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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. I am currently using XP Pro SP3. Why should I upgrade and should I upgraDE TO 7 Pro? Thanks!
  2. Yeah, yeah...but can you drive a real car with a clutch that has so much spring it will push your knee into your nose?
  3. In the same boat re today. Later this week would have been fine.
  4. Is your homeowners coverage based on market value? Replacement value? Many are based on replacement which is not related to assessment in any way I'm aware of.
  5. If it runs like a pig, it is a pig. Any way you cut it, AOL is a pig and an unnecessary one. Just tellin' the truth.
  6. For that, I bought a small UPS from APC (Something like this): http://www.apc.com/resource/include/techsp...base_sku=BE450G
  7. Whenever there is a connectivity problem, blame AOL first...and you would be correct 99.9% of the time. Dump AOL.
  8. I turn mine off every evening. Use less power and clears my PC of any "problems" generated during the day.
  9. Fly it every day and replace it once or twice a year.
  10. Did you try Hightower TV in Acworth? I know that it can be difficult getting a house call.
  11. We've had Sprint for 5 years and no problems. We switched from Cingular and dropped our rates almost 30%.
  12. Just poured here at Dallas Highway and Lost Mountain.
  13. Secret is to read the labels. Watch for total carbs and carbs from sugar. Stay away from sugar. Fruit juice is loaded with sugar. Eat an orange instead.
  14. I hear you. I fly the American flag year round and add the Canadian flag on July 1st. I have been an American citizen since June 10, 1999.
  15. I've been giving blood since I was in my teens. I only feel slightly tired after I give blood. And, I'm 62. My wife says it also makes her a little tired but she and I both feel fine the next day. You can give a pint of blood once every 56 days.
  16. Go to a blood drive. If your iron is below a set level, they will not let you give. If you need a good iron supplement, buy Walgreens Ferrous Sulfate. A couple of those every day will raise your iron.
  17. Im already doing it with my 15 year mortgage. I've been paying off principal with bonuses and an extra 135.00 per month (which used to go to escrow for taxes but my taxes are now much lower - school tax exemption in Cobb). I should have my mortgage paid off in 2017 instead of 2019.
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