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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Alot of puppies and even some kitties "grow" into their colors and markings as they get older. Congrats on the litter!
  2. At least here the lottery pays for Hope.
  3. We are in New Hope and at least 3 roofs were replaced on our drive alone in this subdivision. We plan to call a couple of roofing companies and our agent very soon.
  4. LMAO! At $20/kid for 5 hours you MIGHT get a few takers though.
  5. Yes Lipitor carries the same warning as Crestor for the muscular side effects. I keep an eye out for my husband because of this.
  6. When you can, put a heating pad over your feet. It really works!
  7. Wow that is interesting and congrats on finding something that works for you! I will definitely look into this. I already have a high calcium intake because that is something I love. By the way, you can have RA AND lupus, so please make sure your doctor keeps a check on this for you.
  8. Yep I can believe it. One of hubby's best buddies called today to tell him he is taking the kids out camping like they use to do in Minnesota. They dig a tunnel into the snow and set up in the snow with sleeping bags etc. He said they even would build a fire. I guess kind of like the eskimos do in the igloos by using the snow as insulation? It's weird to me. I freaked out once when I found out that in winter when the lakes are frozen his sister would drive over one to work because "it's a shortcut"! Oh and right now it is -10 in the friend's area of Minnesota! Yes that is farenheit.
  9. Ok, I wasn't sure there for a minute. Sorry I guess I am being "moody". LOL
  10. Hubby is a gun collector so I asked him for you. He also suggested the Kmart pawn shop, or Nick's or Parnell's off Hwy 5 in Marietta. If you buy a used gun at a gun show then be careful, sometimes they are stolen. This happened once to hubby and he has a very good eye for guns.
  11. My last year going undiagnosed I was taking that much ibuprofen a day and still having to stay in bed all the time. Then when I learned that much ibuprofen can cause long term kidney problems and I seen an article on fibromyalgia that seemed to list all my symptoms, I broke down and seen a rheumatologist in Atlanta who diagnosed me. First she performed a ton of blood work that all came back negative though. However, she had NO patient skills, so I left her for my current rheumatologist. Please be careful taking that much ibuprofen. Oh and thank you for the offer BookReader. That is very s
  12. YES! I have been having a much worse time with more pain than normal, both from the weather and because my "new" insurance company decided that they wouldn't pay for my Lyrica (which I had been on for 3 years) unless I try Neurontin (gabapentin) and it is not working very well for my pain at all! For me more pain means an increase in my insomnia which means more pain, etc. I also have pain in my hands, feet, low back and left hip that don't seem to be fibro related, they seem more like some sort of nerve pain not muscular. I switched from Effexor XR to Cymbalta in February and while it helps g
  13. I am only 40 and have been having some problems with hot flashes for a few years. A little over 3 years ago I lost an ovary due to a tumor but before that my hormones were testing normal. My doctor put me back on the pill to help with hormone replacement and that only helped the hot flashes a little. I even tried black cohosh, soy supplements, Remifemin and Healty Woman individually while ON the birth control pills to help and none of them seemed to help even a little. We now believe the hot flashes may not be due to reproductive hormones, but are not sure what is causing them. Recently she ha
  14. I agree with MCMM on the camera. As for the child looking shorter, will they let you put her in a stroller? Are strollers allowed?
  15. msgastorm


    Yeah, I could of sworn I heard a boom just before 6am this morning too. I am off East Paulding Drive in New Hope. MANY times the space shuttle has been returning to earth and as it comes through the atmosphere over Tennessee you can hear the sonic boom here. I have also felt it shake the exterior walls of the house before because my headboard is against an exterior wall. However, I don't know what caused the boom this morning. It also sounded sonic and seemed over head. I am only about 2-3 miles from Dallas Walmart but the boom I heard this morning seemed to come from a Northern directio
  16. msgastorm


    If you REALLY want to go faster then grease the bottom of them with cooking oil! Usually the local kids are on our concrete driveway that is on a huge hill.
  17. Oh wow! I am glad everyone is safe, warm and unhurt. Take care.
  18. Ohhh no! Hubby was just in San Juan a couple of months ago. I should have known with those clues but I thought Puerto Rico had already been guessed. Thank you for a nice game. You also have a safe and warm day.
  19. MsGaStorm, on 08 January 2010 - 10:57 AM, said: #9 Rocky Mountain National Forest/Park (If it's where I think it is, then the entrance we went through was near Estes, Co. We were staying in Denver and went for a very long drive.) YES! Good job! ********************* Thank you Oscar. That was a beautiful drive. We drove all the way through the park and then continued on to Vail for dinner. Then another drive from Vail back to Denver. It was an amazing trip.
  20. #9 Rocky Mountain National Forest/Park (If it's where I think it is, then the entrance we went through was near Estes, Co. We were staying in Denver and went for a very long drive.)
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