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Everything posted by MissSophie

  1. LMAOROTF Both of these made me laugh out loud! FUNNY!!!!!!!1
  2. Broke mine and it required surgery. Once sitting; and you get up - pain shoots through the area. Same thing when you go to sit down. Hurts like crazy as you sit and takes a while before it will "settle" and you can sit semi-comfortably. I feel for you. You really need to see a doctor.
  3. I do agree about the supporting part. I love 18 and counting (soon to be 19); they pay for their own and that is a good thing. Just tired of Kate's drama.
  4. I just loved watching those kids. I love watching kids (not babysitting, of course) but kids are just so funny. The stuff that came out of their mouths on the show really cracked me up. And I did enjoy seeing that they maintained a schedule; ate healthy; etc. So sad watching the demise of the family; but they had the choice of getting out of the public eye - but the mighty dollar got in the way!
  5. BAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFF!! That was my favorite show for years and I kept thinking she would remove her head (mouth, in particular) from her butt; he would grow a wild hair; and they might make it through. None of those things happened but I just don't like her anymore; and no longer watch the show. It has become more about mommy and daddy and less about the kids who I Love to watch! "Hanna pooped in her unnawears".
  6. At This Moment Billy Vera and the Beaters What did you think I would at this moment? When you're standing before me With tears in your eyes? Trying to tell me that you - You found you another, And you just don't love me no more. And the song from Titanic (of course part of that is because I think Leonardo DiCaprio wants me!)
  7. Out of state son-in-law looking to move to this area. 15 yrs experience with northern food chain. Just need to find the right person to send resume to - you know - somebody who knows somebody who will just take an honest look at it; rather than it being one of 300 just received. If you have some suggestions - please PM me. Thank you!
  8. I've been sick and not cooking real stuff so tonight I am having porkchops w. mashed taters and gravy, some kinda veggie and warm rolls. Woo hoo - I am so excited. I wish food didn't excite me so! Some folks eat for fuel - not me - it is an event! And therefore; to put it delicately; I'm a tubbo!
  9. I, too, learned a few things by reading your post. I moved to beautiful Hiram and into a small moderate home just 3 years ago and love it so much; moved here from NE Cobb. I am in a subdivision that is a dead end; on a deadend road. I have a large yard with trees behind me and saw a deer just beyond my fence once. Each day I drive 22 miles to work; I love looking into the meadows that are fresh with dew and often see deer, wild turkeys; goats grazing and sheep. And looking through the wooded areas are the shafts of sunlight; you can almost count the straightline rays. It beats the
  10. From what I heard about swine flu - forget the bread and milk Go get the toilet paper! But seriously - our company has 2 confirmed cases.
  11. My brother went through a traumatic accident and hospital stay 16 months ago and I am his "voice". He always tells me he is glad I'm on his side and he laughs and says, "Don't PISS my sister off; she starts out nice; but just don't piss her off!". LOL.
  12. I have it down to a fine science except I do it with so much sarcasm, it takes them a minute to understand I'm being ugly.
  13. Family coming to me special HIRAM and want to go to McFarlane's and sing.
  14. Oh, I say give him a straight shot of whiskey. Kick his leg - if he doesn't flinch, you know it is working.
  15. Well, there is nothing wrong with raising girls to be wives and mothers. It is exactly what I wanted to be - BUT, then divorce got in the way; twice; LOL. I ended up with the darn corporate career. But, my true intent was to always be "the Waltons". Life got in the way - I got lemons and made lemonade and a good career. To each his own. Life goes on because of diversity. I thank God that some people like being a garbage man or a waitress and a septic tank cleaner. Where the heck would we be without diversity??? Kudos to those wonderful parents who have raised good wives and mo
  16. Whew! Would never be my choice - but they seem quite comfortable with it. I was the oldest of 6 and I had to help lots with my little siblings; but even now - I don't look back and think that it was an imposition or that it robbed me of anything. Heck, I knew how to change diapers, make formula, thoroughly wash and sterilize bottles and nipples - sometimes I got up in the middle of the night to help with diaper changing just because I wanted to. I loved it. I knew how to iron clothes and clean at a very early age - but I still played lots with friends and had fun. I wasn't allowed to
  17. Yep! Perfect reason to start hiding scissor. My granddaughter cut their own hair - and the next time they cut each other's hair. But I have to say - yours is one of the best, CLOSEST, cuts I've seen. Maybe signs of a career in the making. LOL
  18. A blessing in these last hours is that God gives us an escape. A coma; or sometimes we regress back to a life of happy memories. I have heard people get upset because their loved one went back in time and wasn't aware that they are with them; but isn't that wonderful? Who wants to be aware? They go back to playing in a meadow; or my mom went back to a wonderful family dinner? Thank you God for giving them peace and a smile in those last hours. Prayers for your strength and peace - God will take care of your Dad; comfort for you and the family is important now.
  19. LOL, you wouldn't want me there. Tried golfing on our honeymoon in Savannah. He kept yelling "hit down on the ball" and I started to cry and said "why would I want to hit down on it if I want it to go way out there??". It wasn't pretty. We ended up with him golfing; I took pictures, drove the cart, opened beers and kept score - a great time!
  20. Prayer on the way! God's grace is neverending!
  21. We had to go to a court hearing. Fortunately, our dog was on a leash and tore it out of my grandson's hand to go bite the meter man who was in our yard. (dog protecting grandson from mean old meter man). DD took torn leash to court with her. You might be fined for not having the dog on a leash unless it was in your own yard. I chose not to have our dog (actually dd's dog at the shelter and paid for boarding at the vet's office where they truly loved her and gave her excellent care). Animal bites are traumatic for children. You might also buy her a sweet little stuffed dog so
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