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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Surepip you need to get a "Dirty Jobs" or other reality show to put it into perspective what is involved in that $0.75 a pound fryer that I buy at Costco! You can "fight" PETA and others ... but when I think about how many people I know who cannot touch raw meat... Or people who do not want to think about where that nicely packaged top sirloin, pork chops, or chicken breast comes from ... or all the work behind the scenes to get fresh food to the local supermarket where they shop … I do not think it will help. I am baffled at how often people eat out… as in seldom cook fresh
  2. Welcome to Paulding, and I am sorry! Watch out in Powder.... Powder Springs that is. If you use 278 to the airport or to I-20 ...THEY LOVE to ticket. They will claim they use radar backwards "passing you in a different direction", speed traps, getting people for using the left turn lane where it isn't a turn lane yet, even thought the cars are backed up 30 cars waiting to turn left.... AND they could easily paint it so the lane WAS long enough to accommodate going home traffic! But ... But ....But, then they would not have the revenue to run their community! In 13 years I have h
  3. My brother runs a 5000 acre farm, exotic fruits and nuts. He says the same thing as surepip. People talk all about organic, but they want perfect, large, pest free product. You do not get that with organic farming, and it is so much more expensive, few people will pay the type of price required for the farmer to break even for inferior looking, smaller, product. My brother looked into all sorts of organic fertilizers back in 2006, and the bottom line was the results would be limited; the amount he had to use was ridiculous verses bagged chemical fertilizer, so he was tripling man power
  4. Makes me think of the magic of Mary Poppins!
  5. Two different "dummies" ... I laughed more the second one, after seeing the first! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5XdIdIP-Vo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejJQj-JNV8Y From the "Comments" section! "I love how the human dummy guy just plays along with it instead of acting all shy or pissy! makes it more amusing!"
  6. Makes you believe in Prince Charming all over again ... and the perfect wedding dress for happily ever after! What a fun way to take the memories of childhood to a whole new level!
  7. I LOVED church lady!!!!... and not bad on the drums... who knew?
  8. Sorry this is all I can think of..... the most overplayed song right now! Does not take me to a "Christian" place! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Fnet0y9Ts
  9. Coastal Northern California
  10. The comments are classic from the link that MikilDemion posted! "Booth was raised in church. Now, the pole is her temple." Sounds like a movie promo for "Holy Stripper"... "She'll make you beg for forgivness, just as long as you keep putting money in her collection box..."
  11. That's weird, I prepaid my mom's on line last fall and it saved her $2.00! Maybe it's like going into the bank and having charges to your account for that "live" help. Can't wait for the time airlines will have to compete for customers again. They sure do run roughshod over the passengers now.
  12. I can see where the Jehovah Witness would not see it proper to wear a Santa hat... but as Adam&Jessica said "If you don't want to do what you are hired to do, the way your employer wants you to do it, then go find a new job." I was passing the Halloween costumes in a Target store years ago when I watched a mom jerk her kid away from looking at the costumes. She was so mean, I kept watching. She then began scolding her 4 or 5 year old child that Halloween costumes were offensive to God because it does not celebrate Him. The child asked why he couldn’t dress up and go g
  13. That fits the story hubby told me... dead snake and all. It makes more sense that she was bit, needed a tetanus shot ...and all lived happily after.
  14. Maybe he was hitting the sauce prior to his speach... sad drunk? It often seems the one that wants to limit others - has the probem themselves! I'm just saying.
  15. It has been going around since January. My theory is that the relaps episode is the way the virus spreads so well. Thinking you are all better, you go back to work or school - exposing everyone to the germs you thought you were over... but NO! It comes back and now you have exposed a whole new group to the bug! Some people have had this take a week, and they look horrible when they come back to work, all shaky and weak. Like your son, they came back after 2 days of being at home, saying they were feeling better and the fever went away, only to have it return. Some h
  16. My husband told me about it last night, I thought he said it was on AJC.com. So the model was bit, but it did not pop her boob or kill the snake. Is that what I am now understanding? Hubby said the model had the largest implants they make. He said when the snake bit her it popped the implant into the snake’s mouth and killed it. I said I bet all the silicone in her body will make her extremly sick. It is good for the model the story was twisted for reader amusement.
  17. Nah, I think if we want the choice to purchase on a Sunday something that is legal all the other days of the week, we are not afraid to have people know we support the chance to vote on it. I hope someone runs against Heath... better yet term limits need to be put in place so someone will run! It's tough to unseat incumbents when the money train to back them is bought and paid for in votes!
  18. Better to be here than the staff at the hospital emergency room ... then you would be howling!
  19. When a person has some sort of celebrity or infamy they might become news worthy. I think knowing something personal about a person - a connection of some sort, hearing their story, and feeling like you know them. When you have no connection or memories to that person it's not sad. I have been to funerals/memorials to support a friend who has lost a family member. I did not know the deceased, and originally had no emotion other than to feel compassionate for my friend that lost that family member I was not sad when they died, but at the service there are often stories, pictures,
  20. My son goes to KSU ... we have had MANY conversations about what his liberal professors are teaching... I remind him, you need to answer the test questions the way the teacher wants, he controls your grade. You do not however have to believe any of it. It is sad though that we pay his tuition to have absolute garbage spewed on that campus in some classes. Other classes have great teachers. He has an Economics teacher he is enjoying, and learning a lot from the class. He is thinking about all sorts of business models... in the past he was not so articulate about how he could take
  21. The lawsuit says that Sheen is "also pursuing claims for the benefit of the entire cast and crew to get paid for the balance of the season's 24 episodes." I hope the Judge decides Charlie Sheen must pay the cast and crew the balance of the season's 24 episodes. What a tool this guy is.
  22. That will happen everywhere as the economy improves. Great workers will be wooed away with offers of better pay by businesses that can now afford to hire them for more money. They will do that because they feel the new employee will bring a value to their company. As more people make more money, there will be an increase in tax revenue. This will then be a time when civil servants will also receive better pay - so the government can retain the ones they want to keep. But to me it is clear ... in the private sector - as wages decrease and the responsibility to pay for an even larg
  23. I think the point that you two have in common is that "the people" have been paying more, financing their own retirement above what is already taken from their pay, have bumped their insurance up to a higher deductable - self insuring basically for the first $3500, have taken dramatic pay cuts..... THEN ON TOP OF THAT We are being told we should feel guilty that now State workers and teachers are going to have to also cut back and live on half like the people who pay the government - who then pays them. The world is in a recession... it is tough everywhere. Expenses must be cut
  24. I absolutely agree. You and I, and most others, need to put money into our own Ira's, Roth’s, 401Ks and whatever else we can to soften the reality that pensions and State retirement will probably not be solvent, or will be phased out by the time we are eligible. I have a pension with United Airlines that I never counted on. Based on what was happening in the 80’s I knew it would not be there for me once I became eligible in 2030. (Nor did I think I would work for them my whole career.) My pension with United Airlines was turned over to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation a.k.
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