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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. that is what i use...love canned biscuits for this
  2. lol.. no sicking from me...I don't know if he is up to date on his shots plus nobody ever picks on ya... it's good for the soul every now and then...hahaha jk
  3. we had a late lunch/early dinner I fried some rice and topped it with Talipia Baked with Parmesan croutons in a lil bit of olive oil then a spring salad with feta and croutons
  4. if there is no school then I say go ahead and stay up... but during school 11
  5. so far my favorite scanner call today is a 13 year old calling cause her parents spanked her
  6. any rare diseases today!!! The CDC is closed due to the storm so you will have to suffer if you do
  7. brrrrribbit..I think my plant isn't gonna make it Bigfoot was walking outside..ha and The birds have no food now =(
  8. no work for me.. it is closed Hubby was put up in a hotel and packed to stay 4 or 5 days.. I miss him
  9. Sadie612


    TODAY'S WEATHER: Crappy, becoming crappier later, with continued crappiness until tomorrow when the weather is expected to turn extremely crappy. can you guess how I feel about this stinkin weather
  10. this was Kroger @ ridge this morning about 12:30 am
  11. thanks for curing me..I don't want any anymore
  12. I don't think the internet will last... just not enough on the sucker
  13. I have not had salt and vinger chips in YEARS!!!! I want some now... BUt I will wait till Snowpocolypse 2011 is over before returning to any store
  14. there were NONE at kroger last night at midnight when I went so hubby got up and went to publix as soon as the opened this morning to get me some
  15. I fixed mine watching a youtube video ..ha True story
  16. every since I got hurt my back and hip kills me when it is cold and even damp... sadly I have learned to live with it..cause I gotta keep on truckin
  17. the storm has not happened yet and it is already NOT my friend 1st it sent me on a wild goose chase for bananas 2nd people are acting dumb...like this is the end of food or something 3rd I love the perks of my hubby's job but times like this I do not... He got called in to stay at a hotel near the station so he can run it if anything happens...grrr I want him here with me =( 4th people are already calling out of work and I have been called in to work tomorrow if we even open now I finally got my bananas and netella...so I am kinda happy at the moment..ha
  18. I just called my mom and told her this... she laughed!!! Daddy heard her laughing and asked what was so funn so she told him and now he is getting a ladder and taking cooking spray with him
  19. Sadie612


    yeah, whats the reason... I thought it was medical and his choice
  20. where ya going...can I come
  21. polishing his on pipes copper thief...maybe that is what we should call him
  22. Sadie612


    he is very outspoken about it... I love me some montel and dearly miss his show the tsa will still give you crap even if it is medical use with a doctors note
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