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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. Well....had they not utilized illegal labor to begin with there would not be such a vacuum now. They made their bed, those jobs were held by American citizens at one point until the farmers gave them to those who work under the table for dirt cheap to make a profit.
  2. Sounds like a fun time!
  3. There is a sign by the road and on the building that says Food Depot is coming. Winn-Dixie and Food Lion both clsosed when their companies abandoned the region.
  4. Well ok then....as above....the conversation evolved to the public carry of a handgun covered under the weapons license.
  5. He responded to Nitro by saying That should tell you he is talking about a handgun since it is pretty difficult if not impossible to hide a rifle.
  6. Long guns are not regulated by the Georgia Weapons License.
  7. Handguns are being discussed.
  8. Nope....you need a Georgia Weapons License to carry a handgun on your person in public.
  9. You are saying she "got caught and screamed rape". That has noting to do with statutory rape that is being discussed.
  10. Not in GA...public indecency is not a registrable offense.
  11. Statutory rape only covers 15 and under.
  12. Statutory rape only puts a person on the list if they are over 21 years old at the time of the offense. While the most common excuse those on the list give to others is "my high school GF's parents got mad and had me arrested". In reality that is not the case. The HS senior is not being put on the list for messing with a freshman.
  13. Mine has been on for weeks on any day where the temp in the house is over 70. I have A/C for comfort, not to play a game one how long in the season I can wait to turn it on.
  14. So this guy asks for a water glass and is caught filling it with Sprite. He refuses to pay when confronted which later resulted in the arrest for theft. I bet he wishes he would have took them up on the initial offer.
  15. Why? That can certainly be a factor in judging how serious a threat someone is. A grown 20 year old is more capable and dangerous than a 12 year old. It is the same reason the media portrays Trayvon through a photo taken when he was 12, to make him look like less of a threat.
  16. Apparently most people just do not understand the law or they just pick and choose points to focus on. In GA any amount of damage to government property is a felony, it is also a felony to cause over $500 in damage to any private property. If they did this same thing at the local Wal-Mart the charge class and potential punishment would not be any different as it is now. Their acts clearly surpass the level the legislature set for those maliciously damaging property belonging to someone else. Also, the DA does not have to map out each second of every person involved in the cons
  17. I swear people can get their panties in a wad over the smallest stuff. A local store is not a bad thing and it will do nothing to hurt property value. The foreclosues and neglected property will do that.
  18. It is better to use handcuffs than to explain bruises or scrapes that come from physically restraining the juvenile so she can be removed from the school. I feel sorry for the child, she is either a product of her environment or she needs professional counseling.
  19. The other driver being DUI has little to do with who failed to yield to traffic while entering a roadway.
  20. It is pretty common for them to give you the equipment for free as long as you sign a multi- year contract where they charge a hefty 'monitoring fee'.
  21. LOL....since you disagree with me "I fear for my safety" on this anonymous public message board.
  22. I wonder if they will be sentenced under First Offender(if they have no prior record)which would erase the entry on their public criminal history or if it even applies since it appears there may not be a formal guilty plea if they meet the pretrial diversion criteria?
  23. That is more than fair considering a potential felony conviction is at stake. It seems like a logical way to teach a lesson without a formal conviction. Those who think "the felony would not stick" are way off base. That law is crystal clear, deface or damage publically owned property regardless of the amount of damages is a felony. It does not matter who painted the road and who painted the buildings, vehicles and signs. The group conspired to commit the act so they are held accountable as a group. No different than the driver of the car in a bank robbery. This group made that an ea
  24. Actually....it is not even that broad. It should be "Supreme Court rules anyone that must be held in custody for a length of time that requires them to be transferred to a general population cell block can be strip searched".
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