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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Thanks for the hard work ... now if it would just stop raining I could take her out for a spin!
  2. Funny, my 14 year old just asked yesterday ...do you have to pay a reward. He had heard "Yale offers $10,000 reward in case" in reference to the Yale student Annie Le, who was missing at the time. So we talked about if someone gave information that lead to finding her, or what happened to her ... the school valued that information enough to pay $10,000 for it. I explained that if someone loves their dog and offers a reward of say $200 ... or even $25, they have made a choice that they would pay that much to get their dog back. If you offered a reward and someone found your dog fo
  3. Thank you Subby! He was able to take it early and I got it back faster than I anticipated. Now if it would stop raining I could take it out for a spin! Crazy guy! Knocked himself out to get the front drive to work right ... and he was able, too! Thanks for being so determined it will sure make it easier to use!
  4. How sad. From the article: The Yemeni parliament tried in February to pass a law, setting the minimum marriage age at 17. But the measure has not reached the president because many parliamentarians argued it violates sharia, or Islamic law, which does not stipulate a minimum age. Gotta love that Sharia law ... pray we never have that come to the United States. What it holds women to is scary.
  5. The are supposed to make a rail yard there to load and unload freight so industry would have acess to Paulding County since we have no freeway acess. I have not heard a time frame on that?
  6. And no, Lending Tree is NOT the answer!
  7. When I decided I wanted to stay home to take care of the kids... we cut back most extras. I paid off all our debt except for my husband’s car and the mortgage before I stopped working. The kids saw that on a budget....if you want money to spend on something, you must give up something else. (Good lesson for life- I highly reccomend it! )iNeed verses want becomes very clear! Now in this new economy (parents losing jobs) my kids see the irony that those kids who always had to brag about their STUFF... now have lost their identity as their parents cannot afford the stuff that define
  8. I guess Caster Semenya will have to continue to get an education and work like the rest of the world to support herself/himself in a normal job... a professional athlete does not seem to be a viable career path any longer. I would think this will let others know that if you have a child with mixed gender and you choose a specific one for them... they will not be welcomed into professional athletics due to an unfair advantage of hormones. I do agree it is unfortunate for Semenya that this was all done in the national spotlight, however I get the feeling her guardians were deceptive an
  9. The one where Toby the dog drags his a&& across the carpet, as the kids tells his mom the dog has a new trick. There is a reason I have an outdoor dog who has his doggie bed in the basement! Oh my gosh YUCK!
  10. I think that is an accurate summary of what a lot of people feel. Every single day it seems there is some Obama speech ... and the news, as well as this forum, has been buzzing about what was going to be said to the school childre. I did not watch TV at all today, and had no interest in hearing yet another speach from Obama. So I feel his pain!
  11. You forgot the option "I filter my own" We drink lots of water... from the filtered water from the fridge. I save the 32 oz POWERADE bottles and fill them 1/2 way with filtered fridge water, freeze them, then top them off before we go somewhere, or put in the kids lunch boxes... money saver and keeps lunch cool while providing a drink with the meal!
  12. Yep ...I love this weather ... it's like home!
  13. Yep, more likely we will have global cooling which will be a larger problem than the little blip of warming that ended in 1998. Cool summer produced fat arctic bears By Aldo Santin, Winnipeg Free Press August 19, 2009 Too many cool, wet days resulted in a lousy summer -- but you won't find any polar bears complaining. The cooler-than-usual summer produced thicker ice on Hudson Bay, giving the area's polar bear population several extra days to feed on tasty ringed seals. "This is the time of year when polar bears eat the most, and the ringed seals are so full of fat and ene
  14. My impression is that she does not have the equipment that a man like your father has ...since he obviously had you ... since you said your dad needed to finalize the "new" change. I believe what they think is that hormonally she produces chemicals like a man does, thus giving her that slim hip... no curve, no chest, biceps, masculine face, and huge leg muscles. It will be interesting to hear the outcome ... I feel for her that at age 18 all this is happening in front of the world. At least your dad chose to address it by himself … not on the national scene? The whole reason
  15. What a freak! cut her fingers off and pulled her teeth I did not know that! I just heard the mornign news say a reality star killed his wife. They showed his picture, but I did not recognize him since I never saw the show.
  16. I think Subby is right ... he will have more time to do all those extra things most people need "a few more" hours in the day ... simple, sleep less!
  17. I think that means your SON is doomed!
  18. I think there are many different types of people and sleep. I have a teenage son that needs a lot of sleep. Ten hours of sleep easy, 12 on a regular basis. He is extremely active and very animated, an up personality... he is constantly ON. You can see it in his eyes when he has not had enough sleep ... for him. He has always been that way. I have always been a night owl who did not need a lot of sleep... even as a kid. I can survive on about 4 hours a night for a long time, however it will catch up to me on a slow day if I am bored and I will just be tired and either go to be
  19. Her body, face, and ability suggest male, however I believe she thinks she is female ... I wonder that she has congenital adrenal hyperplasia,or an endocrine disorder like the below article suggests. Weiss said the testing was ordered because of "ambiguity, not because we believe she is cheating." If the tests show that Semenya is not a woman, she would be stripped of her gold medal. "But today there is no proof and the benefit of doubt must always be in favor of the athlete," Weiss said. The most common cause of sexual ambiguity is congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a
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