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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I think we use American as well and we pay $35/3 months for both trash and recycling. Huge container (just like the trash one only a little smaller~~I think the trash is 95 gallon and the recycling is 75 gallon).
  2. They are posted~~on page one. I know the East/PC game was 49-9 East. I don't remember the other scores off hand but I'm pretty sure they are all there. Okay, I am going to assume you are having problems viewing page one (since you've asked twice now) so here are the scores: EP 49 PC 9 NP 40 Alexander 35 SP 17 Hiram 10
  3. I know right? At half time I was thinking if this keeps up they will be giving away a lot of food tonight!! lol Then I joked that Johny's must have asked them to please stop scoring since it was clear they were going to win.
  4. Speaking of Halloween, when are y'all trick or treating this year... :rofl: :rofl: Sorry, I couldn't resist. Someone had to ask. I'm J/K though, it's still a little too early for that particular thread.
  5. The same reason they put the Christmas stuff out before Halloween~lol. The problem with the candy being out so early for Halloween is that I buy it and then eat it and then buy some more and then eat it again and then, well you get the idea. I do love me some Reeses peanut butter pumpkins though~yum yum.
  6. We used to go to The Ark (starting back before they were The Ark and the office was in the K-Mart shopping center) and were always happy with them. They put our Bailey to sleep for us and were great. With out most recent dogs (we got two this Summer) we went to Dr. Judy after getting several recommendations on here, plus that was were they had been seen before. To be honest though the fact that the shots were probably @ $100 cheaper was what convinced us to give them a try (two dogs getting shots is quite expensive). they don't have a fancy office but it is clean and the people could no
  7. I'm pretty sure White Oak Park is in your neck of the woods. You should really check it out. We've been there once and if we lived closer we would be there all the time. There is even a frisbee golf course out there not to mention playgrounds, walking trails, etc.....
  8. I can see both sides of the argument. Having said that....... It is going to be upsetting no matter how you hear that kind of news but hearing it sooner rather than later might, just maybe give you a chance to say goodbye.
  9. We got this mattress recently. http://www.amazon.com/Sleep-Innovations-10-inch-Memory-Mattress/dp/B003CT37JW/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I2VITI6M49STUC&colid=7A0LH3222WO3 I have never used a Tempurpedic so I can't compare but if you read the reviews many people offer their thoughts on how they compare. I also have no idea how much Tempurpedics are either but we found this one pretty reasonable. The price fluxuates and we bought the king size it for @$ 411.00 with no interest if paid for in 6 months. (I did find a website that tracks the prices of things on Amazon and the
  10. I know right? That pic is totally awesome!
  11. Way to go Moonlight~~that was awesome. I just watched your video and you already have 600 (Okay well, 599) views. I'm so glad you got this on video. I think many of us are tempted to do that once or twice but for her to act on that day after day is just not right. Hopefully she will just leave a little early and drive more safely in the future.
  12. I was thinking the yogurt and the toppings are the snacks. I know when we go to Yogli Mogli's sometimes I just get a small cup of some of the toppings (crushed up Reeses~~yum!) and my youngest son usually just gets some of the gummy worms. If they have the same type of toppings then that may be were the "snacks" come in.
  13. We haven't been yet but are planning to go sometime in the next couple of weeks. I think they have specials on Mondays and Tuesdays for kids (something like $1.99). If it is closer to you than the Yogli Mogli's than I am pretty sure you would save more in gas than saving 2 cents an ounce extra. We've been to Yogli Mogli's and Menchies and I did notice the 2 cent price difference but wondered to myself if the cups weighed any different? Just curious.
  14. Considering the millions upon millions of pieces of mail that get delivered everyday I am impressed with how infrequent this happens. We also still get mail for the people that lived here before us (we've been here 10 years). It doesn't bother me. The only time I was a bit bothered it wasn't with the mail carrier but with a lady whose mail had gotten mixed up with ours a few times. She started writing really nasty stuff in permanant marker to the mail carried on our mail. The PO crossed it out best they could. I felt horrible for him. They put a sticker on our box to remind the
  15. It's definitley something you should do at least once. We went about 5 years ago. The kids liked it and so did I. They didn't really like the food part which is why I probably wouldn't pay for us to all go again. I used to get e-mails from them with special deals. It seems like they have them going on quite often so I would look into that before paying full price. Have fun!
  16. Just to let you know that Walgreens price of $35 is a special they do this time of year; Last year we waited until my son was trying out for basketball and the price there was double so it is definitely a good time for anyone to go whose child may be thinking about playing in a sport this coming school year. I also noticed that they will charge an extra $10 if you don't have the schools health forms. The past few years they didn't have this extra charge and seemed to keep them on file depending on which county your school was in.
  17. I donate mine to Moses Middle School Media Center. Sometimes Mrs. Talley has teachers that need them. She also has a used book and magazine sale each year to raise money for the library.
  18. LOL~~I'm surprised you didn't tell me to get a Raider Tatoo with it! It will probably just go back in the drawer until one of my kids begs me for something they NEED to have~~like a mani-pedi or a video game or a formal dress or some other life changing item
  19. First let me say that I am not a gambler. I don't even like to play the lottery but will every once in a blue moon or so if someone is pooling some money together for a big jackpot. For Christmas we will get the kids a few lottery tickets for fun. My Grandpa started doing this years ago and we look at it like fun and not a way to win money. Anyways, I came across an envelope while going through some drawers I got a few years back where I had been given a little bit of money (were talking two digits here nothing life changing) with a note saying I was to use it to do something "fun and f
  20. Paying $9.95 for internet a month would more than pay for itself in the first week of every month. The money you would save on gas, a newspaper (if looking for a job you can search online for), stamps to mail bills you had to pay the old fashioned way, being able to post things for sale for free, your long distance phone bill because you can be in contact with just about anyone on the internet, etc. If anything having internet could provide a way for someone going through a hard time to actually save and possible make money. If you have kids in school it saves in trips to the library to do
  21. I think the year we had the extra long Summer break was when we went from starting early and getting out early one year and the next school year we started late and then got out late. It was just the opposite (we got a shorter Summer break) the year they switched back to the earlier start date but the previous year we were on a later start/end date calendar. Personally, I like it the way it is.
  22. My kids all seemed to have a pretty good day. My daughter did tell me she has Dolores Umbridge as a teacher~~right down to the pink suit~~lol. My 13 year olds response to every question was good. I am attempting a media freeze during the school week~~that is not going over well. Do ya think my kids are reading or anything productive? No two are napping, the other one did go out to play with some friends in the neighborhood so atleast he is getting some exercise.
  23. This is another sale I have done for years. The people are really nice. When it coincides with Due West I go with Due West because I just make more there for some reason but I am usually able to do both in the Spring. I love volunteering with them. They take great care of their volunteers~~they have plenty of food and snacks and they are always very great about thanking you for helping. If I can swing it I will volunteer there even if I'm not selling. The prices there are usually pretty great too!
  24. I am doing Due West Treasure Chest. It is at the corner of Due West and another Due West~~I've done that one for 6-7 years and always make a good amount of money as a seller and find great deals as a buyer. I always volunteer so I usually get to shop early the day before the sale starts. It is the week of the 23rd~~not sure of the exact date but the public sale goes Thurs-Sat and they are always looking for volunteers.
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