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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Close is when you hear the lightening sizzle as it is going over your house! I have had that happen a couple of times.
  2. Bumping this back up. Please submit your votes before Monday morning. I have enjoyed all the pet pics Biz. Really good job!
  3. Hail here in New Hope near Publix. Thankfully it was about pea or nickle size. We seem to get several storms a year with that size hail.
  4. We are supposed to have storms moving in soon. There is also a 90% chance of rain/storms Saturday. NWS forecast for Dallas,GA
  5. Awwwww...that is so sweet! Happy anniversary Marc and Lisa.
  6. Mark, it right at the intersection of Mt. Tabor and East Paulding Drive. On East Paulding Drive and across from the old dragstrip track. Unfortunately it looks as if we are going to have a 90% chance of rain/thunderstorms Saturday, so please everyone be safe.
  7. I have always had good dental insurance too, but with any of my root canals and crowns the average for one tooth has always run me at least $500-$700 after the insurance has paid. Keep those crowns checked religiously because they can get decay under them and you will not usually feel any sensation from it. Then next thing you know the remenants of the tooth under the crown is breaking. I had that to happen once and I was keeping a good check on my crowns. After that I found out the average life span of a crown is about 10 years! Oh and Nowens, I hope I never come across you working in my
  8. EXACTLY what I was saying to hubby.
  9. I am with you. I still use both, but the books I mostly use for the yellow pages.
  10. Hubby is currently driving home from North Carolina. I had to call him to see which way he is coming home. Thank God he took I-20 and not I-85. Thank you for the heads up.
  11. Print the email or online ad where it quotes the price and bring it in to another store to price match it. I have done it before.
  12. CC I couldn't get to your office by 5pm yesterday so I bought 10 tickets on my own. I used my own #s and I had 1 ticket to hit 3 #s. It would have been awesome to have also hit the PowerBall # with that ticket as I had chosen 21 and of course the PowerBall # was 20! So close! Well I did win $7 to let it roll. Congratulations on your winnings everyone! I would say let it roll. Did someone else hit the jackpot last night?
  13. CC just posted a video stating that you guys won $41! See his other thread.
  14. Ok I am convinced enough to try it. Our drain is actually about 6 feet off the floor, but it is in the basement working it's way up and out to the septic tank. I need to order the Cat Genie and install it one day when hubby is out of town. Then "SURPRISE" him when he returns home! What is that saying "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission?"! LMAO Usually he doesn't care what I spend but this is a high dollar poop box in his mind, so he needs a little convincing. Thank you for answering my questions Hoohaa.
  15. Hoohaa, my other question is about the "flushing" pipe that is connected to the drain for the washer, is your drain high up off the floor? Does it still flush out the waste correctly even though it has to push it "up" into the drain? Our drain for the washing machine is actually up above it, so it is very high up off the floor. I am concerned about that.
  16. This law would probably apply to protecting property or possessions other than a home. http://www.georgiapacking.org/law.php O.C.G.A. § 16-3-24</FONT> Use of force in defense of property other than a habitation (a) A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary to prevent or terminate such other's trespass on or other tortious or criminal interference with real property other than a habitation or personal property: (1) Lawfully in his possession; (2)
  17. PCHS 87' When I went to school here we only had ONE Jr.High and ONE highschool. My Jr.High was my mom and dad's high school in the 60's.
  18. I HATE dreaming! My dreams are very vivid with colors, emotions and I can even feel pain. It's like living in another dimension. Every since I was a very little girl I have had dreams of war. In them soldiers are chasing me and my family. In some of the dreams the soldiers have been robots (very fast ones), in other dreams the soldiers are demons, in most they are ordinary human soldiers. I am always chased up or down a hill and I always wake up as I am being caught or shot. In other dreams I dream of a person stabbing me and it's always a family member. In another set of dreams I dream of bei
  19. I only bought 10 tickets and had a ticket with 3 #s. A powerball with it would have been awesome! BTW I pick my own numbers.
  20. This is what I want but hubby says no because it is about $400! We have 4 adult cats, 3 are long hair and 2 are large, so I am also concerned that they will be able to have enough room in there and being older will they use it or ignore it? With 2 very large litter boxes that are changed weekly it has become very rough on my back and fibromyalgia. How is the customer service for the refills, etc.?
  21. Well I couldn't get to CC's office by 5pm to join in, but I did buy my own tickets. Good luck everyone. http://www.galottery.com/
  22. It's not that easy. To be prescribed for medical purposes you usually need a diagnosis of glaucoma, AIDS or cancer. It would help other chronic pain diseases but is not usually prescribed for them.
  23. Azalea's like very acidic soil. Do not plant them near a concrete foundation. Acidic soil is usually naturally found at the base of pine trees. The trees and their needles cause the soil to become acidic. There use to be a product called Miracid by Miracle Grow that was a fertilizer for acidic loving plants. I am not sure if this product is still made but I heard it works great.
  24. Just FYI, it doesn't have to be SMOKED! In some countries it is made into oils and butter that you cook with. These options would end any problem of second hand smoke or problems for those who have respiratory disease but need to use the benefits of THC. Personally I believe it is safer than alcohol and some of our Rx meds for pain. From what I understand the original American Indians used it for pain with war wounds, arthritis, menstrual pain, headaches, etc. I say legalize it with age restrictions and tax it, but if you drive under the influence of it then you should receive a DUI. Same as w
  25. My skin will do the same itchy thing if I don't use my Zyrtec everyday. It gets worse during the pollen season.
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