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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. I know how to short the damn things out so that they will be trashed.
  2. Yes, my brother and I took turns (we had a calendar) using my Mom's car when we were teens. Rules, in my father's voice: 1. This is your Mother's car. If she needs it, your turn is forfeited. 2. You are responsible for all additional insurance. Split it two ways; when the bill arrives, your payment is due. 3. Pay for your own gas. 4. You will learn to maintain the car. I expect the tires to be at rated pressure at all times. I expect the oil and filter to be changed every 3000 miles. You will do this yourself; you may not pay someone else. 5. The car is in perfect condition; if yo
  3. Please contact Surepip. Apparently his wife works only to get help coverage. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...t&p=2887896 He says he cannot afford individual insurance because it is too expensive. I'd love to help him out.
  4. I suspect the poster addressed by the OP does not care to listen. He is locked in his beliefs.
  5. Those who live in the world of "gimmee, gimmee" cannot see beyond their noses, let alone grasp concepts such as this.
  6. The implication is that you sit in the office doing nothing while your employees, to whom you have "delegated" responsibility, work - making you wealthy. Is WT posting over tehre? Because this sure sounds like his twisted thinking (using thinking loosely)
  7. Popping in? Like a rabbit popping out of a hat? Good morning, JMT!
  8. My experience is that the cruise lines won't let you board without a passport and that passport not be within 6 months of expiration. I always carry mine. I renewed it last May and it only took about 3-4 weeks to get my new passport. From the RCI site, which may clarify this: I'd recommend getting a passport. With it, you can go anywhere without having to worry.
  9. All the cruise lines have similar verbiage about fuel surcharges. I recall not paying it on our cruise last March on NCL either. Just lucky, I guess.
  10. Our February 2010 booking on RCI has zero fuel surcharge. I assume the OP's rates are cheaper because she is discounting her commission.
  11. Inside cabins are the cheapest; they are opposite the outside of the ship; no window. Outside cabins are on the outside of the ship with a window and are called "oceanview". The window is usually a large porthole. Balconies are outside cabins with a balcony (typically small but there are large ones). Then you get to various sizes of suites which can get pricy. So, in terms of increasing price: Inside, oceanview, balcony, suite. Your price varies based on the "class" of your cabin. An inside on the lowest deck will cost the least and prices generally get higher as you get higher in the shi
  12. I prefer RCI but others prefer Carnival. Go to http://www.cruisecritic.com and read some of the forum threads (boards). Eye opening and very informative, albeit very opinionated. Amy and I love cruising. We try to go once a year.
  13. Excellent price. My wife and I are going on RCI next February for 10 days to the Panama Canal and our price is nowhere near as good as this.
  14. I appreciate what you're saying but I believe it came down to doing something with shrinking revenues. Your out of pocket insurance premiums may go down under P-BO's plan but your taxes will increase so dramatically that your cost for healthcare will actually rise. Since you're not a Democrat, I am sure that you know this already. And yet, you support P-BO's plan.
  15. You might want to look at what P-BO wants to spend and is spending. Home Exemption is peanuts compared to the big Democrap dogs plan to do with our taxes.
  16. Sounds tight enough. Maybe he'll defend them again.
  17. ACORN is a corrupt organization and should be dismantled. Did not Obama start out with ACORN?
  18. Happy birthday. 50? Now where was I when I was 50?
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