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Everything posted by subby1

  1. I agree! NOW, WHERE THE HECK ARE WE EATING TOMORROW AND WHAT TIME???? I wanted to come up and bring my no. 1 master tech with me.
  2. Me or her? You flirtin' with my girl???!!! j/k....I'm so glad you came by today and enlightened me.
  3. Mine was to be a mechanic, because I am good at it. But mom was adamant that I get an office job, drafting (which I was also good at). So, I put my own butt through school, got my first drafting job at 18 yrs old after completing 3 quarters of my drafting and design school in the first quarter....they let me go to work full time and the company I went on with sent in a quarterly report, so that I could graduate....which I did with a 4.0. As time progressed, I move up into engineering. The bottom fell out, mt career no longer exists, and I finally got MY dream for the past 5 years.....being
  4. Well, that sucks!!! Business is booming right now. I need more time!!! Being raised in church all my life, I have heard this all my life. What kills me is that if this a Biblical thing, then how do these nutjobs think they are more important than the angels in Heaven.....since the Bible says that NO MAN knoweth the time nor day when the Son of Man cometh, not even the angels in Heaven?????? Riddle me that one!!! I would like to add a picture to show my opinion about this-
  5. AMEN BROTHER!!! Great post!! Not just the corp's but I like to keep bizz in the local community, as well. While I do go as far as West Cobb, Douglasville, and Haralson and Carroll Co's, the money still lands here. I NEVER shop outside of Paulding except for buying tools and equipment at Harbor in D'ville. I wish Paulding had a Harbor Freight company here.
  6. Friday sounds good to me too. Just say where.
  7. If people only knew the truth!!! (and knew Eddie!)
  8. Well, POO!! Did I miss it?? I see Mon or Tues and that's done come and gone...how about a Thurs or Fri this week??? I'd even be willing to play for FREE for a couple of hours if it were a little later in the evening.
  9. Also, have you looked at the back to see if the jumper is set right? That can also screw up things, especially if you're using older IDE connections.
  10. I would second Nick- He's a very honest and knowledgeable comp guru! I use him anytime I don't have the time to do my own repairs, and with mower season wide open, I have ZERO time, so Nick's my go-to guy.
  11. All the more reason I decided to go it alone. The economy sucks, no doubt. But there remains ONE constant, that will prevail no matter what- give people their money's worth, be fair and honest, and be VERY GOOD at what you do. You do those things, then you cannot fail!! I can't say you'll get rich, but you can sure as heck gain a lot of job security. The worst thing you can do is underestimate the intelligence of your customers. They may not know a lot about the trade you're in, but most all people know enough to understand what's a good deal and what's not. When they get screwed over somewhe
  12. While I love to grill fish, my oldest daughter has a recipe that she won't share with me...but I think I have it figured out...she lines a baking dish with aluminum foil (enough around the sides to close it up), then uses olive oil, lemon, and bay seasoning. Close it over with the foil, then bake it. Man....it's awesome!!! The only thing I hate about baking this time of year is that it makes the house get hot and wears out my A/C. So when it's hot outside, she does the same thing, only fries it in a skillet. You can baste it in melted butter and lemon juice when frying, but don't use any oil..
  13. There's not a day goes by I don't think the same thing, and I hear it from friends and family constantly. Fact is, it's simply a matter of being at the right place at the right time. When I turned down playing with Doug Stone, I did so because I did not want to be on the road for 9 months a year while I had babies to raise. I also had a rather good job. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
  14. Could you please elaborate on what this is exactly? I'm pretty swamped this week, but wanted to know if this would be beneficial enough for business to shift some scheduling around.
  15. Thanks for all the ideas, folks! Last night I ordered a $20 webcam (had GREAT reviews) that will cover the entire shop, and I just wire it into my Music Computer right across the wall from the shop. I'll worry about and outside camera later. Mostly just something to keep an eye on our equipment and any crazy people who happen to wonder in with bad intentions.
  16. I need to get a couple of cameras that can be plugged into a computer and record for at least 24 hours at a time....I'm guessing I would have to sacrifice some resolution to keep the data small enough, unless someone knows of the perfect camera that would offer good resolution and sound without using a ton of memory on my slave drive. It's a 320G hard drive that would be dedicated for that purpose alone. Plus another computer with the same thing...320G HD...only handling the second camera. I would appreciate any advice from someone in the business who knows what kind of high efficient cams
  17. I'm still a little confused about the corn aint food part, but I would, in fact, agree that when we pumps billions of gallons of ANYTHING...(not just oil), we're leaving "holes" in the earth's crust. Gasoline is great and we all depend on it, surely. But I do get a little disturbed by those who think that leaving such a large carbon foot print on mother earth will go unscathed. History shows that our planet only puts up with so much crap before it decides to renew itself. I would add to that......that we're pissing her off more than ever.
  18. Integrity and our government have NOTHING in common. Add to that fiscal responsibility and accountability while you're at it. No surprises here.
  19. I feel your pain, but this stupid fiasco keeps us hopping on crapped up carburetors! Corn oughta be eaten, and not used for a VERY INFERIOR fuel.
  20. Yes, quite often. The Cinema Tavern...(a.k.a. The Sports Cafe). Which reminds me...I've been too busy to post it on here!!! Danggit. I'm still in the shop working and just stopped in for a quick pcom check.
  21. Back at ya!!!! Tomorrow night will be my FUN night since I am playing with my band in Villa Rica. But tonight...still working outside and will be until about 2 a.m. Bummer...but someone's gotta get it done! Have a great weekend Scott.....and we'll figure out that BBQ thing soon~~
  22. The gasoline that you use in your mowers and weed eaters, blowers, etc. is only good for SIXTY (60) days!!! Down at my dad's shop in Carrollton, I would say that about 75% of all 2-stroke machines (weed wackers, blowers, the ones you mix oil with the gas) were fixed by simply pouring out the old gas that people were using, and pouring in FRESH gas. That's a pretty high percentage. I know I have harped on this issue a few times, but it still needs to be said....because it saves you guys MONEY!!! If your machines are not cranking, or running like crap, CHANGE THE GAS OUT WITH NEW GAS!!! Too
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