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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. I feel dirty every time I peep in this thread. :unsure:
  2. There really is no right or wrong answer especially when we are missing the context of the question. If you buy something and don't know how to use it then you would have to pay someone to tell you how to use it. Most people would probably think why buy something if you don't know how to use it but there is a lot of things that people want but don't know how to use which is why there are people out there who you can pay to teach you how to use it. And if you don't know that person personally they would be a stranger. I want a sailboat but have no idea how to sail. ergo I would nee
  3. I am curious if it seems logical to buy a house where there is a HOA knowing full well there is a HOA where you are buying your house. Then ragging on the HOA because they are telling you what you can and can not do with your property that you bought knowing full well that you would not be able to do what you want with your property because there was an HOA where you bought your property. :wacko:
  4. If I bought something for a large amount of money I had better already know how to be using it.
  5. No surprise. Abuse of government and City of Atlanta are synonymous.
  6. Oh yeah that's gay. Funny too.
  7. I don't know but Matt Lauder and George stephanopoulos need to just come on out of the closet. :rofl:
  8. There's a gay weather man?
  9. I have a hard enough time just remembering my pin number forward. Let's not even try to remember it backwards when under stress.
  10. Only if you are a blue state.
  11. Check your local pharmacist I am sure they would have it.
  12. I have my own special sauce recipe. Miracle whip ketchup thousand island dressing little mustard and hot sauce to taste Great for dipping popcorn chicken in.
  13. Is it really peeping if your in your own house?
  14. You should look for something you can bundle with your car insurance so you get a better discount.
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