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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Agreed. But I like Big Valley much better (even with dippy Linda Evans). Barbara Stanwyck is my favorite of the old-time actresses.
  2. I fart in your general direction.
  3. Yes, that makes total sense and I am always gratified when men recognize that. I've mentioned this before, but every woman should read Gavin deBecker's book "The Gift of Fear". Of course, violence doesn't have to be physical only...mental and emotional abuse are big deals as well.
  4. Mark Cuban is a nut but he's right that patent law needs to be reformed.
  5. I hope he's doing well also. Wecare, icare. I could not agree more. That is why this case has bothered me so...little old people living their lives and boom. 88 and 87 are not good ages for stress. I just wish they'd find her, and I wish justice would be done.
  6. Yeah, I hate the Progressive commercials (except where the guys' pants catch on fire). Gecko and two guys with guitar and mandolin are annoying, but I like Maxwell the pig. I liked Arnold the pig also. Whee-whee-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  7. I thought you were gonna say it's all sh*ts and giggles till somebody giggles and sh*ts. But you didn't.
  8. Happy birthday to my favorite weirdo!!!
  9. I was reading an article yesterday about anxiety disorders and the author said women are prone to same more than men because men compartmentalize and worry about one thing at a time. Women with anxiety issues worry about everything all the time. I can so identify. Anyhoo, that's not PTSD, but it gives insight into the differences in emotional makeup between the sexes.
  10. I love Mel Brooks and The Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers and Money Python and Far Side.
  11. Ah, dammit!!! Now they'll have to build another entrance. Again.
  12. I be the ultra rare reptilian panda.
  13. All the more reason to show the good side of gun ownership.
  14. And more details. Russell Dermond decapitated in his home 'was not killed by the mafia' say police | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2628275/Elderly-mans-decapitation-NOT-mob-hit-wasnt-witness-protection-police-admit-no-idea-87-year-old-wife-is.html
  15. The latest story I've seen. Radio news said a search of areas near their house with 70 deputies from other areas and 10 FBI agents turned up nothing, as did a search with a spiffy underwater robot in the lake. Previous search with cadaver dogs also fruitless. They just need to find out who got the box with the guy's head in it and that will lead them to the answer. Son hopes mother is dead after she vanished and husband Russell Dermond was decapitated | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2628521/Despairing-son-hopes-mother-dead-ease-suffering-week-vanished-husban
  16. Wow. Rudeness is just so...stupid, uncalled for, stupid...I can't think of enough bad words to say about it. Also, this reptile can never live with you peeps what keep temps in the 60s. I don't take my electric blanket off the bed till Memorial Day and it goes back on Labor Day.
  17. Dude. That just may be the saddest you have ever written. Mel Brooks is like Frank Sinatra to C&C's Jerry Lewis.
  18. How embarrassing to have to call the GSP for a car accident. :smh:
  19. The regular apocaliss (hat tip to Uncle Si), or the zombie apocaliss?
  20. These days it could be a dr9ne. No they fly after dark? Was there any sound?
  21. I like the guy recently who handed the cop his beer when he asked to see his license. Here's yer sign.
  22. I said all vets have PTSD, but that's just me musing on the subject. Yes, the interviewer was out of bounds in asking. I would also say people with PTSD are not likely to be violent in general. They are too stressed inwardly. I have a friend who did four tours in Iraq/Afghanistan and eight years out, he still cannot work due to it. He's an intelligent, healthy guy otherwise. He now has a therapy dog which wakes him up from nightmares and helps in other ways. Anybody who says PTSD isn't real needs to get down on their knees and thank the Lord that they have never experienced it. I
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