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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Yep, or search the phone books. Whitepages.com
  2. My central air has been on during the day for a week. My master bedroom ceiling fan is never turned off.
  3. Dr. Luciann Moyher at Dallas Chiropractic Life Center has been my chiropractor for about 10 years now. She will adjust animals, I believe mainly cats and dogs. She also has animals of her own. DALLAS CHIROPRACTIC 565 HARDEE STREET DALLAS GA. 30132 770-445-4600 http://www.dallaschiropractic.net/
  4. OMG we could be health problem twins! (We have discussed some of our health issues before.) Your description sounds exactly like mine except mine started about age 17 or 18. They were the 2-3 day no noise and no light, stay in a dark room type of ones from the time I was 19 until my mid 20s. In my 30s they turned into what I call head pounding "brain bouncers" as that is exactly how it felt, like my brain was bouncing when I walked. I also get the light "zigzags", sometimes even when I have no headache. I have photo-sensitivity to ANY type of light, not just sunlight. I can frequently close my
  5. Really? We have used them for years but I did not know this. I really need to call them about starting the recycling. Thank you!
  6. That must have been SOME Valentine's kiss CC! I hope you were able to find a locksmith or an officer friend with a skeleton key to help.
  7. http://www.carecredit.com/ Here is the website to apply and find a doctor. It also covers more than just dental but other health issues as well. Yes it is credit, but they can give lower interest options for financing than most credit cards.
  8. What does the soap do to help? I am curious.
  9. Soaking in a warm bath with epsom salts. It can be added to bubble baths too. My great grandmother grew a fairly large mint garden. She liked to use peppermint oil. My grandmother used rubbing alcohol and epsom salts. I am betting that peppermint oil put in rubbing alcohol would work well. I have eaten a banana for leg cramps and had it work many times.
  10. I am thinking of using one when we have the floors done in the house. We will leave it here to use as needed rather than send it to storage. Are they completely waterproof? What type of locking system is on them?
  11. I have never really won much of anything other than $1-2 on powerball tickets, but I rarely ever play the lottery and never scratch off. I am a member of an online game site where I pay an annual membership fee and play for pleasure, never expecting to win anything. One year, on the day before my birthday, I won a $4569 jackpot! We combined it with our tax refund to pay off the mustang almost a year early and buy 2 household computers to replace our old ones. I think I am still in shock over it a little bit.
  12. Yep, this is exactly what I had to do in order to move on and not let the bitterness take over who I am. I also had to learn to love myself, which will help to battle any of the negative thoughts about yourself that try to creep in. Something done to you by another should never become who YOU are! I know, much easier said than done. Also, it is one thing to forgive but most victims/survivors never forget. There is never true justice for any type of abuse.
  13. msgastorm

    GYM info?

    Marc, the place behind Jim N Nicks is Workout Anytime. They are a 24/7 gym. There is a smaller location beside of the Dallas Walmart behind the auto parts store.
  14. After a heavy rainfall like we recently had, I will see large flocks in my yard looking for earthworms or grubs. When it rains that much it forces the earthworms to the surface for oxygen. This makes it easier for the robin to grab the worm and these robin flocks apparently know this! LOL
  15. Hmmmm... this is a great thread for both thought and comedy. For those who do believe in the Bible, I would like to point out something as explained from my father's point of view to my question many years ago about animals in heaven. It says "the lion lay down with the lamb in heaven" and also that "God created the animals before the creation of man and woman". Of course the lion and the lamb are both animals, so I would think this would mean that animals do go to heaven. Not only that, but obviously here on earth the lion would be a predator to the lamb and yet it describes a peaceful s
  16. I live in New Hope near East Paulding Drive and Hwy 381. That's not too far from 92/120. The Lost Mountain Papa John's delivers for this area. I agree with House of Lu for Chinese. I am pretty positive that they deliver in the area you are inquiring about and their food is pretty good. As previously suggested Johnny's Pizza in New Hope will deliver but they have more than just pizza. They also sell lasagna, calzone, salads and I believe some pasta.
  17. Don't forget that most parking lot sweepers run in the middle of the night. Otherwise there would be too many cars in the parking lots for the machines to properly sweep most of the area. Yes I am being serious. I am a late nighter and frequently see them out sweeping around 3-4 in the morning. Some restaurants open at 5am and they need the underground "grease pits" (or whatever they are called) pumped frequently. Some gas stations open early or are open all night, so they may have early gas and other deliveries. In the case of Walmart they have some deliveries made over night when most o
  18. I don't think the National Weather Service will notify roofing companies of anything. We get flyers, cards and such from roofing companies stuck ON our mailbox all of the time for the past 2 years. A couple of times they have come up the driveway and rang the door bell. I am not sure what started this. Maybe because after the big hail storm in New Hope a couple of our neighbors had their roofs replaced?
  19. My hands are throbbing, swollen and trembling. The ears are ringing at a really loud high pitch with pressure in my head. If my hip pain becomes bad then a storm is probably already here! We don't use Tylenol either. I don't think I have taken it since I was a teenager. Now, with all the warnings for potential liver problems, I am so glad I have stuck with Advil. My doctor has recently told me to start taking Advil in a prescription dose because of the inflammation in my hands, feet and back. That's in addition to my fibromyalgia meds. Aleve does absolutely nothing for me. Be careful
  20. Apparently the reports could be true. As of right now the National Weather Service is predicting snow Wednesday night and Thursday for our area. Here is the link for Dallas, GA http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=ffc&zmx=1&zmy=1&map.x=108&map.y=93
  21. I have been wondering where you were and missing you on P.com! I figured you were chasing after the five children and recovering from the new baby. Please PM me your FB info. From what I understand, when P.com went through a few recent board changes everyones email notifications were not going through for a while.
  22. St. John's Wort is a herbal supplement for depression. In some countries herbal supplements are prescribed as treatments and St. John's Wort is prescribed as an antidepressant. However, it should not be taken while pregnant or on birth control pills. It reduces the effectiveness of birth control pills like antibiotics do and you can become pregnant very easily. I took it for almost a year once and it did work for me, but not as well as I needed. I had to resort to a prescription antidepressant. Yes I also have A LOT of anxiety and have since I was a very young child. An antidepressant only
  23. This topic peaked my interest, so I have been performing searches for HOURS! I agree with Georgia Dawgs on the possible published dates but I cannot find a bible with the front cover designed like this one. Since your printed page says "Oxford" at the bottom, then I am assuming from my search info that this means Oxford University Press. They do have some elaborately designed covers from that era. Good luck!
  24. DEFINITELY Saving Grace for me. I was so upset it was cancelled. I now have the 3 seasons on DVD.
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