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Everything posted by Gone

  1. The last time we had this topic people were mad at those who said there is a reason womens fertility declines as the get past 40 and mostly stops around 50. Personally I am glad I will be in my 50's with grown children...not a newborn. And yes, we all know even a 20 something to 30 something year old can die ...however the odds are statistically in the favor of the 20ish or 30ish woman that they may live to see another 18 years to raise their child.
  2. Part of it seems sweet, but disturbing too. Watching someone struggle dying from cancer is horrible. A good death has always been one where you just pass in the night while sleeping... in a way that is what they did. I think as their children it would have been horrible to know, see, and live through? All loss of family is hard.
  3. I had that happen I got them all over my legs... everyone said nail polish. So that's what I did. We were leaving for the summer the next morning and I was so dreading sitting a whole day on the plane itching! But the finger nail polish did the trick and I wasn't itchy! The problem came the next day when getting ready for the beach and I shaved my legs! I knew then how the nail polish worked... you shaved the little buggers right out of your skin! .... won't do that again! ...my leggs looked horrible I had little divits each place I had the nail polish! AND it really hu
  4. How cute! Write that down as a cute memory... funny how sometimes even the super cute things we forget about!
  5. That's creepy and was unacceptable ...where were the parents? I don't think many would have felt "comfortable" in the situation you described! I am so sorry that happened to you!
  6. Cute a new segway... I still see no room for groceries! I think the re-charging the battery is still an issue isn't it? The police used them for Mardi Gras, but by the afternoon they had to park them since they were out of battery?
  7. I agree with you. I would never let one of my kids even go play at a house where I wasn't comfortable with THEM showering there. There are two kids I have let my child know he is not to go to thier house, hang around, or be friends with because of prison time and absent parenting for one, and perpetual drunkenness (she always says she is sick) of another? They don't care about or take care of their own kids ...mine do not have any business getting mixed up in that mess!
  8. I have always been of the opinion that a bath or shower... basically water and soap .... cure everything. If the kids are dirty, they bathe. I don't have to tell them per se ...they know. We always have a morning shower... I can't stand the thought of possible drool all over their arm, pillow, etc from when they were sleeping!? YUCK Plus all the body oils from 10 to 20 hours since the last shower? And how hair stands up all weird from being slept on? If friends stay over, a lot of my kid's friends will say we only bathe at night … they were at my house and did NOT showe
  9. Good Luck ... hope it works out. There are so many in your situation, I just wish the market would pick up.
  10. I believe the difference of what you owe and what it sells for becomes "earned income" and you owe taxes on it too, since you are not declairing bankruptcy. Seek out a lawer, or accountant... don't just get this info from us?
  11. You should have seen what they did to me yesterday!
  12. Yeah, new jewelry! I have an extra cabbage? The neighbors are going on vacation and gave me one, and I just bought one! I love the Jewelry I purchased my self becuase it is exactly what I want, and still like.
  13. Can't help you there. I have my own mutt with problems! He dug out when all the fireworks started days before 4th of July...then he remebered how much he LOVES to run the neighborhood. There is actually a dog in the neighborhood he loves to hang our with...we found him there as usual. Their dog is on a lead...our dog will sit with him all night! I need a trainer too I guess? Today he once again dug out... soft soil from recent rain did not help. We ran after him, gave him a bath and locked him in the basement to serve out his time! He will have to be taken out t
  14. Yes, at least 13 U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan since June 25. They and their family deserve our counrties sympathies and concern. A moment of silence. A spoken word of thanks. As well as prayers for the family left behind!
  15. A What a horrible accident! B Prayers for those 3 kids. C Will this make you try to meet more of the other forum friends you are attached to?
  16. Yeah, it look neat … I showed my son … then I saw the snopes, however it looks like 2050 it will be almost as close as it was in 2003... I told my son I will remind him! He said I will not be able to remember to not poop my pants! He doubts I WILL REMIND HIM! (My father in law has Alzheimer’s ... so he credits being over 70 to memory loss!)
  17. Why didn't they just sell the tickets so they could pay the city back for what it will have to pay for police and other services for all these mobs of stupid people who want to attend? I think we should have this type of reaction when one of our military patriots die, not an acquitted pedophile.
  18. Cattle car came to mind to me too! I can't imagine it would be safe to be strapped onto a bar stool? I'd prefer to just stay home!
  19. I thought there was a problem where worms had been found in Egg Beaters! I'm glad it was you might be a redneck if you need to buy worms that are sold next to the Ammo at the same store you pick up some heart healthy eggs!
  20. I don't follow football personalities, or know who is married, separated, divorced etc... however the reports also said this: Two days ago, Nashville police arrested Kazemi on a DUI charge while driving a 2007 Escalade registered to her and McNair. McNair was in the front seat, but didn’t break the law and was allowed to leave by taxi. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-m...p&type=lgns
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