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Everything posted by rockster

  1. marijuana has always been legal in Georgia...........just get rid of the roaches prior.
  2. LOL. Talk about someone to stir crap wif the local good ole boys Chit has hit the fan, and some heads have some splainin
  3. I am still not bought into Delta or the City having a hands on at this point. Just only see word debate. What sticks out for me is the "settlement" agreement. Think about it, a great group from PC hits a Federal Agency with a lawsuit only to have them agree for further review. JMO, that speaks volumes!!!
  4. Pro and con ideals being said. I really believe this deal has set the community at odds, which is sad. Although, those for it please give ANY, ANY example what JOBS have been created at the fabulous airport that were promised??? Years ago??. Much less, the movie biz! Seriously, how many jobs have been created (other then those in charge)? Show the jobs for the community, put people to work. Please, give me an example of how these expenditures are creating jobs
  5. Yeah, many moons ago when I lived in Marietta that project was nothing but a financial disaster and headache for the City. Although it was a very nice facility, I just do not see it being feasible for PC to even pay someone to study the thought of it. JMO
  6. Plan an event at home, stay off the roads due to amateur drunks driving. Seriously, stay safe
  7. Ah come on Pubby. I appreciate the highlighted tag but, there is always a few sides to the story, which I would hope people can respect opinions. Then again, get educated and learn. Keep up with current, and past, dealings. You as a "self proclaimed" journalist (reporter, or whatever) should be all over this looking into a non partisan, fact finding journey. I have to admit this site is your sandbox.
  8. Well, my opinion is and has been (which any level person might believe) the issue on the airport not only has divided citizens opinions, separation, and total trust. I believe this will be a long drawn out process, and on that idea I wish every property owner/voter would get involved. I truly believe "inside, backdoor" issues will be exposed during an inside look from many levels. Pro or con re;airport, you have to examine and have knowledge of the facts! For that are all for this, please sell me on this deal. Give me supporting facts to make me happy about it.
  9. I call BS on Pubby comment. Pat, lay off the koolaid! That said the operations of these efforts have brought new businesses to Paulding including the movie field production firm that offers lights, generators, etc. and is located across from the new hospital just east of Paris road. Have we 'lucked out' and gotten our Breaking Bad series? Not yet but all it takes is one:) The movie studio is a competitive business and we have a product in the market. It is kind of like realizing the important part of the poem "Casey at Bat" ... is that Casey was on the field, taking swings. Without him b
  10. PFFT. Let's wait and see, as it should be many months to finally let some major legal agencies take a hard look at things. Who knows how the cards may fall, BUT, ya never know!!!! I am opposed and have been with the backdoor deal the elected and appointed ones choose to do in closed, backdoor meetings. Shame on the people that believe their talk. What have they produced????? Honestly, How many jobs has the airport produced? Better yet, look at the BIG picture and ask, what JOBS have been created and came to being profitable? My answer would be, they have failed miserably. Plea
  11. The taxpayers of PC are burdened with the expense. The minimal income comes no where near the operational and maintenance costs. I believe you are into accounting. So for chits and giggles lets say you are looking at a clients spread sheets on a couple of ventures. Many millions of dollars have been put into these ventures promising a strong return within the community creating jobs, revenues, return on investment, etc. What would you advise your client if they said they needed another $10 million or so to continue what they originally promised on the non performing ventures? Just
  12. Yeah, take the bait like the company managing the movie studio. Seriously, has either venue produced a positive result? Other than a drain on the budget.
  13. Doubtful any Airline had input in the settlement decision that made news today. I honestly believe the "good old fashioned" network boys of PC took a major hit today as this is national news. I applaud the folks that are standing up, educating themselves, speaking out!!!
  14. And I failed to put some beach sand in both of your Christmas cards.Maybe next year
  15. Possum Drop?? I'll be watching a beach ball drop Kure Beach
  16. Jamie, thanks for the input although I have reservations about your post. I lived in Hiram a few years ago, and since have lived in Wilmington, NC. Seems ironic Interroll is an issue I have concerning my post. Trust me....a great company, well respected, etc. Hey, Interroll is headquartered here and does have many neighboring support vendors in the industrial park. I just do not, and from what I've heard here, believe that it will employ many from Paulding County. I could be wrong, just going off of from what I have heard from HQ. Additionally, I have gotten into the movie productions
  17. That sux. I hate to hear about this as I know you work damn hard for your eventful beautiful displays during holidays.
  18. How bout ALL those JOBS the movie studio has created????
  19. I strongly believe the "good ole boys" are being very well watched. Long time coming!!!! They have had their run, and I believe you will notice interest from citizens that enough is enough. I am all for jobs and growing. But this (past and present) admin can not prove ANY profitable venture. ie; movie studio, airport. Provide strong results, as the two ventures I listed have NOT provided ANY income to the taxpayers but only a continuous debt, therefore being a burden on future taxes towards property owners
  20. Using Interroll as an example to "huge manufacturing facilities" is false. The facility they built in Hiram no where mirrors what the local elected and/or appointed ones speak of. It's basically a showroom for their clients.
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