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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. People who leave shopping carts in the parking lot instead of returning them to the cart corral thingy. Also that thing stradial said. In spades.
  2. mei lan


    Hey, Nina! :waving:
  3. OK, stupid question from someone who doesn't even have kids, but what does the bandanna throwing stuff mean? I mean, I know they have colors, but is that a msg of some sort or a challenge to a duel sort of thing?
  4. When somebody says the word pus. :shudder:
  5. Fantastic choices, DR. And megadittos on that nasty popcorn stuff. Post a few pics when you're done, ok? I LOVELOVELOVE subway tile! PSD/Apollo, lovely!
  6. Did you get any help? I know ow a couple of guys who are looking for some pickup work.
  7. Twins!!! Every time I think about someone swimming in a lake I think BRAIN EATING AMOEBA THAT GOES IN THROUGH THE NOSE!!! :shudder:
  8. Starting at the end - Tricky Dick Nixon; OJ; that airport commish dude with the mustache (at least in the video I saw); generic; generic; D. Austin?; generic; generic. How'd I do?
  9. Oh, der.- I forgot about the saline thing and above ground pools. Yes I am a dork.
  10. Pretty sure the BBB can be used for the saline system. Saline refers to the way the system produces chlorine. The saline system uses salt to convert to chlorine; the traditional systems use chlorine tablets. The BBB part is balancing the water.
  11. I haven't forgotten about you...just been busy. I'll try to find time to write you this afternoon. We have in ground vinyl liner with saline system. I LOVE IT!!!
  12. We have Ackerman but a neighbor got EMS Security and is happy with them.
  13. Clearly this place is a veritable font of information!
  14. Oh, Lord...I'm feeling sick. Please do let us know how it turns out. Sure hoping all is legit...
  15. Bless her big ol' heart! And y'all's, too.
  16. Oh, dear Lord - that is a precious picture!!! MAN, I love the color of his hair...hers will be beautiful!
  17. I've always felt sorry for Chelsea...when she was younger, anyway. Spent her whole life in a smallish town (Little Rock), moved to DC at a vulnerable age, lost 2 or 3 gparents within a couple of years, people hated her parents and often made rude/crude comments about her and about her parentage. I hope she creates a good life for herself. .
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