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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. To the OP, I don't see how it is really your business to concern yourself on where a LEO takes his meals at. If you could eat there for free I am positive you would take advantage of it also. Seems to me the issue on if the officer is taking advantage of the free meals is between the officer and the proprietor. Worry about yourself and not what you perceive others to be doing and things that do not concern you.
  2. That is what they said, what they do is another story.
  3. While that is a true statement you still can not force the people to go see a primary physician nor participate in preventative care. But I see that as a good thing, so we can thin out the herd.
  4. Like they said, they had to pass the bill in order to know what was in it. But hey, it's a small price to pay. :wacko:
  5. So how many "small prices" are you willing to pay before your health insurance becomes to expensive to keep? But then I guess you can join the uninsured and just receive benefits from those that are still paying. Sooner or later the scale will tip to more getting free benefits then those actually paying of the benefits. But that is the plan all along anyway.
  6. I am holding out for a reach around.
  7. And if you believe that I got some water front property to sell you.
  8. Yup, all it takes is someone to make an accusation and they will arrest the person without any evidence and they will try to convict or get a plea without any evidence. The reasoning is they would rather send an innocent person to jail then let a guilty sexual predator go free.
  9. It's also quiet possible that the person is innocent and took a lesser plea to avoid a trial and a much larger punishment should they have been found guilty of a crime they did not commit. The problem with sexual molestation charges is a lot of the time it comes down to witness testimony. There is rarely any physical evidence. Which is the reason why the prosecution is willing to make a deal. They know they don't have a solid case so they are more willing to deal and get some sort of conviction even if the defendant is in fact innocent.
  10. But can you have the cake and eat it too?
  11. Have you looked into Vonage for your International calling? I would not be surprised if most of those countries are free. I work from home so having a land line is not an option.
  12. They control the 401k so they can do with it as they want. But if they still expect employees to continue to give top notch service or care about the company they are only fooling themselves.
  13. Because those same drive up ATMs are used as walk up ATMs. The walk up ATMs have to have braille so it is cheaper to just make one type and use it for all then make two different ATM machines.
  14. I am probably more inclined to say frosting.
  15. When a company that provides matching funds up to 6% or 5% depending on when you were hired then turns around and says you will only get the matching fund if you are still employed on Dec 15 they are only trying to benefit themselves and not the employee. The reason they can do this is because there is no stated contract. So should a person get laid off on Dec 14 they get no matching funds. My gut feeling is they have made this change in policy because there is going to be some mass layoffs coming next year as they are shifting a large percentage of the work load to Egypt. As of righ
  16. Right because people in states who only require a rear license plate don't put some other sort of plate on the front of their vehicle.
  17. Maybe but try identifying exactly what State the person is from from 200 feet away or farther with a vehicle going 80 MPH. Let's not even mention that VA alone offers more than 200 unique plates for their citizens. Majority of other states do the same thing. When you see a vehicle in your target area that is exceeding the speed your not looking for its tag. You looking for color and description so you can tell which one to stop.
  18. HardwareDJ


    Do they sell hotdogs in packs of 10 but only sell the buns in packages of 8?
  19. Can you add the second phone into your contacts then change the ring tone for it? Not sure how call forwarding is going to work. Does it show the phone number of the other phone or the actual person calling? I don't have a iPhone but on my android I can set the ring tone that I want for each of my contacts.
  20. It's only a "speed trap" because people speed through that area. They are not going to be stopping those who do not speed. Having worked in LE previously I can assure you they only look for speeders in areas that are known for speeders. If there is not any speeders in that area they will move on. There is not really a way to "target" out of state drivers since you can not see the license plate until you have already determined that the vehicle in the target area is speeding and have made the decision to stop them. Especially if they are traveling in excess of 80 MPH. The reason
  21. I am actually thinking that is some cases a Union is actually a pretty good idea. I work for one of the major players in the computing business and people have been pushing for a Union for years. For the most part I just brush it off. But now due to a recent change in the 401k plan I am thinking that maybe a Union would be good. What they have done is changed the way the company provides the matching funds for the 401k. Previously they would match your contribution semi monthly, when we got paid. Starting next year 2013 they will provide the matching funds at the end of th
  22. Underlined stuff is generally a link. Like this.
  23. So they tricked her into speeding because they somehow knew she was from out of state. :blink:
  24. But do you have the white knee highs. :unsure:
  25. I tried a home mortgage modification back in 2009. The process was extremely complicated and it seemed that the mortgage company just did not wish to work with me on anything reasonable for both of us. I ended up just doing a short sale and getting out from under the house. I then just rented a house for 2 years then bought a much bigger house then I previously owned for almost half of what I was previously paying.
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