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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. Hey ya'll watch this. Well butter my biscuits.
  2. So I can't buy a big drink but I can still get 2 mediums? Surprised they don't put a limit on the number of "drinks" you can buy in a day. Next up is ration cards to track your purchases. Why not just ban "unhealthy" drinks altogether and only sell government approved drinks.
  3. If you have to ask, it probably is not.
  4. They would have to have a special area designated for 18 and older to allow smoking inside.
  5. 35 is a lot better then 2,996 people wouldn't you say?
  6. No. "while some banks were well-staffed and trained to modify mortgages, most were not." So your saying they could have had well-staffed and trained people to modify the mortgages if they wanted but they intentionally chose not to have well-staffed and trained people to modify mortgages so they could intentionally shaft the customers who provide the money for them to operate in the first place. Sounds like they cut off their nose to spite their face. Having had personal experience trying to modify a mortgage I would say they did not bother doing it because there was entirely to
  7. Promise I will do it tomorrow.
  8. You would think that FB would make is so once someone unfriends you they don't show back up on the "people you might know" list just because you have mutual friends. I mean seriously. Of course in most cases you don't even know you have been unfriended till they show up on the people you might know list.
  9. Of course I know what I am doing.
  10. No I don't think she is good looking.
  11. That is the way it should be. parents punishment use to be much worse then what ever the police might do.
  12. Of course your the only one for me.
  13. Because it hit them just has hard. Why single out just the Blacks and Latinos who didn't have as much to lose in the first place, according to the article. (see I did read it ) The thing about statistics is you can manipulate the numbers to prove your point.
  14. "The Great Recession hit black and Latino households particularly hard. It wiped out half the wealth of a typical black household, leaving them with a median net worth of $4,900." I am sure the white folks who lost half of their wealth would disagree.
  15. "In 1962, the top 1% had 125 times the net worth of the median household. That shot up to 288 times by 2010, according to a new report by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute." Well at least they admitted it. "The typical black and Latino households don't own any stocks, and the typical black family has no home equity." Talk about stereotyping. Damn evil white people, bunch of Nazis.
  16. That is because the people who make money keep doing the things that make them money(the horror) and the people who do not make money keep doing the things that do not make them mo money. Funny how that works out.
  17. Yes, yes it is. This entire post is sad. (sarcasm)
  18. Most people will tell you that the free stuff works just as good or better then anything that you can purchase. The stuff you buy just has a bunch of bloatware that you really don't need anyway. They just market it to make you think you need it for "peace of mind".
  19. Roughly I would say about 5-7 thousand. Probably less for a $73k house. If you have it under contract it should be listed in the good faith estimate.
  20. Are you looking for technical support? According to their website it is 24/7. Of course you will be talking to Habib. Orders and customer care is Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-7 p.m.
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