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Everything posted by babyblues

  1. I started receiving Kroger coupons after I signed up on their website. You have to put in your kroger plus card number. Hope this helps.
  2. My sister had the same problem, but she couldn't find an oven the correct size. She kept looking on craigs list and found one. She purchased it for 300.00. My brother and her husband put it in. Just a thought but maybe it will help.
  3. Could someone please post a link to the scanner. Thank you!
  4. Thank you for this. His dad passed in 2001, we have pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps. By the loving grace of God we have made it. I am so proud of all 3 of my kids, but for him to decide to go to school and stay with it when most of his friends were getting jobs, getting married and having kids I just want to shout it from the rooftop. Thank you all, he is a great young man.
  5. He is a great young man, he has been doing the repairs on several family members cars including mine, for several years. He has a friend who needed a carberator built a few weeks ago, he could not find anyone that could do it. Justin rebuilt it in under an hour. His friend told him the car had never run as good as it does now. He is a natural at this and I am so proud that he stuck with school and is getting the piece of paper to prove it. I am very blessed and I thank God every day for my 3 kids.
  6. I didn't break a rib but I have dislocated 2. If broken are worse than that I don't think I could stand it. I went to see LPPT's hubby and he popped them back in. It was instant relief.
  7. Congrats Blondie. Hope you enjoy your new ride.
  8. So proud of my son. He graduates from Chattahoochee Tech on Monday. He will earn his diploma in Automotive Technology. He has worked sooooo hard to accomplish this. I just had to let everyone know how proud I am of him.
  9. This school had better security than most schools. You cannot just walk in, they were interviewing a parent and she stated you have to be buzzed in to the school. All the exterior doors are locked. You push a button and they can see you on a monitor and they buzz the door for it to open. This just blows my mind and I have been crying about this. I have a 7 year old grandson. I wanted to go check him out of school and just hug him.
  10. I remember when my grandparents brought us a pony. A real life, had to be fed, brushed and taken care of pony. My mom almost died. But we had him for 5 or 6 years. Great memories of my papa teaching us how to ride and take care of peanut. It was great.
  11. Georgia Heritage bank was robbed about 10 a.m. The robber got away and they are searching for him now. Channel 2 helicopter is over the bank.
  12. Dr. Harbin at eye consultants did both of my eyes 2 years ago. I did not have the special lens because of the problems that I had read about online. I do wear reading glasses when on the computer but not for anything else. Surgery was a breaze. We also have stickler syndrome that causes detached retina. Eye consultants is the only place I would have my eyes done due to the threat of a detached retina. They are wonderful. Good luck.
  13. babyblues


    Do you need someone to come and thin the herd. My son loves to hunt deer.
  14. Prayer still going up that you will continue to get better and they can get you on the road to recovery.
  15. My daughter Shawna. We love Chicken World.
  16. I have a friend, her husband dug a hole in the yard and put the trampoline into the hole. The top of the frame was even with the ground and the kids couldn't fall off of it and get hurt, also it would not be picked up and blown away. I thought it was a great idea.
  17. I know how to can vegies. I know how to shoot, clean and process meat that I kill. I also have been putting up dried veggies and meats. We also have some bottled water put up. I live on 2 acres that backs up to my parents 2 acres. Between the property and the rest of the family I think that we could survive for quite a while as long as we didn't have people trying to take out food, but we also all know how to shoot to prevent this. Thank goodness that we grew up in the country.
  18. This is the one that I make, it is always moist and delicous. Its also my daddy's favorite cake.
  19. Lady Raider, I am so sorry to hear about this. We will be attending the funeral of my sisters mother in law on Sat. She just passed a few hours ago. This really saddens my heart that someone could do this to a family that is already greiving. I will let my sister know about this so that the family can get the flowers that they would like before we leave the cemetary on Sat. And to the person or persons that did this I hope Karma catches up to you sooner rather than later.
  20. I was going to put this earlier but I thought it was to easy.
  21. I know of a company that does crime scene cleanup. They received a call about a clean up for an older gentleman that had passed and was not found for over 5 weeks. The only reason he was found then was because he always ate at a certain restuarant every day for lunch and someone finally missed him and contacted the police to do a well check on him. Its really sad that some people do not have family or friends that check on them at least on a weekly basis.
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