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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. Going out is easy, it's the getting it back in that's the hard part.
  2. I gave up on the rollers. I just use them then throw them away. Have to give the Dawn a try. Fortunately I do the painting while she is at work so she does not see me using her new sink. :rofl:
  3. So it's the pedestrian crossing signs fault because it was install on a median that someone decided they wanted to drive on? We should remove all roadside signs so dumb drivers won't run into them. :wacko:
  4. Speaking of diets, one of the biggest mistakes people make is NOT eat. They figure if they limit the number of meals they have they will lose more weight. Not true. If you starve yourself your body is going to hold onto as much fat as it can for energy sources. The best thing for you is to eat smaller meals just more frequent, like 5-6 times a day. Plus if you eat a huge meal and your body does not need all the energy it just stores it away as fat. The trick is to consume just enough calories (300-500 average) to get you to the next meal which should be in about 3 hours. This will
  5. Just because the company changed names does not mean it is no longer a "local" company. The same people still work there. If the price is the same and they still pick up your trash what does it matter they are still putting money in local peoples hands. :unsure:
  6. Previously I was cleaning them off in the kitchen sink since it was getting replaced but I am sure the wifey is not going to appreciate me cleaning the brushes and rollers in her new kitchen sink and counter tops. Guess it is back to hosing them off outside. And those foam rollers are a pain in the patootie so I think I will stay away from them.
  7. And so comparing healthcare professionals to Nazis is justified because the low-fat people and the low-carb people don't agree with each other? All the cardiologists and other medical professionals I have met with about my hearth advise both, low fat low carb. But the bottom line is only YOU can decide what you want to do. It's your life. If you think they are a bunch of Nazis just don't go see them. No one is forcing you. Even ObamaCare does not force you to seek medical care or advise. You still have your free will. Where as the people under Nazi rule had no free will.
  8. Guess that would depend on the State laws in the State that you are traveling to. The best choice would be to leave Herb at home.
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Never respond to those type of emails or ANY other type of junk mail. By responding you have let them know that the email address they used is VALID. Best think to do is mark it as spam. Then the majority of the time it will go to your spam folder automatically. But as a reminder NO valid company is going to send you an email asking you for your account information, especially when they should already have it. Same goes for phone calls. No valid company is going to call you and ask you for your account information which they should have a
  10. My cardiac rehab was with WellStar Kennestone and all their dietician does is preach the USDA standards. When I tried to broach the subject of a diet more geared toward a weight trainer/bodybuilder/athlete she gave me the deer in the headlight look then after a brief pause went right back to the USDA guidelines. While that type of eating habits is good for most people I did not feel it would suit me specifically. I just went online and did a boat load of research into the type of diet I wanted and then tailored one that is going to suit my needs with foods I like. Education will al
  11. Hey that is my Cardiologist also. I would agree he is an outstanding physician very easy to work with. He is genuinely concerned for your health and does not look at you as "just another patient". On the subjects of diets a low carb diet is much better for you then a low fat diet. IMHO. But you still need to watch your consumption of the "bad" fats.
  12. I think you are missing the point because you want to polarize it. How do you abuse free food? Unless they are taking orders to go and taking it home to the family I don't see how it is possible to abuse getting a free meal when the establishments offers it in the first place. It would be totally different if the LE officers walked in there and demanded free food or came in off duty. What irks me is other people who think they can dictate what others do just because it is not something they would be doing themselves.
  13. 2 hour early release today. Thankfully my kid send me a text because I did not know it was early release today.
  14. I am sure the person who gets paid to change the sign does not think it is wasteful spending.
  15. So are these people who take advantage of the free lunch breaking the law or an ethical rule? Are they some how being corrupted because they get a free meal? Unless you are their supervisor it is still none of your beeswax.
  16. You should use their turn signals to indicate your intend however it does not give you the right of way. Can't tell you how many times I see someone turn on their signal only to just cut in front of another car as if their signal suddenly gives them the right of way.
  17. Obama lowered the price of fuel as a gift to those who voted for him.
  18. Signs get changed all the time. The deed would probably not be in the "white oak park" name anyway. The only thing they would really need to change is the sign out front of the park. Might be a few hundred dollars at the most depending on the size.
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