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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I just have to say this. I don't know why I feel this way but I think that middle school age girls should have neither of these. I know that the underwear isn't harmful or anything to people but I am not so sure about tanning or spray tans. This weekend was the 8th grade formal and so many girls have been talking about going to the tanning booths/beds and either tanning or getting spray tans. It just seemed too young to me. And a few weeks back my daughter did a pageant and I was shocked to see 6th-8th grade girls wearing thong underwear (I was back stage helping my daughter get her dr
  2. Tomorrow's high is predicted to be in the 60's and on Monday Weather.com says there will be a high of 58 here in Dallas! I am looking forward to enjoying a few days of cooler weather before the heat kicks back in. Don't get me wrong. I would take Florida over Wisconsin any day of the week!
  3. No postcard here. I wonder if I put a can or two in the mail box if they will take it? My Dad is a retired Post Master (not from here) and I can remember him having to go pick up canned goods for the carriers who didn't want to do it. I'm not talking about someone with a bad back or whatever there was a group of people at his last Post Office that resented him because their friend didn't get the job and he was brought in from the "big city". Anyways, I am sure that wouldn't happen here but I am curious why we didn't receive a postcard at least.
  4. I'm about half way through. I thought they all sang well but I did think Haley picked the wrong song for her. I was also thinking how much Lauren has grown. Loved her dress as well. And Scotty is just awesome and I don't even like country all that much. James made my daughter's night by singing "Don't Stop Believing".
  5. Didn't someone say earlier that the # 20 wasn't the number of kids but the percentage that failed the first time? It should be in this combined thread somewhere.
  6. I just wanted to add that I recently read somewhere that W. C. Abney himself was Valedictorian (sp?) of his graduating class here in Paudling county but was not able to participate because he didn't own a suit. I just thought that was interesting. At the time I thought that today that wouldn't happen because someone would post about it on p.com and he would immediately have a dozen or more suits offered to him.
  7. Can anyone tell me where I can see the breakdown of how many or what percentage of student from each high school didn't pass? As the parent of a soon to be high schooler I am curious to see if it is pretty equally spread out or if the majority of the 109 are from one or two schools. I am not sure how I feel about this issue. I guess I feel it should be decided on an individual basis depending on how much effort was put in by the student/family. Both my high school (graduating class of 54) and the university I went to let people walk that hadn't met all the requirements for receiving
  8. We have. I usually keep it around 78 in the Summer but the last two morning when I went to wake the kids up (upstairs) someone had turned it down to 65 one day and 60 today. No one is fessing up but I have a feeling it's one of the boys and I wouldn't be surprised if they even realize they are doing it. I woke up at @ 4:00 am tossing and turning the rest of the night with two fans blowing on me and was still hot (the downstairs was set at 78-80). Is there anywhere in the world where it is in the 70-80's everyday and the low 60's every night? That is where I need to be .
  9. I voted! I had to scroll down quite a while to find his picture and was wondering if there was a way to bump it up?
  10. Thanks, I thought maybe you were some type of business and that the subscription would be related to that.
  11. I'm confused. What is RabbleRouser and what would the subscription be to?
  12. Sorry about your day. I just checked your FB page and I love, Love, LOVE your profile picture. If I had had anything in my mouth (or bladder for that matter) I would have lost it. Thanks for the laugh!
  13. The bill I recieved last week said I was past due while at the same time showing the payment I made (at the window) for last months bill. Very confusing. I'll probably be heading in there one day this week to see what is up. I guess they have some kinks to work out.
  14. I actually feel like they are genuine when they say "my pleasure" and I have never heard a Chick-fil-a employee gripe about how long they have been there, how rude the previous customer was, how tired they are or underpaid. I think it is their pleasure. They get Sunday's off and as a young person (or not) and in this economy maybe it actually is a pleaure to be working. When I worked Fast food as a teenager there was one place (McD's) where I loved going to work (I had worked at BK previously and hated it~has sisters as managers and they were always fighting). To be honest "Your Welcome
  15. We paid $17 or $18 last October over near the Y on your way to downtown from the New Hope area.
  16. The first person that comes to mind is Taye Diggs. And Eric Dane too! I'm sure some others will come to mind but I was watching Private Practice and Greys Anatomy earlier. I remember Shemar Moore from his Young and the Restless Days and also that Dr. Show he was on at the same time with...who was it Dick VanDyke..I can't remember but he is quite handsome as well.
  17. My husband goes to Planet Fitness and really likes it. He started going to one in Florida when he was working there and just transferred his membership up here. My only complaint is that the hours aren't long enough for me. If I joined a gym it would have to be one of those 24 hour places since the only time I could go would be when everyone else was in bed. But yes, he pays $10 a month.
  18. Now that's what I'm talking about (on fb)~~what a beautiful couple!
  19. We watched it last week and loved it. I DVR'd last nights episode but probably won't get a chance to watch it until next week. The one person I did hear (my son had it on when he went to bed) didn't sound that great but I noticed two of the chairs had turned around so maybe they sounded better in person.
  20. I'm not the Mom of a cheerleader but I thought I would mention I know of one girl who hasn't cheerleaded at all and just made one of the high school cheer squads (not sure if that is what they are called). She has however been taking gymnastics for a while so maybe signing your daughter up for some gymnastics class will help her with all the moves she will have to do for tryouts next year. Good Luck! My daughter is about as far from a cheerlearder as you can get (by choice) while I on the other hand loved being a cheerleader back in the 80's.
  21. Great pictures! I used to live near Paris Island and had a good friend who lived there in a GORGEOUS house near the water. I love that place. Good Luck to your son. I could never do what those men and women do but am so grateful to them.
  22. I had a great day despite the fact that I am still feeling sleep deprived. The combination of staying up late to wait out the storm on Wednesday night and then getting up at 2:54 am the following night to watch wedding coverage has wiped me out. Today I watched my daughter participate in her first and probably only pageant. I loved seeing all the dresses and that fact that so many of my daughters friends came to cheer her on. As a bonus my Mom and sister drove 3-4 hours to watch. I hadn't seen my Mom since Christmas. We are definitely not a pageant type of family but I still had a gre
  23. Lol~~ good question. I watched the wedding and totally enjoyed it, (although as a 13 year old I think I found Diana and Charles wedding more exciting but of course I had a different vision about married life back then). I didn't watch the football this year but I have in the past. I guess I vote neither.
  24. I've gotten through about half of it. Too tired from staying up all night watching weather coverage. So far it's been okay. Jacob sang well but I just wasn't into his song. I liked Scottie and Lauren alright. The duets are okay as well. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible.
  25. How sad. We were just up there a few months back for District Honor Band. We all stayed in the hotel next to the McDonald's, ate there and then the kids performed and practiced at the middle and high school. I hope and pray all those who are out of contact are safe and hunkered down some where.
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