisms. And some...who knows? Cute as a button. Cuter'n a speckled pup. Cute as a June bug. [i like cute] Mean as a strip-ed snake. Happy as a hog in slop. I'll clean your clock (whip you) 2 bricks shy of a load (and many, many variants) Dead as a doornail (Old-Middle English) Rough as a cob Light as a feather Stubborn as a mule Scarce as hen's teeth [tons of these "X as Y" similes] Brook no truck with (my Grandmother used to say that..
  15. Yeah. And also against the pavers who built the road. And the gas station that sold them the gas.
  16. For true panic attacks, I agree with you 100%. There's no nervousness, or even anything that can be called heightened anxiety. When I had them, I was absolutely positive I was going to die. This history goes back to 1975. I've breathed in bags, splashed cold water on my face, tried various meditative techniques, various breathing techniques including pranayama, 3 Step Breathing, hypnosis, and so forth. For people who have chronic panic attacks, they'll research and try just about anything. For me, there has never been a cure. Getting to a safe place (home) is an urgent need, then just l
  17. Speeding is a major contributor to automobile accidents. Automobile accidents are a major contributor to the statistic "Deaths not by natural causes" in the USA. The punishment, regardless of age, seems appropriate. Doing 60 in a 45 is definitely putting lives at risk. A lesson learned early is a lesson learned long. Probation merely ensures that the violator conforms to the fines, classes, etc. Check out punishments for speeding in some other countries. If this prevents an individual's death, especially by your loved one, isn't it worth it? Think about it...seriously. And yes, believ
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