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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Congrats. I hope to retire in the first half of 2010.
  2. I thought Japanese cars were flawless! Buy American.
  3. Yep, poorly thought out and poorly implemented by the P-BO crew of morons.
  4. As I said before, this program was poorly thought out and poorly implemented. Typical government inefficiency.
  5. If I make this at all, I won't arrive until sometime after noon.
  6. Maybe they should tax the folks who go to the trough for two, three and even four overfilled plates of food.
  7. Basically a lazy, ineffective member of the county commission and a scumbag to boot. Why voters can't see these things is beyond me.
  8. You're in a great location and yes, walk, walk, walk everywhere. My guess is that they're all down on River Street which has dozens of restaurants. I'd just walk and check each of them out and pick the best.
  9. I have no idea what you are planning to spend, but, you'll get a better value privately. Always have the car inspected by a licensed mechanic and someone you trust. In order to ensure that your son has some interest in caring for the car, I suggest that you have him pay part of the cost of buying the car, no matter how little, and that he be responsible for the maintenance.
  10. The Paulding Meadows show was in April and is an official show, scheduled annually.
  11. Eat at the 1790 Restaurant. Walk everywhere! It is a beautiful place. http://www.10best.com/Savannah,GA/Restaura...nt_Savannah_GA/
  12. Shred the credit card and don't use it again if you're concerned. I have a Visa from my credit union with a high credit limit I have never reached, an interest rate of 7.9% and I pay it off in full every month as I have always done. Use the credit card to manage your cash flow, not as a source of funds.
  13. I'm unaware of either of these but there is a cruise night in downtown Dallas tomorrow evening.
  14. Some of us have been paying property taxes for years and live in Cobb where at age 62, your property is exempt from paying school tax. Yay - an 1800 savings for us.
  15. Sounds reasonable. I have a 5.02 15 year mortgage and I was unable to find a better deal for me.
  16. Just a thought...yes, values are down here, but, I think they are also down, perhaps more so, in Florida. Your delta in moving might be less now than it is in two years. And, the job market in Florida might be better depending on what you are trying to do.
  17. I did not refi either. The rate was not as attractive as I needed and the clsoing costs weren't justified. I am continuing to pay additional money into my principal - best value for me.
  18. Please post a synopsis of his resume and skills. I'll try to make suggestions.
  19. We have a huge garage. The two old cars and my wife's car are parked inside. The garage doors, the exterior door into the garage and the garage windows are all connected to our security system. I only lock the inside cars when we are away. The older Ford in the driveway is always locked.
  20. Try these: http://www.usflags.com/products/Hand-Held-...rican-Flags.asp ...and tell her that her country is grateful for her service and is overjoyed that she returned safely.
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