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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. What happens if you light a candle and it burns your house down?
  2. Why is it when people have a tragic accident that they could have prevented themselves they turn to the Government for more regulations so you don't suffer the same fate? I can understand in some cases where this might be needed but not in this case. I mean what parent does not ensure that their child is seated in the vehicle with their seat belt on before driving away?? So because this parent was irresponsible the rest of us should have to pay. My link On a side note I do thing that larger vehicles should have some sort of backup camera installed but even with that a person s
  3. As the Liberals would say, it's a small price to pay so all Americans can have healthcare. :blink:
  4. Ok I will play this game. Is the first letter horse? :rofl:
  5. When someone says "thank you"? I knew we have had this conversation before but thought I would bring it up again. I work in the technical support/customer service area and deal with customers all the time. For the past few weeks I have been conducting my own little experiment on how customers respond when they say thank you. In the past I typically replied with a "no problem" response. For the past several weeks I have made every attempt to say "you're welcome" and I have found when I respond with you're welcome I get a much more pleasant reception from the customer. I think
  6. Covering all the bases. :rofl: I worked all night so I was already up.
  7. It's preposterous not to know that coffee is hot. I am sure it was not her first time drinking coffee. That is tantamount to not knowing that a stove can be hot even after you turn it off. I think next time I burn my hand on the stove after I have used it I will sue the maker of the stove because they did not put a warning label on it. :wacko:
  8. I have no idea how you deduced that from an article that is only about kids with allergies and overweight are most likely going to be bullied then kids without. But oh well to each their own. Your title and premise of your post is still wrong. Being bullied does not lead to allergies and overweight, it is the cause of the bullying. The kids already had the allergies and overweight issues prior to getting bullied. Seems you are the only one who does not get it.
  9. Yes I do which is why I posted it. It also proves your wrong. Being bullied does not lead to allergies and being overweight. That is the cause of the bullying which is the premise of the article.
  10. So you are saying that the quotes from the article which is from the authors are wrong? Please point out the paragraph which states that bullying leads to weight gain and allergies. "Dr. Eyal Shemesh from the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and his colleagues surveyed 251 kids who were seen at an allergy clinic and their parents. The children were all between age eight and 17 with a diagnosed food allergy. Just over 45 percent of them said they'd been bullied or harassed for any reason, and 32 percent reported being bullied because of their allergy in particular. "Our fi
  11. What does that have to do with the price of tea in china? They want you to feel good about the tax because it is for a "good" thing. Just like the SPOLT. That is how they sell the idea for people to vote themselves a tax increase. My question remains the same, how many "feel good" taxes does it take before it is to many taxes?
  12. Did you even read the article or understand what you read? No where in the article did I find where is said being bullied leads to allergies and being overweight. It is the other way around. "Kids who have food allergies or are overweight may be especially likely to get bullied by their peers, two new studies suggest." "But allergies aren't the only cause of teasing and harassment by peers. In another study, researchers from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, found that almost two-thirds of 361 teens enrolled in weight-loss camps had been bullied due to their size."
  13. That is exactly the way they want you to think. How many "good" taxes does it take before they start to become bad?
  14. But do people really need to use electronic devices during take off and landing? :unsure:
  15. This thread is bullying, which would explain my sudden weight gain. Or was it the chicken pot pie? :unsure:
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