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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. Yes same thing. Back when I bought mine that was the name. I have had my Queen for over 10 years now. I can not sleep on anything else and it will pretty much last forever. ETA: Another benefit is it is easy to move. Just let the air out and roll it up. The frame is light weight plastic and very easy to take apart and put back together. No heavy mattress or box springs to move.
  2. Drove past the K-roger at Crossroads around 7:15 this evening it was 3.04. Came back an hour later it was 2.99.
  3. I did acknowledge him, I responded with a "good morning" that should be sufficient. Usually I just say "hey". I guess I am just a no nonsense type of person. I had a mission to do and all I wanted to do was just complete it and move on. I was not interested in conversation and I am not a chatty guy. At least not sober.
  4. under the cap for the Dew. I drink some occasionally I will send you the code if I do.
  5. So I go into the break room at work to get a drink. There is another person in there who I have never seen before because I work nights so don't really see many of the day shift people and there is a lot of different groups. Any way he says "good morning how are you?" I respond "good morning" and get my drink and turn to leave, I am just about out the door when I hear him yell "I am doing fine also thanks for asking" I mean really? Do people need that much attention.
  6. That is why you just do it yourself. No need to involve anyone else. :unsure:
  7. Plug it in and find out. I found that in some cases even though the male/female connectors are the same it does not work. This is the case with my cable for my cell phone and my Kindle Fire. Even though they are the same I can not charge my Kindle Fire with the phone charger or vise versa.
  8. Posted on their website and also emailed if they have your email. I got mine via email.
  9. There are actually conflicting reports. Later reports after the autopsy said he used the .223 Bushmaster primarily.
  10. Maybe he got tired of asking because he knew you were going to wear it anyway. :unsure:
  11. The leggings are holding it all in. :rofl: I just have to believe that is a staged picture. It looks to me like her shirt is pulled up on purpose. I just can't believe a manager would let her dressed like that. Of course now days people are afraid to confront employees of that type even when they are obviously violating some sort of dress code.
  12. The bigger question is were their children forced to participate or was it voluntary? Were the parents forced to sit and listen to the carols or was it voluntary?
  13. IDK, that would be more beer then I think I could consume. Maybe some tequila? :unsure:
  14. Parents Say Christmas Carols are Form of Bullying A group of parents in Missoula, Mont. are upset over the religious nature of Christmas songs performed at a local elementary school – alleging the songs about the Baby Jesus is unconstitutional and a “form of bullying.” The parents, who declined to be identified, are threatening to sue the Missoula County Public School District unless songs like “Joy to the World” and “Good Christian Men Rejoice” are replaced with secular tunes. “Bullying is such a hot topic, yet that seems to be what is occurring here,” the parents wrote in a lette
  15. It's a good question but I thought they stopped selling 30 round mags and only allow 20? But either way, I would rather have a AR-15 with a 20/30 round magazine and never need it then to not have one and need it someday. Of course a AR-15 would not really be that good for home defense because of the close distance. You would be better served with a hand gun or maybe a shot gun. Of course if you follow all the "rules" of keeping a firearm in your home you would never have time to use it anyway. But having guns is not all about home defense. Some people just like to collect gun
  16. Why do the schools need to deal with it? Shouldn't that be the responsibility of the parents to deal with their own child's mental welfare? Having said that I think the schools should make a counselor available to the kids that might want to talk about it with someone. This is also a good time to remind kids and practice what to do in case of a lock down and to keep staff up to date on procedures. But other than that is should be business as usual.
  17. My question is what did she stand to gain from having him killed?
  18. I am in the market for some meggings.
  19. He has probably had a few to many drinks.
  20. It's all because Obama won the election. :wacko:
  21. You mean to say he is a gifted reader of the teleprompter.
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