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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Hmmm...I couldn't find the cheese/garlic bisquick mix at Dallas Walmart tonight.
  2. Why would it be fair to the children to pick up their parents debt? I don't even see how it could be legal to pass that onto the children without them signing as a co-signer.
  3. My Dell XPS I had built from their website, it has Vista, and I love my computer! I've never had any problem but I only use it for personal computing. Pubby, if this is for work, then you may be able to partially write off some of the purchase as a work related expense on your taxes. You might want to check into that. Oh and congratulations! I went through a "2 week training" once for medical transcription. Even though I had went to technical school and graduated in the subject with a 3.9 GPA, I still had to take their 2 week training. About 90% of those taking the training were hired 2 w
  4. Merry Christmas you two!
  5. Powder, which location are you at? We have ordered from Lost Mtn. Papa John's for years and have always loved them. I noticed a girl I have never seen before delivered to us this time.
  6. I didn't go either. I was planning on it and had my outfit picked out, but I barely slept last night and my fibro pain has been kicking my rear all week. I woke up today barely able to move. Right now I have muscle pain AND joint pain, so I guess the joint pain is from the weather? Not sure. I hate that I missed the party and the festival of trees too. I have been looking forward to both for a couple of weeks.
  7. I smoked for 10 years and have been quit now for 17 years. I quit smoking at the same time that my doctor told me I was going to have to cut down on coffee from a pot a day to 1-2 cups a day. Talk about being a real _itch for a couple of months. I had no medication for it, just ALOT of prayers, gum and candy. Even before smoking I was never able to run without getting a cough that sometimes led to bronchitis, so that didn't change for me. However, I could tell that my lungs were healing to something similiar to my presmoking state. Medically speaking your lungs are supposed to be healed and as
  8. The long morning lines at Martins IS because of their wonderful biscuits. It has been that way everyday for 20 years. When I was 18-19 my Mom and I would go for breakfast on Saturday, then go do our weekly shopping.
  9. YAY!!! Wtg CA! I missed being here by 20 minutes, but I am so glad you made your goal.
  10. Woohoo! She is going to make it!
  11. This would make more sense because I know I was once ticketed for doing over 80 in a 55 zone on an interstate in Cobb and the fine was over $300, this was more than 15 years ago!
  12. Don't just take a picture or video of the item, also do it for the model # and serial #. Scan or photograph the receipt for any new item purchase. Our agent told us this years ago. Also, not all fireproof safes are fireproof. Each safe will say to what temperature the safe is fireproof, anything beyond that may burn OR the safe may melt OR if the safe isn't WATERPROOF then you may still lose the contents. Putting the photos or CD/DVD of the photos/video in a bank safe deposit box or a relative's home is a much better back up system. Yes, some homes can reach temperatures more than hot enough t
  13. Hmmm...this must have been created from the annual Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Paulding Co. mud ride. It has been going on for literally decades! This is the first time I have heard of a prize being given out. My Dad had an old Army jeep he use to take us in as kids. I quit going on mud rides probably over 15 years ago though. I just had different interests. Good luck to all.
  14. Hubby and I are nudists at home, me more so than him, but we don't have children. I grew up not thinking of nudity as a "big deal" even though as a teenager I was very shy in gym. I am told as a little girl you couldn't keep clothes on me for longer than 15 minutes before I started throwing them off! To me the human body is a beautiful and functional creation (for the lesser part on the functions!) in all shapes and sizes. Although we are in a subdivision, we are on a high hill that looks down on our neighbors homes. So even with the blinds open you can't see us unless we were standing right i
  15. That little girl will NEVER be in need of body guards! LOL
  16. Thank you, but I have also had it done for me.
  17. I have done almost this exact same thing in the grocery store only the mother was about to put back her gallon of milk. I was in line right behind her and told her that I would get the milk. I think she about fell over with relief and it warmed my heart.
  18. Congrats Katt! Save them up for a rainy day and then use them wisely if needed! Thank you Boss! Merry Christmas!
  19. In my basement storage I have themes ranging from irridescent snowflakes and crosses, glass hearts, victorian roses, and burgundy taffeta in ornaments, angels, tree skirts and stockings. I am probably forgetting some of them. Then there are the countless glass and some plastic balls, ranging from mini size to 3" in all sorts of shades. This year in the livingroom it is the burgundy taffeta skirt and stockings, with burgundy and gold glass balls, then the roughly 12x10 irridescent acrylic lighted star for the topper. I have an angel dressed in burgundy and gold, but I like the irridescent s
  20. Boss, may I please have a mayberry? I am FAR from having 20! I do try to be good, but you never know when you might need those darn things.
  21. I have 4 cats between the ages of 3 and 9 yrs old. The two 3 yr olds are brothers and litter mates, those 2 are nuts. It has become a challenge to find interesting toys for all 4 because the stuff in the stores just isn't cutting it anymore. No, they do not sleep all the time. My hubby and I jokingly call it our kitty cat circus! I will have to look online and see if I can find a video of what these toys do. Thank you.
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