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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I would like to give something to our trash pick up people but how do you do that if you never see them? I think they pick up really early, like around 6-7am. I can't leave something on top of the trash can because someone could walk by or stop and steal it. I always give a small thank you gift to my chiropractor and each person in her office. I have done that for years and they are all more like friends than anything else to me.
  2. Ugh! I cringe at the thought of it! I have been this way all the way back to oral reports in elementary school. I can talk up a storm with a group of folks once I get to know them, but public speaking is absolute terror to me.
  3. I have been looking at digital photo frames for 2 years now. I REALLY WISH they would make one that has a motion sensor so that it comes on when someone enters the room. It could come on for a few minutes and then shut off after a few minutes. I would like something like that on my fireplace mantle. I could have sworn I seen one like that a few years back but I haven't seen one since, so maybe I just thought I did.
  4. We always have 50 lb bags of cat litter around, so we just throw some of that down and it works. It helped my car get back up our hill of a driveway yesterday afternoon.
  5. My digital weather center is still showing 31 in New Hope. Of course at around 10pm we were at 29 though. The forecast is saying we have warm air on its way from the south. We should start warming up sometime after 7am.
  6. It's not supposed to start warming up until after 7am. I have been watching the radar all night and we have had precipitation falling all night any where above I-20 while the temps remained under freezing or right at it. I am worried because my husband has to drive to northern Tennessee this morning. National Weather Service forecast for Dallas, GA This link will also show the temps and current weather from Cartersville airport.
  7. We are supposed to get warmer air coming in from the southwest but it's not supposed to be here until after 7am. Maybe it is getting here earlier than expected? National Weather Service forecast for Dallas, GA
  8. Between Twelve Oaks subdivision and Publix a huge area of black ice rapidly developed. At exactly 5pm I left Twelve Oaks for an appointment in Dallas. By the time I got to Publix I realized I was going to have to turn around. That is only about 1/4 of mile but the stretch of black ice was already completely covering the road. Unfortunately I was in the Mustang and not the truck. I put it in 1st and did not touch the brakes or gas! Fortunately hubby was at home because when I tried to pull up our hill of a driveway I couldn't get up it. He had to pour out 25 lbs of cat litter for me to get the
  9. I would have stepped up and informed the check out person and the line breaker that he was not next in line. If that wasn't enough for the check out person to stop, then I would ask that the store manager be called up there immediately! The manager can then politely ask him to get in line, call the police or leave the store. I have said something to the line breaker and person at the counter (customer service, deli, etc.) when this has happened before. However, I have also had the person at the counter about to help me next when I know I wasn't next in line, so I told them that this other
  10. If you own these burial plots then they can be sold. This is something I will eventually have to look into for hubby and myself. I prefer not to be cremated as I cannot stand the thought of burning (a personal issue that I cannot seem to move past), he says he doesn't mind either way. I do like the idea of donating some of my organs, but I wish there was a way I could state specifically which ones I am willing to donate.
  11. Did you check JcPenney or Target in Hiram? Thank you. I will check with them next time I go to Town Center.
  12. GeorgiaTornado, you have the same model that I just purchased, the B60 Special Edition. I haven't had time to set it up yet with all the Christmas stuff going on right now, but I am glad to see a local opinion on it. Maybe I can find time to set it up next week. This B60 Special Edition model will run about $30 more than the mini but you receive quite a few more options. I waited until it was on sale at JcPenney and it was less than Kohls or Target. I didn't see this model at Walmart at all. I also purchased the adapter filter to sometimes use my own grounds. After doing alot of online res
  13. The National Weather Service forecast currently shows a 60% chance of rain, freezing rain and sleet for Wednesday night. It says the precipitation should all change over to freezing rain sometime after 1am Thursday morning. NWS forecast for Dallas, GA
  14. :rofl: Good morning everyone! Please stay warm and take extra care of your pets today. NWS forecast for Dallas, GA
  15. It should just be flurries until clearing about 7am. Then our low tonight should be about 14 degrees! Wednesday night we have a 60% chance of a rain/snow mix. NWS forecast for Dallas, Ga
  16. I guess so since he married me! It was a challenge the first couple of years adjusting in our household to the little things. Ironically he doesn't talk like his parents. Maybe it's all the years of traveling due to his job? The first time I visited it was a real culture shock for me as I grew up here as a true southerner. I would say in his hometown about 1/2 the folks are tight lipped, the other half talk a good bit. What else can you do up there? At first I thought around there they would mostly sit around talking, farming or having sex, but apparently they have hardy genes as alot of them
  17. My sister in law, her husband and their 3 daughters were supposed to be at this game. I am so glad they weren't!
  18. Ya, You betcha. My husband grew up in NW Minnesota about 20 miles from Canada.
  19. I believe feverfew is a herb. I do not know what it is used for though. There is a herbal store in Hiram you could call and ask or do some online research. Always be careful taking herbal remedies with prescription or over the counter medications.
  20. Ahhh I see...I must have misunderstood him on that.
  21. Can someone give out a good chocolate fudge recipe or 2? I haven't made any in years but this year just seems like it would be right.
  22. My husband and I absolutely love this commercial. It also has his tux from Footloose in the background.
  23. I can answer these questions as my husband travels through Hartsfield almost weekly and takes a handgun with him LEGALLY. Any handgun or rifle has to be checked in through baggage. It has to be shown as unloaded at baggage check in. Then it is locked (while unloaded) into a piece of luggage or gun case with a padlock that is provided by the owner and a tag is placed on the luggage that states a firearm is inside. It cannot legally be unlocked by a baggage handler. I am guessing that either a warrant or a valid reason by security is needed to legally unlock the luggage or gun case that the gun
  24. The Hiram Target has some on display but they do not have the most recent version of the 9.7" screen. That one is a dark gray and the older 9.7" model is white. Best Buy in Hiram didn't have a 9.7" on display or in stock at all when I looked 2 weeks ago, but the Best Buy at Town Center does. If you plan to read the Kindle in a darkened room then you will probably want a clip-on book light. I plan to use the Kindle and paper books. I have 6 bookcases full of books and I am sure Amazon will not always have what I may be looking for.
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