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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. I can do just as much damage with a semi-automatic hand gun I purchased from walmart as I can with a semi-automatic military grade weapon from walmart.. Now what?
  2. People who are anti gun and anti drugs take that position because they do not want YOU to have guns or drugs. Same as Sunday alcohol sales, it is not because they want to stop themselves from buying alcohol on Sunday it is because they want to stop YOU. It is the only way they can force their will on other people.
  3. Nothing unless you wish to build the schools like a jail. Everything else is just window dressing.
  4. Sure is funny how the anti-gun crowd comes crawling out of the wood work when some sort of gun related tragedy strikes yet the worst mass murder in the US prior to 9/11 did not even use a gun yet I can still buy all the stuff needed to perform another Oklahoma City Bombing.
  5. People with unbalanced minds kill children every single day, majority of them do not even use a gun.
  6. I don't care to know where I am from, only where I am going.
  7. Depends on the.........um.........carpet.
  8. If you don't plan on using the old one any more then I would just go ahead and uninstall.
  9. I miss my mullett. :unsure:
  10. The purpose of the 7 Hills extension is to relieve traffic at the Crossroads interchange. Did they change it? Last I saw it does not change to 45 until you past the Hardy Family Dealerships.
  11. I already had my bunker stock piles in anticipation of Obama's reelection.
  12. Have to go check out Riley's. We have been to Felix light show twice this week.
  13. Would it be acceptable to use a picture of GWB and empty my 90 round clip from my bushmaster?
  14. Some people have entirely to much free time. As with ANY incident of this magnitude the initial reports are going to vary to different degrees which is why I wait till we get all the facts. Majority of the reporting in cases like this are from frantic reporters on the scene listening to scanners and getting 2nd or 3rd hand information and then passing it off as if it is the facts.
  15. So the first ingredient for chili cheese nachos is chili????? That's where I have been going wrong. :wacko: :rofl:
  16. You mean a murse. I hear those are the rage in the eastern hemisphere.
  17. When I was in the Army as an MP we always had to clear our weapons in a clearing barrel before turning them in. There was a National Guard troop working with us and he went to clear his Barrett 9m. He jacked the slide back but then let it go forward instead of locking it open like you are suppose to. He then promptly killed the clearing barrel. When the gun went off it scared him, and the rest of us, and he dropped it on the ground. I then watched him bend down, pick it up, remove the magazine and before I could stop him he killed the clearing barrel again. At about that time the NCOI
  18. For the married folks. If the wifey tells you to get something from her purse or wallet do you feel comfortable doing it? I do not like to get things out of the wife's purse or wallet. Just does not feel right to me. Like I am invading her personal space or something. Of course she has absolutely no issues getting stuff from my wallet. And by stuff I mean money. Just be nice if she told me when she did it. Nothing worse then going to buy something thinking you have cash in your wallet then finding it empty and having to use the debit card for a $5 purchase.
  19. But once you find the setting that is best for you why would you want to change it? That is the whole purpose of the air mattress. It let's you find the right comfort spot for you. You are not going to be able to do that with a standard mattress. It is either comfortable out of the box or it is not. You get your moneys worth because basically you will never need to purchase another mattress. Mine is going on 13 years and works just like it did brand new.
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