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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. That is what I have been thinking. I have been working in this call center for 10 years now waiting for something to be done about those who slack off most of the day and those of us who do the bulk of the work but nothing yet. Seems that those that slack off get the awards and recognition. Probably because they are hobbnobbing it with the team leads and managers out in the smoking area and/or very good at the bullsqueeze. Now that I am on the night shift it is a very small crew and there are times when we need all hands on deck. I guess some people are born with good work ethics and s
  2. According to their online channel line up ESPN is channel 602. Not sure if that is the one with Monday Night Foosball or not.
  3. I guess it makes sense to me now. I tried to change my address on line and after answering all their questions it said I was not eligible to change my address on line based on my answers. What they are meaning is you must have changed the address on your current DL within the last 4 years and made that change with the Post Office. I was not eligible to change my address online because I made the address change on my current DL with the Post Office almost 8 years ago. I guess that means I will have to make the trip to Cartersville and bring all my documents to prove I am who I a
  4. Maybe it is just me but #4 of the rules for changing your Drivers License makes no sense to me. If the address you changed with the PO is the same as your current DL then why would you even need to change your address on your DL?? 1. You must be a US Citizen. 2. You must be a Georgia resident. 3. You must have changed your address with U.S. Postal Service. For verification purposes, the address change must have been completed in the past 4 years and before you continue with this transaction. 4. The address you changed with U.S. Postal Service must match the address on you
  5. Why is he not doing it for free? We expect corporate CEOs to work for free why not Leno. After all Leno is much more important.
  6. Well it could go the other way. My son kept getting sinus infections every few months with cough and stuffed up nose. After about 2 years of taking him to see the doctor every few months they finally decided to have him check for allergies. Sure enough that was the cause of the sinus infections. We had the suspicion that is was something else causing the issues and even mentioned it to his doctor, we saw the same doctor each time, the doctor basically made excuses and came up with different reasons why he had the infection. It was not until we saw a different doctor in the office th
  7. Since there is no real way to track whether the person is even eligible to vote how much more difficult is it to actually prove fraud exists? (shrug) From what I am reading anyone can fill out a voter registration card and vote. No proof of residency required, no proof of citizenship required. Heck you don't even need to prove that the person registering is even a real person. I could register my cat if I wanted to. OF course they can't prove that there is voter fraud.
  8. Have you ever had co-workers you just want to call out for all the BS excuses on why they can't do their job?? I have 2 people I have worked with for the last 4 years and it seems everyday I have to bite my tongue to keep from calling them on all their BS reasons for not doing something. Seems they spend more time finding excuses not to work then just doing the job. One of these days I might just go off on them and call them out.
  9. Vista? I tried Chrome was not to impressed but anything is better then IE. Sticking with Mozilla for the time being but your mileage might vary.
  10. The way I see it since it is so easy to register to vote with no accountability it would be even harder to prove fraud. But that does not take away the fact that the potential for wide scale fraud is there. How hard would it be to set up a network of people that all register in different locations then just travel around the state of election day voting? How difficulty would that be to actually prove? Just because you can't prove fraud does not take away the fact that it would be very easy to commit voter fraud.
  11. How do you know they are not??? Just because it has not been proven to happen the fact remains the potential for voter fraud is very viable and very easy to do.
  12. Right, so you see the problem with that? Anyone can go and vote citizen or none. And if there is no proof of residency when you register I could conceivably just register in different locations with another address of a friend or relative.
  13. I find both sides of the argument to be weak. What they really need to do is require proof of citizenship. If you don't have to prove who you are how do they prove you even have the legal right to vote?
  14. Even if the ID was free, they came to you, offered it on a weekend and/or after hours and did not require any proof of residency people would claim it was discriminatory. Or what they should do is offer the ID when you go to vote. They can just use the voter registry as the persons identity. Once a person gets an ID they mark them off the voter registry as having got an ID so someone else can not come along and get a duplicate. But then that is making entirely to much sense. :wacko:
  15. My point exactly. They did not pursue the lawsuit and instead they settled with an undisclosed settlement, which means payoff, and Disney can continue to operate business as usual at the park without having to make any pubic changes or accept blame. Which would indicate in my simple mind that they just took the money instead of pushing for change that might protect some other kid. Perception is everything.
  16. It was in the news so apparently it is a story. What burns me is the parents cared more about the money then making the park safe for other kids. If they really believed the allegations to be true they should have fought Disney to the end, not just take the money and run.
  17. In the suit, Chase's family claimed "Walt Disney World failed Brubaker and caused his death by neglecting to design a road that would keep him safe from harm." Their attorney, Karen Terry said, "They created a foreseeable zone of danger where they knew children and pedestrians would be." In court documents, the family said Chase "was killed because the sidewalk is too close to the road, the bus wasn't properly maintained and the bus driver didn't get adequate breaks throughout the day."
  18. So they can take a day off from work to go vote but can't go get an ID? IDs are needed for many more things in life then just voting so it would seem to me to be a much larger benefit then just voting and isn't the proposed ID in most cases free? The excuses against voter ID is laughable.
  19. You will just have to shop around. Your mileage may vary.
  20. Really? Your excuses hold no water. "* Someone whose license doesn't have their current address....ie. I move from South Paulding to North Paulding, my ID doesn't show that I belong in the precinct I'm trying to vote at." Who's fault is that??? It is the persons responsibility to get a change of address. It's not like they don't know there is an election coming. * College students who live out of state....a college student from Georgia going to Penn St. wouldn't be allowed to vote because he doesn't have a state issued ID. They can get an absentee ballot from their sta
  21. Voter ID is racist. We all know Black people can't afford to get an ID.
  22. Be sort of stupid not to have 2 trucks. If they only used one for both trash and recycling how would they keep it separated?
  23. It took me roughly 8 months of looking to find a house that did not go under contract or get out bid right after I placed a bid on. Funny part is some of the houses we bid on are still unsold. A lot of the houses are in bad shape yet the asking price is much more then anyone would reasonable pay for it. I just bought a very good condition bank owned home for 10K under the asking price. The seller even paid the closing so the actual sale price was almost 20K under the sale price. The appraisal came in much higher then the asking price also. There was several offers made at the sa
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